Sorry for the text being fairly unclear on this image. While browsing around the internet for images of halo 2/3 maps for inspiration of a map of my own to make, I found this. This to me seems like an early piece of concept art for High Ground, and my idea is to basically make this concept as close as I can as it is fairly different to High Ground as we know it. Obviously large parts of this concept are not clear due to those parts not being in sight, so this also gives me chance to me imaginative and add my own touch. I would appreciate any feedback on this idea in general, thoughts on how I could do it, and specific idea's (for like what to do in the buildings etc.). I also would love to hear any Name idea's; I am yet to come up with any idea's but Here is a list of my thought process on making this map so far. - As you can see the bridge seemingly disappears into the caves to the left. I am thinking of having a room in these caves and a passage way that leads down to the bunker. There may or may not be other links between the bunker and bridge. - Just before the bridge leads into the cave is a "turret" area. I am planning on raising this and making it the main sniper point. The bridge will run below it. - The main building to the right will be a open multi-level structure with several entrances. - I will try to maintain the map's sloped geometry but this may be impossible due to object limits. - Previously High Ground's way of preventing Spartans escaping was water, (or in this concept, the Mortar Gun). I am yet to decide how I will corner off this exit from the map without losing the feel of the map. It is possible to recreate a human controlled Mortar Gun effect (pushing fusion coils onto man cannons) but this is not a viable way of preventing the map being exited. - I am planning on using Sandbox's main level. I originally thought of using the crypt due to the already made walls and floors, but my walls and floors will not be flat/vertical anyway so this will not be helpful. I decided the main level will be the most aesthetically attractive. Also now I come to think of it, I could use Sandbox's Guardians as a way of preventing exit from the bottom of the map, but this would mean building up onto the dunes. That is all I have thought about so far; sorry for the essay, you don't have to bother reading it all . You may have noticed I am new to these forums so heres a bit about myself. I'm 15 going on 16 and consider myself to be somewhere in between an amateur and an intermediate forger. I will not be posting any of my previous maps due to the fact my older maps do not reflect my current abilities, and my recent maps (since I bought ODST) have encountered problems either in reaching object limits or not being exactly the most fun to play (however I have learnt from these mistakes).
This was indeed the earlier version of High Ground. This was how is was going to look, but then Bungie decided to scratch it. It would be cool to see this map come to life. If you remake this then I'll be sure to Download it. Keep me updated. Oh and I see this is your first post, welcome to forgehub! This is pretty much the best site to get good feedback on your forged maps, and great tips on how to forge if you're a beginner. If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to message me. xX BtR Chaos Xx
well i've been watching these forums for a few weeks but only joined recently. Thanks for the welcome . Just something I forgot to mention, I will be making updates in this thread instead of starting new threads over and over, so dont have a moan at me for bumping anyone
Well, to keep people from could possibly ghost merge Deathballs deep into the ground so only the tops are showing, but it still kills on contact. You would have to use that glitch where you are underneath the ground and merging from there in order to keep most of it underground, but it would probably be better then trying to make the map end right in the Guardian Territory.
Thanks for the suggestion; I am not very familiar with the ghost merging technique and I am not really a fan of kill balls. I think I will probably stick with the idea of letting the guardians do the dirty work, but I'll look it up and give it a go anyway.
I actually think this might be better then High Ground, if forged well. You're probably going to need to learn Ghost Merging if you want to have it forged into the hillside. I'm interested in this though. Keep me posted.
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. And I will definitely look into it then. Do you know any good tutorials for ghost merging, because I'm generally bad at finding helpful tutorials.. I suppose I should take a look in Forging 101 before I go anywhere else.
If your planning on merging in the dunes for your map, I really do suggest learning ghost merging, as it will make forging this map as painless as possible.
I have just watched the tutorial for it and i get the general idea and I'll try it some time tommorrow as i have got coursework to do in a minute.. Thanks for the advice and showing interest etc.
