punching bag 40g get beat down 10 times in any ranked game rapist 30g teabag 10 players in anny ranked game bob the builder 25g create 5 forge maps failtastic 40g stick or blow yourself up in any ranked game mg:
The impossible achievement… I've got a few more: 1. It Takes Skill… 50G - Kill yourself with a cone. 2. Spartan 100G - Complete the entire campaign on Legendary without dying once. 3. It's Not Mods 25G - Get a Perfection medal, with 25 kills, in a ranked Free For All playlist. 4. Hammer of Splaser 10G - In a ranked or social playlist, as the defending team, get 5 kills in a row with the Spartan Laser in a row, without dying, on High Ground.
WINNER - 20g Get a splatter with a Fusion Coil Explosion. It Was Never That Close - 25g On a Mythic Map Pack Map In one round of neutral assult Defuse a bomb with 1 second and left and plant within 2 minutes. Get a Life - 30g Get a Killionaire using 10 different weapons.
Name: Dead Man Killing Gamerscore: 50G Description: Get 5 death from the grave medals in one matchmaking game
Name: Multi tasking Gamerscore: 1,000,000 GS How to get: Win a game in slayer, Teabag everybody in the game at least once and get perfection while masterbating!
Name: What's A Scope? Gamerscore: 10g How To Get: Completed an entire campaign mission with at least 20% accuracy. Name: My Assault Rifle's My Friend Gamerscore: 20g How To Get: Completed an entire campaign mission with at least 40% accuracy. Name: 4 Shot BR Gamerscore: 50g How To Get: Completed an entire campaign mission with at least 80% accuracy. Name: Ownership Gamerscore: 20g How To Get: Saved at least 1 map in Forge. Name: Like A Boss Gamerscore: 50g How To Get: Saved at least 10 maps in Forge. Name: President of Forge Gamerscore: 100g How To Get: Saved at least 50 maps in Forge.
A set of 'shame' achievements would be fun Sore Loser - 0g Quit 10 games when losing Bad Aim - 0g Betray 100 people in matchmaking Waste of space - 0g Finish a game of slayer with 0 kills Use the Man-cannon - 0g Fall off a map 3 times in 1 game
Ghost Rider - 10G Splatter someone with a Chopper while on fire in any ranked, social, or custom game. Who Needs Rockets? - 20G In any ranked game, snipe anyone that's driving a tank. Meteor Shower! - 25G In any ranked game, splatter someone with a Mongoose by driving off a mancannon. Meteor Shower! Pt. 2 - 25G In any ranked game, splatter someone with a Banshee or Hornet while stunned by a Plasma Pistol or Power Drain Perfect Balance - 50G In Forge, Stay on top of someone in Monitor Mode after they've flown 50 ft while they hold down the left trigger. Speeding Snail - 10G In any matchmaking game, get a splatter with the Scorpion. Epic Fail - 50G In any matchmaking game, get a Beatdown medal from someone lunging at you with a sword. I told you it works! - 25G On Sandtrap in any ranked game, do not let an enemy get aboard your Elephant and have all of your team aboard the Elephant at the same time for a majority of the time. The REAL Pwn Machine - 50G On Avalanche in any ranked game, have two people holding Rocket Launchers and someone holding the Spartan Laser Get a Killing Spree while standing on top of a Scorpion with someone driving and someone in the turret. Border Patrol - 20G On High Ground in any ranked Objective game, do not let an enemy get past the main walls or inside the bunker Kodak Moment! - 25G On Valhalla in any ranked game, get a skyjack while being launched by a mancannon. I know I don't have any pictures, but it's the best map ever! - 5G Win a custom slayer game with no time limit and a score limit of 50 or more kills on a map with all filters put on the map.
Join The Hub!-45g get a map on the file share and achieve over 2 000 downloads ShotGun-25g get a kill from the sideseat of the warthog with a shotgun
25G - Hollywood Ending - In a ranked or social playlist, win a Team Slayer game by one point. 50G - Hollywood Ending pt. 2 - In any ranked or social playlist, in Assault, defuse the bomb with one second left. 50G - Hollywood Ending pt. 3 - In any ranked or social playlist, win a multi flag game 3 - 2 with one second left in the game. 10G - You callin' me a noob? - In any ranked or social playlist get an extermination on the other team using only BR headshots. That's all... For now.
Why Is It Bad? 5g Team kill in a ranked or social match without being booted. That Hurts Me 5g Team kill untill you get booted 5 times. Tea Time 5g Teabag all ur kills. I Suck 5g Finish the Fight... by quiting.