Yeah, that was crazy. You can probably get Rejecting You or E93 to fill in until then. I bet between the 5 of you, you can field a team. You might be able to get 3v3, which is much better than 4v4 IMO.
Yea, agreed that playing 3v3 is better than 4v4. I can't really see a reason why, but I just like playing with a team of 3, maybe because it is easier to communicate to your teammates with less people, therefore the games coordinated. I think it is easier to win games this way. I think I might just wait until the weekend to play, but I will be online on Friday.
I think that the less people makes the games much more tactical. I love 2v2 and 3v3 because there is minimal grenade spamming and what not. I put in a few games as a break from my studies, and I leveled up to 42 pretty quickly in Doubles today. I am going to game strong tomorrow and Saturday, so we can get closer to that 50.
Sounds good, I'm getting my 45 for sure this weekend. 50 will come shortly thereafter. If I don't see that Brigadier symbol beside my name by Monday I'm gonna be pissed.
That was a disappointing finish to an almost undefeated day. I think the communication was lacking towards the end because we were tired and had been playing for so long. I think that if we get Brute playing, we could level up more.
Yea, I agree, would should start it again tomorrow. Hopefully we can play some 3v3 games. We had a good streak today and we will start it again tomorrow. I had bad luck with my ranks but will get 45 tomorrow hopefully. If Brute comes on tomorrow we will definitely get some games going, I guess we need a higher ranked person to play with us so we rank up faster. I was playing with him earlier today but couldn't do TS because I had a guest.
The first part where we played with mohicans brother was complete BS, we won like 7 in a row and no one ranked up, and then lost that shotty snipers match by 1 and you went down. I'm so getting 45 today.
I agree on that BS. If you dont want my brother/friend playing, just tell me. The only reason that I had them play was because we only had 3, and they are good enough to hold their own. I can play from noon on, and we can do the normal team if you want.
It might be better to keep your brother out because unless he has a higher ranked account it doesn't allow us to level up. He's good enough, but the low rank is a huge problem. Your friend is fine, except sometimes he needs to calm down and not charge in. I'll be on at some point this afternoon, and alot this evening. I'll just try and get off to better starts in games rather than starting every game negative 5 and then going on a rampage just to get back to plus 2.
Yeah, that was the main reason he left. He is definitely just as good as me if not better, but he hasn't been playing as much and is rusty. Me and him have plenty of monthly accounts throughout the 40's, and the one he was paying on was a monthly. My friend is pretty solid, but he is so damn inconsistent. He will go even or positive for about 4 games and then lay an egg with about a negative 10 KD. I am about to jump online if any of you want in.
I got some stuff to do right now, but I will be on late in the afternoon and will be playing tonight. Maybe we can get some 3v3 going.
LMAO. 4/20 is today though isn't it...? Anyways no problem dude, I'm just pissed that I ranked back down to 43 because Mohican and I played without a full team and got two noobs who didn't communicate.
Yeah, that was bad. I am really mad who I can't level up in TS no matter how good of opponents we play or how many games in a row we win. With this garbage ranking system, I think doubles is my only shot at 50 because I have actually leveled up in that.
Well yeah technically today (1ish in the morning I still refer to as last night) We'll get up eventually, especially if we get all four of us which hasn't happened yet.
Yea, I think that as soon as I get 45 in TS I'm going straight to Lone Wolves and see how I do in there. If I don't rank up I'll go back to TS.
I'd love to get into an assembled team. Im only 33 in TS i think but ive played with a 40 something and did fairly well in the match. Frankly i only occasionaly get into a team that uses call-outs but i like to think i can communicate well in a match,i usually tell where and what weapons they have...---only to end up being laughed at by stupid ukrainians that are bragging about beating a viking and a bad rendition of riverdance in the eurovision and then proceed to try and convince me ireland is in the UK.....--- I feel i am quite good justdont stick me with any power weapons as i'm a little inconsistent,i like to stick with a Br since even if i -censored- up i havent messed the team royally. I stick with Brs and stickies most of the time(except on construct where i love my pod rockets :3. Ive pretty much given up on matchmade teams as you get nowhere and its a slow crawl to any decent rank. But as ive said i can be inconsistent-sometimes im god incarnate as a sparten...sometimes im that retarded kid trying to Br a wall.... If im too low thats ok but i'd love to get in on a proper team if only to get a break from being one shotted repeatedly by the "l337" power weapon users. I'll have to ask you dont use my most recent games to judge me,ive been getting really bad teams for the most part including being left on my own in doubles or stuck with "that guy" who has his mic on only to play his s**t "gangsta" music over the airwaves...i want to make illigitamite children with his significant other without his consent.....