Don't mean to rain on the parade or anything, but you might want to take into account that there's a reason that Bungie changed the geometry of High Ground to what it is currently. The attackers are basically attacking a fortress with little to no other avenues of entry, and the height of the interior walls make it a defensive dream. You're going to have to take a lot of license with this to make it properly playable. Good luck, man.
I don't recommend spawning the attackers on the beach as in actual High Ground. I'm not sure if this was your intentions, but to me it seems as if they may have spawned somewhere around the bunker/cave area, and if that wasn't bungies intentions I think it would be a good idea for you to go that route. I also wouldn't recommend leaving the beach and the higher sandy styled place competely bare. In those places you will have to get creative, but don't just junk in random boxes for cover, make sure to keep in mind what bungie does on their maps for technical cover. All in all it's a pretty good idea, and don't worry about the dunes everything is cake with ghost merging.
Send me a Friend Request if your having trouble with any of the ideas your trowing into this map. I can see this being a well done map. Making it in the dunes could be really wonderful. I'll update this with the imaged section you should use on Sand box. Asset would be really difficult, and your ridged side map, gunnergrunt, is also similar to this. Mix the idea of asset once your done...if you so desire. As for the guardians I feel you can save budget by building from a certain point and going deep into the map... PM me or something I'm interested in showing you in game.
You could probably try a switch with a custom power up used to activate the cannon. I believe it's called a "min max switch". You could have fusion coils that fall into a man cannon repeatedly after the custom is picked up and if you're map plays for multiple round games (1-flag), the switch could possibly be a major factor in gameplay. Try out cart0graph's method, but instead of a sniper, change it to a fusion coil that is on 10 second respawn and it should launch fusion coils.
Well, I figure I might as well help also. I run google sketchup and I will make you a sketch, that is if you have the program. You need to have it to view the sketch if I give you a download link. Also, my template has the Dunes.
- To both of these comments, i have considered what you have said and my intentions for the bottom of the map (beach) is not leave it as a blank slope. My idea is to make this into a sort of curved ramp that sort of acts like a one sided trench for the players on the other side, which goes from the bunker on the left all the way over to the right, but with gaps/breaks in it so it is possible to still go up this way. - On the issue with the attacking spawning, the image I have used is not clear, but the bunker is actually labelled as the attackers spawn and I plan to keep it this way. - I agree with you squidhands that there does not appear to be many ways of attacking the base. However I have had several idea's on different entrances that I believe would work well and fit in with the design and open up the gameplay. I am not going to list these but i may or may not update this post with the original image edited showing possible routes - On the matter of Asset, I'm not keen on these sort of maps/games, although I admit it could work well. If I finish this map, i dont mind anyone using for the making of an Asset map. - The part of Sandbox I am planning on using is the lowest point of dunes I could use that the Guardians attack for the "Mortar" section and then building out the other way on the main flat part of sandbox and make the sloped geometry myself using ghost merging. The reasons for me not just building directly up onto the dunes is because, firstly I would have to build defenses so the guardians only kill you on the required parts which would not be good aesthetically. Also if i make underground parts like the bunker and tunnels, the dunes would just get in the way. haha we can only hope I like the idea and think it could work but i have scrapped the idea's of the mortars for now i think. Well i do have sketchup and have thought about having a crack at designing this map on sketchup first. I think I would rather make the design myself as the scale of the map and a lot of other idea's I have had, I simply haven't mentioned here because im not sure on how to explain them. I would appreciate if you could send me a download link for the template please if possible (and the sandbox objects if you have them). Thank you very much for the offer anyway, I am flattered to have people interesting in helping me develop the idea.
This looks like a pretty sweet map idea, but Im just wondering how you're going to make the surrounding terrain. If you made it just walls around the map that would look pretty dull. One idea is to change it so that one team spawns in the bunker and the other in the tower. That way the bridge/gate is the central point of the map. But anyhow, goodluck with map
Wow if you do it this will be a featured map sure . This version looks very different of the final version .