He speaks the Truth! On a srs faic note... Zombeh are you doing AAE stuff? like making the logo appear and be cool and stuuf? Srcs... Btw i do like the Hectic Media with the circle but Src are better. My sexy Interwebz speaks prove it. EDIT: If for some unlikely reason you have'nt picked up on it by now...we're kidding. Urs are better. Srs Faic :|
SRC are a pretty cool guy who goes across the interwebz with his graphics design tools and he doesn't afraid of anything...especially melt.
This logo is getting epicer by the minute. Ive tried for the past two days to find some decent overviews/fly through of maps just so i can show you an example. Bu there is nothing that smooth and editable without a match move program. (Which i dont have) So, until i find something decent to use or you could please send me ANYTHING i cant do much.
Ill send you stuff when i get stuff. I have none. Is the overview/flythroughs of maps what you need to edit the hectic media thing that src made?
Not as good as the other submissions, But I sorta just want feedback and you dont get **** when you make a CnC thread. Im starting to get back into shooping.
Yeah, i was going to combine what SRC did and some 3d environment stuff just to show you for an example, but everything i find is extremely hard to edit.
Not bad. A little simplistic and it doesn't have the "logo" part that i was looking for. I like the lighting idea though.