Legendary DLC Underbog

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gram, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. Gram

    Gram Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map Summary:
    Forged deep within the Avalanche cave’s I bring to you, Underbog. After spending an elapsed time of nearly nine months of forging; six months of by the means of the traditional forging techniques such as merging and geo merging, and two months with the latest technique Ghost Merging, this map is atlast completed. After hitting many forging blocks, and through endless hours of difficulties being put under circumstances that could have easily jeopardized the map’s completion, I managed to pull through, and ultimately, reach succession.

    The map’s gameplay was originally designed under the concept of having four main points of control, or interest, each of which balancing one another out, and a middle that was some what room based being diverged from the rest of the map. So what I have created is a map consisting of two Br tower’s, an arch, and a single Sniper tower. Because of the map’s solid foundation and superbly designed layout and pathways, it managed to break away from the traditional monotonous gameplay displayed from most maps constructed with in the Avalanche cave’s. And instead of assembling each of the map’s major structures in a circumduct formation, I made one of the structures (The Arch) extend over the top middle giving the map a similar feel to Beaver Creek.

    The pathways are assessed in such a formation that offers smooth transitions and movement through out giving the map a natural and comforting feel. There are also two, very well placed jump ups that make the map feel more mobile and fast paced.

    Certain lines of sight that were crucial to be blocked off were done so with beautiful structures and large arch ways. Some parts of the map that used small, single object like coverings were used so in locations that were appropriate to have small, single object coverings, and the placement of these coverings weren’t too excessive like the majority of maps we see.

    This map offers aesthetics that push forging to its limits, and features that are truly unlike anything you have ever seen before. With the diversity of beautiful structures and lightings, it gives the map a diverse, and one of a kind feel. Nearly every location is accommodated with beautiful decorations, such as Br 1 with beautifully lighten glass surfaces molded into the walls, and the Sniper Tower, which has shield doors placed in between the tower and Court Yard.

    Underbog has a superb layout, and features that are truly captivating, but above all, if there was one quality that sets this map apart from the rest is that it’s just plain fun. I realised to capture such an attribute it would take more than just appealing aesthetics and superb gameplay, but a creator that takes pride and great detail in his work.

    The process in which the idea for the map was first initiated was far before the actual map was constructed. In terms of this map first reaching revelation it probably dated back to about two years ago when the maps first predecessor was in the process of being created. Entitled Nightmare, this was the first map I have ever created in the Avalanche cave’s and the completion of this map would lead to my un-satisfaction, which would subsequently mark the beginning by the process of which the creation of Underbog would unfold. The creation of the map Nightmare was first inspired by me when I seen Matty’s (Forge Hub fanatic and a prestigious forger) map that was entitled Alyied. The inspiration of this map has carried on from the process of completing Nightmare, all the way to today. Alyied was the map that first inspired me to build a map of my own in the Avalanche cave’s and is probably, still to this day, the map that has inspired me to finish Underbog. But enough with the talk it's time to check out the pictures!


    Notable Aesthetics and Features:

    Br 1: At the end of this structures lays two glass surfaces, with man cannons glowing from underneath, and all of which is molded into the walls.
    Top Man Cannon: A beautifully placed column illuminating in a sea green color.
    Bottom Man Cannon: A large tower with one vertical end having two illuminating double boxes giving off an aqua blue color, and the other end having ramps assembled vertically towards the ceiling, all of which is toped off with shield blockers being placed in the middle.
    OV Room: There are barricades assembled vertically forming a wall with a man cannon on the other side illuminating a blue glow through the barricades glass.
    Court Yard: In between the separation of Sniper Tower and the Court Yard, there are shield doors in between the two structures forming a wall.
    Blue Platform: In the shadowy corner of the map, there is a surface made from a man cannon being flipped upside down.
    Jump Up 1: The Jump up that is lead from Blue Platform up to Arch, which is made up of barricades having a receiver node placed underneath it giving off a green and orange flare through the barricades glass.
    Jump Up 2: The jump up that is lead from Walkway to Br 2, which is made up of barricades with a man cannon placed inside giving off a blue glow through the barricades glass, and all of which are molded into the rocks.
    Green Column: At the top section of the map where the Plasma Grenades spawn, there is a reciever node merged inside of the column projecting a green and orange flare through the Plasma Grenades spawning position.

