Ha. no dragunov backup for you! anyways I do agree that sucks hat there is no m14 oh wait the FAL replaces both G3 and M14 also i couldn't careless if there was an m14 in multiplayer.
All you gun nuts dont attack me if I get any names wrong: TAR - 21 Heartbeat sensor Nade launcher for 3 person AA - 12, amazing at close range, can clear a whole room before the sniper at the window can turn around. Equipment: C4 - great for ambushes Special: Flash Perk 1: Scavenger Pro - infinite ammo, it resupplies nade launchers and equipment, so its great with my C4 and auto shotty ( it eats up ammo quick) Perk 2: Stopping power pro Perk 3: Steady aim pro Thats my favorite setup, works amazingly well.
I think it's a poor replacement. The M14 was more powerful, but the G3 was easier to sight. Plus it was possible to get a four shot burst before an M16 could double tap. Five shots if you had double tap on. If only G3 had been full auto, but then that might have been a wee bit unfair.
I don't think 'replacement weapons' was the idea. For example, the HK5 is manufactured by the same company that does the MP5, Heckler and Koch. Modern Warfares MP5 was a beast, and the HK5 is the exact same gun, with the stock removed, and a shorter barrel. So 2 cases where accuracy are greatly reduced and no bonus added. I think IW are just trying to make the game feel fresh. Some people play this game religously, and just throwing in the same old guns probably wouldn't have been a wise choice, so they have decided to mix it up with quite a few exotic firearms.
You could use, an infraction, I refer to it quite often when someone posts spam on a discussion thread.
poor use of subordinate clause you want a semi colon after bump and no commas on topic, im using the scar which is frighteningly loud like a lion passing a kidney stone, but ive just unlocked the silencer for it so we'll see
Thank you, grammar ****. On topic: I love the G18, if only it had a tactical knife it would be knifing class sidearm.