Lets see here Enigma: Really old, took me about 2 months to do (you'll see why) Very well geomerged before ghost merging was invented AlphaSite: Latest project (not out yet so I can't exactly give you a dl link but, I'll show it to you on xbl) I forged everything except the bridge (my co-forger did that)
Used Man and Redneck, if you want to send me some friend requests and maybe a timed date I can show you guys the map.
RedNeck showed me he was up to standards a couple days ago and both of us will be updating the thread more frequently now. :]
Update: Layout is done and forging is complete, pictures are up. We need testers, so message me or Redneck if you can be generous enough to play a couple games with us. :]
So how is the progress on this? I REALLY want to download and play on it. ... It seems like it's been in progress forever.
Octo-Ocho will be out within the next day or so. No official date because mine and his schedules can be rather wild. Sorry for taking so ****ing long. YouTube- Dive Into Octo Ocho