I really like this map. I only had to take one quick look and it ended up on my hard drive =]. I like those shoots in the bases that make for a quick escape with the flag, and helps utilize the whole map!! Cant wait to get some epic 4v4 and FFA on it! Great job man!!
V4 update is up. as per Rorak Kuroda's observation, the color columns in front and on the sides of the bases have been lowered. also, all of the screenshots have been updated to show all changes thus far. big thanks to everyone who likes the map.
i was glad to help you test this map for the first time awhile ago and im glad to hear the people's responses to it. i really loved the layout and the map is beautiful. You have a skill in forging and im glad that other people like it as well. thanks for showing us your talent. keep up the forging =]
i think it looks very well put together and i wan't to play it right now ... nice design nice gameplay i would think and i just want to play it 5/5
I just noticed something while watching the Team Slayer video that hopefully someone can help me with. For some reason, red team is starting and respawning in blue base, and vice versa. I thought I just had the team settings wrong, but I just checked it; red team's starting point and respawn area is set to defenders, and blue's set to attackers. the colors match up right in CTF and KOTH but the settings are the same. does anyone know what's going on, or was this just a freak occurrance?
Wow your post are great . Because you have put a lot of video of your map to know the gameplay of eatch gametypes . your map are great for the base and the desing of your map . Your weapon selection are great for this style of map and the rocket spawn are very cool . 5/5
are you the "half life: full life consequences" guy? lol. this looks like it was written by John Freeman. but thanks for the compliments. and the laugh.
Cool, making a whole bunch of updates. Thanks for filming me on FFA! My sniping was off but i wont brag how good i was, jk... I can see you added the railings that people suggested so thats good, the whole map is really amazing, it seems so small, yet plays like a pretty big map.
Redownloaded, tested for jumps. Ya know, you're a smart person, you. No brute shots, no spike grenades, and no power drains. Gosh darn, it's pretty much jump proof now. Not only that, but I think the columns look better that way. Great job, this map will stay in my hard drive for a long time now.
Outstanding, I'll proof it once more just in case.... I check the most random places for flaws. Great overview.
I'm not sure why, but I'm getting an "Ascension" vibe from this. Incase you're not aware of what that is, it's a map from Halo 2
yes, i'm quite familiar with H2 maps. and i've heard people say that the map feels like a mix of blackout and narrows, so an ascension feel isn't much of a surprise.
Man, this is a really nice map. I love the Aesthetics when your at the bottom of the map, and you look up at the roof! Very good post; I enjoyed the videos as well.
This map was a favorite at a 4-day LAN party I went to over my Thanksgiving break. I downloaded a bunch of custom maps to bring with me and played over 20 team games on this one and a dozen FFAs. Everyone wanted to know who made it. It was praised for gameplay like Narrows and Blackout. I got some serious suggestions for it, though, but it's not mine! So I decided to give this a review, but not before saying I absolutely love it and won't ever delete it. First is the placement of the rockets and OS. Simply put, I think they should be reversed. The OS rush at the beginning set the tone of gameplay for the rest of every match: rush the middle. Whoever gained OS at the beginning also hosted a huge advantage over the other team immediately upon its acquisition. That is to say, one team has an invincible member to play clean up. It was a guaranteed extermination on two occasions, one with myself and a couple games later with someone who I victimized doing so, where someone who'd played the map previously would be the first to the shield by several meters and completely annihilate the other team with his starting equipment before they got their bearings. I think they should be swapped. In the rush to the middle, the person who picked up rockets would still have to live with them in hand after all was said and done. Whether they got a successful shot off depended on the coordination of their team. Even though the trip to bottom mid for OS would be easier, given that not everyone goes below first, it also meant that it would not come into use for the person who gets it except for killing whoever else went for it and until they return up top where its invincibility wears off by the time they get there. I might also suggest making only one clip for the rockets so that they don't become a huge problem for the middle balance as well. The second issue is the bottom floors as a whole. Let's take a look at Th3 Kuzinator's flag run in that video. He drops down the chute with the flag to avoid the conflict in the middle... and has to go right back up middle again anyway. Big problem for objective, and a problem with linear gameplay on the map in general. I must admit that most of my games hardly made use of the lower floors at all. It's a bit of a waste of space. I have a suggestion for how to amend this, without any change to the major gameplay of the map, but I doubt I could explain it here. I'd have to explain in depth via party. This is coming from an inexperienced forger, but an experienced player. A couple friends from the LAN spree also wanted to see the bottom floor get some more emphasis. Other suggestions from them were given like various equipment placements, BRs on the bottom corners, and a bridge extending horizontally underneath the rocket spawn. I'm new, I've never done a map review, and it may not be a big deal to others, but I fell in love with this map, and would love to give some kind of input of my own. I'm also well aware of the budget limit being reached in the current version, but I'm confident it could still be done. - GOST Jam Cliche (GamerTag)
first of all Jam, I'm very flattered that you joined ForgeHub and made your first post to tell me about your experience with the map. And I'm glad to hear that you and your friends enjoyed it as much as you did. Simply put, I like the OS and rocket placement. The OS rush has a kind of charm to it that I quite like. And the rockets on the bottom just seems natural. One clip on rockets however, sounds like a good idea, especially since I lowered the respawn to 120. I'm planning on holding another test for the map in about a week. I'll take the opportunity to try it. I'll also take that chance to see how the map would work with mancannons at the bottom of the tubes. I have previously stated that it would go against my original intended flow of the map, but since the bottom is a dead zone right now, it's worth a try. BRs at the bottom is a great idea. I'll definitely do that. A bridge under the rockets though, I won't. That would greatly alter the LOS on the bottom floor. I don't think it's a good idea. As for your in-depth suggestion, you should send me a PM describing it. I look forward to seeing it. Thanks again for your feedback, and I'm glad you like the map.
I tried. After I finished typing it, I was fairly sure I'd confused myself. T_T Perhaps sometime when you are on Live.
if you want, you'd be welcome to sit in on the test I'm having on Sunday. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/teste...-pm-est-disposition-test-2-a.html#post1096461