Babylon - CONTEST MAP - Marathon (1600 ms points) -ENDED ::Scopathon:: Top Times (anonymous until contest ends) 1. 00:55 2. open- 3. open- 4. open- 5. open- This is a contest map, like How Mr Sark does his Sarkathon. The objective is to get to the top of the map, into the territory, while obtaining all 8 of the grenades hidden on the map. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, you need to pick up 2 frag grenades, 2 sticky grenades, 2 spike grenades, 2 fire grenades and enter the territory with the 8 in your grenade spots. Lowest time wins. Repetition - bleh -Map Variant- Babylon -Game Variant- King of the Sky [Video of the competition] YouTube- Halo 3 Marathon - 1600 MS points - 'Scopathon' -------------------------------------- Prizes: 1st place - 1600 MS Points 2nd place - 1 month XBL 3rd place - play with a pro --------------------------------------- So obtain all grenades, enter territory zone and submit your times to either Scopulus (Gamer Tag), or my Youtube account. Good luck and please note that all cheaters and map/variant manipulators will be disqualified. Good luck and become the King.
Interesting. This one seems alot more linear than Sarkathon 4. I might give it a go. I believe we should have a sub form for this kinda stuff. Like just called Reward maps/ challenges. Anyway good idea i'll dl and give it a go.
This looks really cool im going to give it a try. thank you for something original. Do we just send you the video or what?
Yes. Upload it to your file share and get the link from B.Net, then send it to those three contacts or in a PM here.
Ahh, I hated the last sarkathalon. Hell I couldn't even find all the grenades I might as well try this.. would you say it's as hard as sarkathalon?
Looks interesting, I'll certainly give it a go. I could use 1600 MS points. We don't need to render the video do we?
When does this contest end? Are there any requirements for a due date? I would like to try this contest out, so i was just wondering.
This map looks amazing. I would do the challenge but my 360 red ringed. After my 360 gets back ill download and give it a try though. I like how the map isnt super difficult so its impossible to finish but still has that toughness in it by the looks of it. id have to give this a 8.5/10 becasue im not a HUGE fan of jumping maps but this looks more fun to play.
Well it does end tomorrow, but i may extend it one or two days - seeing as no one has entered anything except one person.