In my opinion the G&A fourm doesn't have enough of actual graphics and designs anymore, so I decided to post a small piece of mine. (My initials are CJH) What do you guys think? Edit: I will be posting a ongoing stream of what I'm making in this thread, and I really really like feedback.
I like it, nice texturing. I just want to try one thing with it, I hope you don't mind. I'll fix it and upload it in a second. EDIT: What do you think?
It looks good. It adds kind of a old fashion aviator (ish) kind of look to it, and I think I like it better. The orig. img was 1440x900 for my desktop, so I might imitate what you did on the orig. PSD. @zstrike: Photoshop.
Title? WTF this is a reply! lol, Christopher James Henn. Heres another piece that I made today: And another: Most of the things I do are done in a 1440x900 res so I can use them as my backround. If your screen happens to be 1440x900, feel free to use my pictures!
I like the first one, but there is one thing that detracts from it. I assume you didn't make the brushes, but downloaded some premade ones, right? I'm not criticizing that because I've done it myself, but I just think that takes away from a persons work if it's not all made by them.
I did download the brushes, and I realize that it can look bad to a lot of people (me being one of them). You actually just gave me an idea though. I think I will try to make some brushes own, and I'll probaly post some of the presets in this thread.
Have you got a Hi-Res version of the SanFran one, also... If you would perhaps take a request Would you make one pretty much exactly like you "CJH" image at Hi-Res replacing the intialls of your name with MLG and replacing the yellow and brown background with a black background? I know it would probably take a while, and if you don't want to do it don't worry =] Regardless, they all look freakin' awesome as =D
I do have a high res version, and I dont know why it didnt upload right before. I'll attach it to this post in a bit. As for the MLG poster, I would be happy to. Just give me a day or two to make it, then I will either post it here or PM you. Is there a certin resolution that you would like it? (if it's going to be a desktop pic) I just finished some more stuff (I have been photoshoping a lot lately) and wanted to show it off. The first piece is a experiment for some advanced glowing techniques, but there isnt really any real reason I made it besides for learning. The second piece is a attempt at a photo realilistic vinyl record. It doesnt have a label yet, but its the basic idea. What do you guys think? If anyone else wants something made for them, I am usually open to making it. (edit): The big version of SF is at Francisco copy.png
A lot of quality stuff there, looks like your a bit of a photoshop pro. Just wondering, How did you do the glowing effect? That looks like something I would use for future graphics etc.
Yes the record is from scratch. Most of the things I do are from some advanced tutorials, and I happened to find a great one for making the record. @TD: The glowing effect is mostly layer styles. Here are the steps: _________________________________________ [If you want to create lines as well as the glow] 1. Select the brush tool. 2. Choose a round brush between 1-30 pixels wide (how wide the line will be). 3. Dont brush or change any brush settings, just select the pen tool. 4. Create a line. It can be straight, curved, squiggly, s-shaped, ect. 5. Click the "paths" tab on the little layers box. You should see a path called "workspace" 6. With the pen tool still selected, right click the path and select "stroke path" 7. On the little dialogue box that appears, select brush, and check the simulate pressure box. 8. You should now have a pretty line. [To make it (or any other object) glow] 1. Double click the layer that the line is on to bring up the layer blending options. 2. Apply the following settings: Drop shadow: Blend Mode is Color Dodge, the color is #ffd12f, opacity 100%, angle is 120 degrees, use global light box checked, distance and spread are at 0, size is at 6 px, contour is gaussian, and noise is at 0. Outer glow: Blend mode is Screen, opacity is at 75, noise is at 0, color is #ff793b, the gradient is the default, technique is softer, spread is 0, size is 25, contour, range, and noise are 0. Color overlay: (optional) If you need the object your working with to be white (the color that works best) just make the color white and opacity 100%. 3. You now have a glowing line. _________________________________________ I hope this helps, but I'm not sure how good of a explainer I am. If you have any questions just ask.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended. If you need help I'll give you the PSD and you can look at the layer styles there.
COuld you link to the tutorials (if you used them) that you used to make these, please? And, phhh.... I remember that you wanted ME to make a Background for YOU. Are you crazy? Lol....
Preferably 1280x1024 =] And thanks for giving it a go for me =D Btw, the other pics are freakin awesome as, I've "archieved" them all onto my computer for ... "safe keeping" =D