Something simple that represents "HeCtic". Whatever you can come up with. Preferably have the text "HeCtic Media" somewhere in it. But thats not neccesary if you don't feel it works. My bad bro. didn't even see it. I like the swoosh thing but the text (although creative) i think is too close. Not bad though. The middle one i mean. That logo thing is what im looking for though. Something simple.
I have an idea on how to make an intro for this using the logo in After Effects, if you are curious let me know, and I'll tell you.
Miraj could you try tilting that earth/arrow thing a little and maybe putting the text above and below. Lke hectic above and media below. Just to see how it looks. I like what youve got so far.
That might defeat the idea I have on how you might make an intro video with the logo. I was thinking you would spin the Earth/Arrows really fast, then make it suddenly stop. Make the arrows go towards the direction they are pointing and make the earth zoom out behind the camera and suddenly have Hectic Media Pop up right afterwards. Can you understand this? lol. I'll look for an example.
well how about the same thing but have is stop suddenly on and angle and then the HeCtic Media Part have some flare and reveal effect on the top/bottom. Do you edit? could you make an example of what you were thinking?
EDIT: I do some video editing, but I have too many things on my hand right now that I must finish first.
OK...thats pretty much what im looking for but with the text smaller. Sorry to keep bothering you... :embarassed:
I meant signifigantly smaller. When this is done you have permission to punch me...Pickiness is picky
Funnily enough i am actually doing logos right now for work experience. Ill give it a go for you when i get home in a few hours. Also if you would like i am quite good at after effects if you wish me to animate a logo or create an intro?
Yea bro that would be awesome. If you do the editing part ill surely pay you something. Talk to me via PM or post on the thread when your done.
I like that one best Did you mean something like this Miraj Spoiler forgot to do the zoom out thing, whoops
Ill give a go at the logo but im not amazing at logos. So its fine to go with someone else and ill still do an intro for you. Seriously i dont want anything in return but a thankyou and notification in the credits. Its always good to help out a fellow Forgehub member i dont want to get paid for it. Anything in particular you want with the intro any ideas you got?
Just the stuff we had been talking about earlier in this thread with the globe looking thing. orange has a relativly simple rendition of what miraj was thinking editing wise. and don't worry you'll get credit in the credits. that goes for whoever helps with it. EDIT: I ALSO NEED A LOGO FOR THE MONTAGE ITSELF WHICH IS CALLED ACCELERATION. IF ANYONE HERE WANTS TO GIVE THAT A GO THEN PLEASE JUST POST IT HERE ASWELL. NOT SO MUCH A LOGO LOGO LIKE "HeCtic Media" BUT A COOL LOOKING ACCELERATION TEXT/GRAPHIC. PLEASE POST ANY IDEAS YOU HAVE. THANKS ALOT!!
Sorta... except the logo would zoom out after the arrows extract... then Hectic Media would Appear, but this works too.
Miraj are you interested in the Acceleration logo to? I need someone to do that. Doesn't have to as logo orriented as HeCtic Media but Just a cool looking Accelertion text/logo type thing for the begining of the tage.