Foundry Asset: Voi.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Meltyourtv, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    * * *

    On departure from the now-in-ruins New Mombasa, a crew of ODSTs and their newly rescued Engineer, Virgil, they realized their Phantom was running out of fuel. Eventually, they land their Phantom atop an abandoned storage facility in Voi. Looking around and seeing no sight of any fuel nearby, they decide to take the elevator on the roof down into the warehouse. They arrive in a small room in the warehouse. They look through a fence into the open area of the warehouse, and spot fuel cannisters near a hole in the roof. They decide to venture there. But then, they hear another Phantom outside. It then drops off 100s of Brute troops, hoping to find Virgil and destroy him and his knowledge of the Covenants weaknesses. The Brutes land outside next to a hot steam pipe, and make their way inside in search of him. The ODSTs and Virgil get ready for the oncoming attack. They run all the way to the end of the hallway. Then, they see a long, wide, area with little cover, and Brutes perched atop tall boxes, scouring for the Engineer. The ODSTs then see Brutes coming from behind them. They cannot run, so they fight...

    * * *

    Those of you who have never heard of Asset, or have questions, go to this link:

    This map is an escort style Asset map designed for 6 to 8 players. It does support up to 16, but it gets VERY hectic with 10 or more. This map is layed out so that the ODSTs have to pretty much go through all of Foundry before they get to the destination. The map is shaped like a spiral, and takes about 3 minutes to traverse. Where the large, open part of Foundry is, I constructed a wall of double boxes, creating a U-shape from one of Foundry's bases to the next. This map has all classes of Brutes. A Brute Chieftan sometimes appears every 60 seconds, and a Stalker appears sometimes through the game, but only have Maulers every 60 seconds. The weapons and equipment given to the Brutes are Spikers, Carbines, Brute Shots, A Fuel Rod, Regenerators, Bubble Shields, Deployable Cover, and an Overshield. There are 2 Ghosts on the map that are unreachable to the ODSTs, but can be used by the Brutes. They never respawn, so be careful when you use them! The ODSTs spawn in a room with a Magnum, SMG, and an Assault Rifle. There is another magnum in the hallway against a door too. The ODSTs pick up weapons as they walk the map, such as Rockets, Assault Rifles, Magnums, a Shotgun, and a Sniper Rifle.

    Around the middle of the map, though, there is a gate. The gate is switch activated, so after 120 seconds (2 minutes), it opens. However, the Brutes can chose to open it whenever by simply destroying the Gravity Life above the gate.

    Well, I'm assuming very few of you just read what was above, so here are what 95% of you are only going to look at, the pictures. I will also describe the map in captions for the pictures.

    Here is where the ODSTs are when the first spawn. Notice the weapons next to the doorway in the second picture. The ODSTs DO NOT respawn here.

    This is a shot of the hallway they have to traverse. There is a receiver node at the second doorway of the first half of the hallway that Brutes come out of. After 60 seconds, that teleporter is blocked (more information in the Brute spawn pictures).

    This is where the hallway opens up into the open path.

    Here's a shot of the open area. Rockets are on top of the double box to the right of the "01".

    This is where the first Ghost spawns.

    This is an overview of the wide, open area where the ODSTs have to hold out for 2 minutes until the gate opens (or until the Brutes activate is sooner). Notice the AR against the barrier. There are also 2 magnums against the barrier behind it, not seen in this picture.

    Here's the gate. The ODSTs hold out here until it opens. Simple as that.

    Here's a turret the Brutes can use. They can either use it there, or break it off.

    After the gate opens, they come around to this area. This area has a Shotgun located behind the single boxes. It also has an AR, and Rockets. The second Ghost spawns where the crane is, so the Brutes have a final chance as the ODSTs and Virgil race towards the destination.

    Then they come here, to the destination. The Engineer has to ascend a couple flights of stairs in order to reach the destination.

    Now that you've seen the map, here are some pictures of the Brute spawns and such.

    This is where the Brutes spawn. They are killed at the beginning of the game by being forced through the death teleporter behind that A-sign.

    This is the view looking into the teleporters they go through. The weapons are arranged so that first you pick up grenades and equiment, then you pick up weapons going from less powerful to powerful, so Spikers are first, and the Fuel Rod is last. In between the Fuel Rod and the Brute Shots is an Overshield, which turns a regular brute into a Brute captain. Unless someone dropped a weapon RIGHT in front of the receivers, the Brutes won't be able to pick up any weapons, except for the ones shown.

    After about 45 seconds, stairs spawn making it impossible to go into the first teleporter. You now can only go into the center of the U.

    Here's a good look at where that second teleporter takes you. You can also see the Ghost and the switch quite well in this picture.
    From another angle.

    And, here are some action shots for you.

    * * *

    And finally, the download links.

    For the gametype (Asset v2), click here: : Halo 3 File Details

    For the map (Voi), click here: : Halo 3 File Details

    I'd very much like to thank all of the testers that helped me test this map. Without you, Voi would not be here. And Rifte Gifle, for making such a creative and fun gametype all can enjoy.​

    Thank you for taking the time to view my thread. I hope you download this map, and give me constructive criticism on it. Also, anyone who just says "could be neater plz ghost merge more 5/5" is getting reported.

    #1 Meltyourtv, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    As exciting as it was during the first holdout part, it definitely was difficult especially from the rooftop carbines that destroyed whenever the VIP jumped. Everything after that was fairly easy going as long as you move right. You moved the rockets right? I couldn't even get to it before.. Other than that, the other thing I disliked was spawning as the regular brutes and dying for being outside the map.

    Added to the master list.
  3. BigdogII7

    BigdogII7 Ancient
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    Well it's better than mine. I like how you put the brute spawn outside thus saving space for other things. btw

    could be neater plz ghost merge more 5/5

    jk nice clean the places that are meant to have clean forging.
    #3 BigdogII7, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I just fixed the pictures. I'm surprised no one commented on there being a tiny little thumbnail and 2 Ghost pictures. xD
  5. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
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    looks fun, I've downloaded...

    I'm having trouble telling from the pictures how much open space there is... along that line, is the ghost overpowering at all?
  6. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    The Ghost is not that overpowering, and is easy to take down with a Plasma Pistol Charge from Virgil, or just with Rockets. ;)
  7. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Looks good this is the first asset map ive seen on foundry and i like the fence wall part looks really natural almost like part of the campaign
  8. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    First asset map I've seen on foundry and I have to say I'm liking it. It has kind of a (what's the term) urban destruction type feel with the broken fence and ghost merged objects. The covenant's height advantage looks like it will give people a serious challenge too. I really need to test some of these maps. They look pretty fun.

    Oh yeah and "could be neater plz ghost merge more 5/5".Oh wait someone already did that. Damn it.
    #8 Ac3Snip3r, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  9. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
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    At the ending of Halo 3 ODST they fly a Phantom out of New Mombassa, not a Pelican.

    I think it's called Urban Decay.
    #9 1shawn1, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  10. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I was waiting until someone noticed that. xD

    I'll go fix it.

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