Trapazoid Created by Xii ShoGuN Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametypes Map Description Ok, this map is focused around traps and mechanisms that can be activated via custom powerups. Don't worry your traits will stay the same when you pick it up. That's pretty much it! Weapon List: Item/Spawn time/# of spare clips 2 Needlers/120 sec/1 Spartan Laser/Never Rockets/120sec/0 Setinel Beam/90sec 2 Spike gernades/60sec 2 Flame gernades/60 sec 1 Power Drain/120 sec (doesn't spawn at start) This is where the zombie spawns When the enter the main area as a human, you have 3 ways you can go. From left to right: 1. This area hosts the spartan laser and if you taunt a zombie in there, you can coordinate a trapping from one person up above dropping the pallet and you successfully blocking the other end. 2. This area houses the needler, a very powerful weapon when used right. This also is the area where you can drop the pallet from up above. 3. This area also has a needler, power drain and 2 spike grenades. This room is where the map gets it's name. If you can successfully trap the zombie in this room, you'll get one pissed off zombie. Don't worry though, the pallets blocking him in will eventually respawn. You must push the pallet to close the door. TRAPS: Ok, i'm going to show you some of the traps, but not all because you have to find them yourselves!! Barrel Stopper: Just what it sound like. Use it when zombies are chasing you up the staircase and it will knock back them and take down partial shields. Crusher: Once you pick up the custom powerup, a wire spool comes flying out down below, splatting any normal zombie in it's path (excluding alpha zombies because they're a tad stronger) Splatterer: Gah, I need to come up with better names lol. Anyways, be mindful when trekking around this, because it has caused many human casualties. It can also be used to splatter a zombie, but the chances of that happening are very slim...he he. Use this to block the other entrance leading to the room with the pallet drop, because the people inside cannot. This is a game in which the humans HAVE to use teamwork in order to conquer the zombies Alpha zombie has little bit more health than a normal zombie partly because he has to deal with all the firepower in the beginning Honestly, there is one spot where you can get out of the map, but that's only if you bunny hop on someone else's head, but what fun is it to do that? The only problem with the trapping is that it only really works with people that don't know the map. I suggest you do a forge-through before playing to get familiar with the map. Everyone has 200% gravity, this is to prevent people from jumping out of the map. Download Trapazoid Download Zombatrap
From what I can see it looks well thought out. Looking foward to testing it at my next 8 player xbox LAN. Robospecta
I've never seen the barrel trap before, its kind of Indiana Jones-esc but it looks well forged and thought out and looks to create some fun and balanced gameplay. I'll DL and maybe start a game up on it later. The only thing is, why do you have 1 laser with a respawn rate of never. I understand there must be a reason to only get to use it once, but why?
Looks really cool and i agree with phonominAl it kinda reminds me od indiana jones, only with zombiez!!! Good job bro 4.8/5
Seems pretty cool, the traps and all. You do need to map better trap names though haha. Anyways I'll give it a dl.
I like how you've placed the emphasis of the map on the traps rather than on the skill and firepower of the human: It's a refreshing take on the Infection design. Specifically, I really like the Barrel Stopper: aside from the sheer awesomeness of using rolling barrels as a weapon, it's nice to see them being put to a use other than aesthetics or the components in switches. -=Moxus=-
Nice job. There aren't many maps like this, but I've always liked them. The barrel part reminds me of Donkey Kong
I enjoyed testing this with you, I was the zombie who got trapped in the little room I recommend this map, it's good, solid fun. I'd recommend raising the entrance so you don't have to crouch to get in though.
I played it with 4 friends and it was really fun. One of my friends and I always waited for a zombie to try and pass though the long hall, and we would aways try to time the wire spole trap just right so we could get a splatter, And twice we got a hit which made me laugh . But you really got some sweet traps going on in this map, and almost all of them we managed to use and use them successfully. While the map is a bit messy, it sure does not matter. Very Clever use with the pallets and the dumpster, and was worth my time, so many more should give it a shot.
Thank for the comments guys! Make sure to give me some feedback on the map after you test so I know how to improve!
Well I played the map, and I saw its great. The traps are fun, and the game play is pretty cool. I don't think some of the traps responded though, that or the rounds ended quickly. Anyways the map is great, and I'd love to see more of these. Just maybe a little bit cleaner .
I remember how satisfied I was when I owned those three guys with the wire spool trap. From what I could see though, the spool and the dumpster were the only death traps. I'd like to have seen a trap that maybe involved a truck or something a little comical.
Yeah i made this map a long time ago so i just wanted to upload it to see what the community thought without any editing. Thanks for the comment though
speaking of a long time ago, I have kind of a canvas thing going for that four way holdout map I was talking about. We need to get together and do that ****.
yup. I'll be on. In fact I'll put the canvas on my fileshare so you can take a gander at it and maybe get some ideas in the meantime. I figured you could have the top and bottom parts and I'll have the left and right parts, that way we don't get in each other's way.
For some reason in that statement I imagined Link from Zelda adventuring to a treasure chest to retrieve a dungeon map =P