I'm bored and I've been drawing some random doodles at my desk of some new vehicles that should be in Halo 3 for the last 2 hours with a biology essay due in 3 hours but whatever... I'm interested in seeing what other people say...What's that, what have I been drawing for the past 2 hours? Well I was thinking of having a 2 person fighter jet or some kind of aircraft that an actually drop bombs from the sky. How awesome would that be? It could look like a real fighter jet (maybe put a little halo twist to it), something like this...
That plane would suck. There's no space to take off and if you did, you'd splat your face in the wall at 5000mph. As for me I would like a mongoose that doesn't flip when shot by bullets. EDIT: I like Classics one though.
What are you talking about; it would be like the same size as a banshee and it's not like it would be going 100000000000 mph in the game. I just think dropping bombs would be kinda fun, but maybe that's just me...
It's not a warthog it's a wolverine. I'd like a vulture, pl0x. Basically: Pelican + 12 missiles per barrage + 2 barrages per 30 seconds + elephant Nope, a banshee is the size of a bathroom, that is the size of a 2 story house.
Weeeeeeell, okay, I guess it's cool. But it gotta look much different and only be able to drop bombs.
I think you should be able to have the Gremlin becasue that would make a great counter for all the overpowering scorpians that destory everthing and or the deadly warthog which also gets annoying in big team for the Gauss in which you kill the other warthog and you get killionaires which really upsets but then all of a sudden on the other side of the map a red laser travels across and blows up the warthog. I think it would be a great addition to halo against veichles but gets blown away by aircraft.
Did you ever play Extinction on halo CE? he Longsword was broken, and your asking for a longsword. I've actually had a couple vehicle ideas I've been toying with for my Rebel-based story. 1. Python; okay, so it is kind of like a jeep; four seets and a removable top with a cool roll-cage. Even with the op on, the entire passenger side is left exposed. This is so whoever is riding shotgun can still shoot 'hog-style, and the passenger side backseat has a minigun with a nice site range. It is only a little higher the the top of the vehicle, allowing it to look up and at the one side of the vehicle, but not a full 360 degrees. The driver has control of two front-mounted SMGs and the driver side back seat rider can roll down his window to add to the firepower. Name comes fron the fact that multiple rebel drivers will use these to sorround and "constrict" stronger enemies like tanks. 2. Raptor; one badass motorcycle that makes the mongoose wet its pants. Two front mounted gattling guns, the abillity to do flips and other acrobatic moves with ease, and a rear-facing riders seat comprise the most beastly force on the urban battlefields of 2575. After the bike 'expires' the gattling guns blow off and can be used by foot soilders. (think unmounted turrets, but three times as loud and twice as deadly.) This vehicle's biggest, maybe only, weakness is the fact that on the open battlefield, the driver is easily exposed enough to just be shot off by anyone with an automag and some good aim.
Maybe a single person motorcycle with boost and a gun mounted to the front like a ghost? I think a real boat (not just a dingy with a mongoose ontop) would be cool. Like a ghost, just it floats. If only there was more space in the water of longshore where you could build a big water map to use it on.
I think something like a combination of the Mongoose and Warthog would be good. Possibly have 2 seats, but have a mini turret on the back, or on the side. Or, a Motorcycle with a sidecar that had a turret, just like the Germans had in those WWI movies.
Oh anphibious vehicle lime a six wheeled tank thing. If anyone has played quakewars: enemy terratory there is a similar vehicle in that game actually almost exactly the same but you get the idea
Halo Wars Cyclops. Imagine a Grunt squad sitting down, getting high off methane. Suddenly, a giant exosuit runs up and flattens them. lolz
Name: Gorilla Faction: UNSC Weight: Medium Max. Speed: 20 MPH Classification: Mech Model: XFG890534 MAM Weapons: Plasma Cannon, Grapple Hook, Shoulder-Mounted Missle Pod, Crew: One driver.