    Sniper Rifle x1: 180 second drop spawn with 1 spare clip
    Rocket Launcher x1: 120 second drop spawn with 0 spare clips
    Camo x1: 180 second re-spawn with place at start set to no
    Gravity Hammer x1: 150 second re-spawn
    Needler x1: 120 second re-spawn with 1 spare clip
    Plasma Pistol x1: 120 second re-spawn
    Covenant Carbine x1: 90 second re-spawn with 2 spare clips
    Battle Rifle x6: 10 second re-spawn with 2 spare clips with a run time minimum of 3
    Plasma Grenade x4: 30 second respawn
    Frag Grenade x4: 10 second respawn

    #1 Gram, Nov 28, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  2. Lamplighter331

    Lamplighter331 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is truly the greatest Avalanche map ever made. I saw this map before on XForgery and I was just amazed. I would download it right now, but I'm in Oklahoma for a funeral. Anyway, this map deserves to be featured. If it isn't, then there is something very wrong with chrsthprrbrrn. (Well there already is, but still :p)
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I gotta admit, this is pretty sweet. Ghost merging has ushered in a new era of forging, and the possibilities are endless.

    I've never seen a map done in the cave of avalanche, at least not to this extent. It creates such a unique feel too, at first I thought I was looking at a map floating above blackout.

    I can't say anything about the smoothness of the map until I download it, but it looks smooth to me. Excellent job.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    This is such a great map. The aesthetics, especially the green column look amazing, and you got the natural darkness of the caves. I might even go back to halo to play some games on this. The caves of avalanche are so hard to build a good map in, it makes this even more incredible.
  5. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Wow, I mean really wow. This looks insanely unique and awesome. The name is so fitting to the map surrounded by the darkness and ominous feeling displayed by the cave. I obviously will DL to see where everything is in relation to each other because I bet it was near impossible to give an overview shot. Anyway, I basically love everything aesthetically about this map and wonder how this ever slipped my eyes. Was there testing for this map, but I know the idea was designed a while ago.
  6. kilikx1x

    kilikx1x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks amazing (dl for sure) i cant wait to play it, and this is only the second map that iv ever seen foreged anywere near the center of avilanch good job... btw srry 4 the horrible spelling im tired and dont feel like doing a spell check :p
  7. Gram

    Gram Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks bro, I appreciate it.

    I spent about 6 months probably forging with the traditional method of merging but right when Ghost Merging came out I got things wrapped up real quick. The fact that this map was done in the cave’s of Avalanche really gives it a homey and natural feel. I can also assure you that the map is exceptionally smooth. Thanks for the feedback man.

    Thanks to the built in man cannons I was fortunate to get the columns on each end illuminate in the way that they do. I love how on one side there is a comforting aqua blue color, and on the other there is a nice sea green color. I must say though that I am very satisfied with how this map came out and to be honest, I don’t think I could make a map nearly as good as this if I were to try again.

    Yes, I know, I just love how the name of the map happened to fit so nicely. Also, I didn’t really show anyone this map until about two months ago, and there was never an official design released for the map. I know I invited a lot of people from custom lists to test it; perhaps you just happened to be there.

    Thanks to everyone for all the feedback and support.

    I didn’t realize that my screen shots don’t capture the entire map very well. When I get on a little later I’ll try to take an overview pic of the map. Thanks for the comment.
    #7 Gram, Nov 28, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  8. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    ive given it a dl coz it looks pretty amazing but i cant really give any comments on the design and gameplay yet coz ur screenies dont really give a clear view (which is understandable). I think i'll give it a go tommorrow and tell u what i think
  9. Farbeef

    Farbeef Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow this room seems small but if feels like you expanded it :). I really like the aesthetic touches you put in. My favorie parts are the "aqua" blocks and how you used the barricades.
    really nice job 4.8/5, keep forging!
  10. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    On all counts, your hard work has definitely paid off: Underbog has one of the best aesthetics I've ever seen, as well as one of the most interesting layouts, all set in the cave of Avalanche. That last one alone is enough to give this map a medal.

