In my last thread similar to this one located here, I asked you to vote from two games (Assassin's Creed II and Left 4 Dead 2) This time, I ask you this: Mass Effect 2 or Bioshock 2 ? Why? Please vote in the poll and give your reasons via reply to the thread.
Verrrrry difficult decision, as I'll almost definitely be buying both. But if I have to pick one, it has to be Mass Effect 2, for the replay value. Unless Bioshock suprises me with a morality system and different endings that is, then it's a coin toss.
well bioshock 2 will have multiplayer not directly made by the same company who made the campaign so bioshock
I would say Mass Effect 2 for a number of reasons. It will (most likely) have a longer campaign with more replay value. They are planning on supporting ME2 with a steady stream of DLC to expand the experience by adding new weapons, characters, and missions. I was never able to get into Bioshock as everyone else did. However, I do see how it is a very well made game of high quality. The multiplayer though, from videos I've seen, looks sloppy and a little rushed. I wouldn't expect it to hold a hand to the single player experience Bioshock is known for. So, I say Mass Effect 2, especially if you played the first game. And if you haven't, I suggest you purchase it ASAP.
the multiplayer i have doubts on but it sounds interesting how they made it. your a splicer and as you rank up online you learn more story for your guy. the lobby of games is your apartments and i think you can travel to your friends apartments. throughout each map randomly placed is a big daddy suit to become one if it was a set location itd be pretty cheap seeing everyone rush into the same area each game
Bioshock collector's edition comes with way cooler stuff (Vinyl 180g LP with the music from Bioshock classic) AND multiplayer, the ultimate replay value. Either buy both or decide which you want from gameplay trailers, it's not that hard.
the look on the extra stuff is great since it kinda looks like some old record and when you think of a sound track its usually a blu ray disc or cd case they never go the extra length to make it fit the theme
Personally I would go for Mass Effect 2. I loved Mass Effect 1 and if you played the first one then everything basically carriers over to the 2nd game. I really liked the story of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 is supposed to fix and improve all the problems Mass Effect 1 had. Anyways, my Manager isn't really all that excited for Bioshock and I sat and watched as he said to a customer why he shouldn't get Bioshock and provided more of a reason to pre-order Mass Effect 2.
Bioshock 2. The first Mass Effect really wasn't that interesting after playing it through. But there's a certain visceral satisfaction gained by clubbing mutant 1960's aristocrats to death.
Nemi and Shatakai, if it is alright, please vote in the poll as well. Seeing this, I would probably keep my "updating the score" idea next time around instead of a poll.
Personally, Bioshock 2. I loved Bioshock, everything about the game was just a lot of fun. Mass Effect on the other hand, had some woefully boring parts, and i love action packed games. I may be buying both, if not, i'll rent both, because i feel single player games aren't worth a buy anymore.
Bioshock 2. I dont feel I need to explain myself. Bioshock was one of my top 5 favorite games, even without multiplayer.
Mass Effect 2; Why? The storyline was great, and made me come back for more. Mass Effect is like the RPG Halo. Except it doesn't get old after the first play though.
I liked the RPG aspects of Mass Effect more than BioShock. Plus, I played through Mass Effect 3 times, while I only played BioShock once. I'll probably end up borrowing Mass Effect 2 from a friend and merely rent BioShock 2.
very hard decision but remember this bioshock most def u could beat it in 10 hours so why waste 60 on it just rent it mass effect will be a 200 hour game much more involved so if u have to buy one buy mass effect....... gamefly people and dont buy any ..dont waste ur money
In this post of yours, you favored Mass Effect. But, in your vote in the poll, you favored Bioshock 2. Huh? Also, please use your punctuations properly for people to actually understand your posts.
Bioshock 2. I love the original, and it just doesn't get old for me. There's just something about killing 1960s madmen that's oddly satisfying.
Mass Effect was just the best single person game I've ever played so I went with ME2. Never really thought Bioshock was that fantastic.