Not hit on the mark what i was looking for. I just don't like the purple part. also, i need someone to edit that as well. zombie maybe you're up for that. Just a nice transition into the title.
Well i get of work in roughly 6 hours, so once i get home ill get working on it. Ill see if i can get a hectic logo, see what i can do for acceleration(animate it too if you want?) and an intro. I don't have a working capture card, so if theres any footage you want in the intro, could you send it to me or just upload it to youtube and i can download it from youtube. Edit: For an intro that ive always wanted to do was make the text/logo look like it is part of the map. Like fights are going on around the text and it looks part of the environment. What you think? Btw add my
Thats exactly what i was thinking. I have fragtality capping right now but when i get back from vaccation and he gets back ill send you some footage. For the intro to the tage i was thinking about having a flyover of the pit with the HeCtic Media, H3F logo, Eve films and stuff as part of the environment. With some sort of a blueish color corrector. Let me know what you think. Do you have an aim zombie?? that would be better for me to contact you. Or just through this thread. And yea i would like something animation wise for acceleration. I don't know what time it is where you are zombie but its like 8 here so in six hours i won't be on. Ill just check out whatever you get done at some point tommorow. Thanks alot from everyone thats been helping. Miraj you'll most likely get some credit in the tage at the end. You to zombie. We'll just see what happens. If anyone else has anything they want me to see just post it. I haven't made any final decisions yet.
Have you seen the credits to the Str8 rippin montage? They combine/edit all the maps sort of into one sequence, but is very two dimensional. I was thinking multiple map overviews and like you said the text and logos as part of the environment with a color corrector and a few particle effects.
I have a small but useful idea. At the start of the montage it would show the accelaration logo then it would become smaller and move into the corner sort of like a tv channel has it. Then at the end or right at the beggining it could say: this has been a (and then show you logo.)
I attempted the acceleration logo just out of boredom, this took me 10 minutes more or less. Meh, On the internet it has a few jaggies, but I could always fix it.
no no i get what your a water mark. That could work. and I LOVE[sub]LOVE[/sub][sup]LOVE[/sup] that one with the arrows bro. Damn. Looks sick. I might just use it.' EDIT: this one Maybe change the color of the text a little. Just a thought though. Zombeh see what you can do with this...unles you come up with one of your own.
When i get home today, ill see if i can just find some bungie rendered videos to use as an example just to show you what i think, until i get some footage that you want of course.
Yea sounds great. Ill send you some stuff when i get it. Ill have Fragtality send me stuff on saturday night when he gets back...Do you think you can have stuff posted on this thread later tonight your time? so i can see it tommorow morning?
Yeah ill do it first thing when i get home. Ill just upload it to youtube, itll be low quality so it can actually render and upload by tonight tho.
meh maybe a little less blue...or something blackish...i dunno...what ever you think looks good. and maybe a couple less arrows? you wanna try a HeCtic Media logo also? I like what ideas you have.