    Absolutely spectacular; No noteworthy complaints; DL.

  11. Gram

    Gram Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I have quite a pile of Avalanche maps my self – perhaps a few recommendations if you already don’t yet have: Blue Abyss, Cold Blood, and Alpine.

    I think the map feels so much bigger than what it really is, is because all of the main sectors (Br 1, Br 2, Sniper Tower, Arch) are built so large. When I was actually in the beginning stages of forging this map I thought that because the area to forge in was so small that it would be a great idea to build large structures to make the map feel bigger.

    Thanks a lot man, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it, and thanks to everyone else for all the support.
    #11 Gram, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  12. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i cant believe how well you did the weapon spawns on this map. both the needler and the Gravham are rediculously cool to look at- especially the gravham spawn (i think i stared at it for 5 minutes before i realized how you did it). aside from spawns, the flow of this map is really well done as well, and the asthetics are godly. definitely feature worthy in my opinion.
  13. kill4overkill

    kill4overkill Ancient
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    I saw this on xforegery two or three weeks ago, and I may not have posted, but I was still amazed. The thing that never ceases to blow me away is the oddly colored collumns. This is by far the best cave map I have ever seen. Can't wait to dl it :)
  14. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    holy **** the boxes are,,,are,,,LIGHT BLUE,,, what the hell? how.......
    it looks so amazing :O
    hopefully this map plays as amazing as it looks...hmm but im sure if youve been making this for 9months its gonna be rock hard...

    im gonna give you props man, you are a forge wizard.
    i know this post has no real meaning but hey who cares. i am just awe struck but the aesthetics of this map....

    oh p.s. when i saw "homey" i thought it said horney so i was like what the **** why would someone get horney off a halo 3 map.
    haha 5/5 for making me lol
    #14 FryTheSly, Nov 29, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2009
  15. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So, this is your dedication and hard works pay... Impressive.
    Your layout is somewhat ambidextrous and maximizes the space given, thats why its 5/5. Aesthetics and forging for this is top of the line and smooth. The theme is very much a good display of imagination. Great job and keep up the good work. Avalanche FTW!
  16. Gram

    Gram Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What, a v2? There’s nothing more to add! But dude I definitely plan on making another map though and this time I was thinking Foundry. I’m just awaiting for an idea to pop up and then I’ll get to it but for now I’m just taking a little brake. Once again though thanks, I’m glad this map came out as well as it did.
  17. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    I don't think I have ever played on a map inside of the caves of Avalanche, except a puzzle map. This looks very well made, takes full use of Ghost Merging and is a fresh new idea to Avalanche. Im glad that competetive maps provide great things like this.
  18. slowpoke152

    slowpoke152 Forerunner

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    I must say, the pictures look great! Am downloading, reckon the lighting looks perfect, only good use of energy blockermajigayellowthingies i've ever seen, and even the grav hammer spawn looks great. Plus, great lighting. Whatever the hell that thing is in picture 4, it looks awesome, and the lighting is great. And it's cool how you got those greenish-blue (turquoise?) boxes, and the lighting looks great! Hey, did I mention the lighting? It looks great!
  19. Gram

    Gram Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah lol I know, thank you. It's amazing because I remember when I first started building this thing it was pretty 'blah', but in the end, it turned out pretty crazy. There were tons of gaps everywhere and really, the only things I had left to work with were 'light', or I guess you could say 'bright', objects. I had tons of man cannons and tons of those yellow shields, so I just used those.

    And just to brag about the style of the map, I mean, we got the bannana yellow lighting, the violet-blue lighting, the aqua and turquious lighting, and even more types of lighting. I mean 'omfg' lol, just download my map already.
  20. slowpoke152

    slowpoke152 Forerunner

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    Finally downloaded, played with my brother, realized the rocket launcher kinda unbalances it in 1v1, so I might just remove it in forge. Some of the corners are a light dark, but that's good for when you want to hide like a ninja.* Gravity hammer doesn't unbalance though, because I only ever get killed by rockets and grenades in 1v1 really. And YAY! I got quoted!
    *I'm joking, ninjas don't hide, they just turn invisible.

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