That's right version 2 of the X-Games Skate Parks is here! Sorry it took so long I just kinda took a break from halo for awhile but now I'm glad I'm back! Alright lets get on with it... First off, the mega ramp was mostly made by me but the creator/helper was someone, I'm not sure who but I'll get back to you on that......This map can be just for fun or you can compete with you and your friends in the new game type I created called "SKATE". In this game type players must reach the Goal points to win the game. Each Goal gives you 5 points and the game point is 50. So its a fast yet fun paced game. Also the Guardians are blocked so they can't kill you, so you and your friends can go shred some dirt and sand out in the dunes without getting killed On this map you and your friends can enjoy ripping out some new tricks on... DOWNLOAD HERE: : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy! P.S. If anyone here has a capture card and doesn't mine making a video of this map I will more than glad to let you...Just send me a pm or comment and send me a friend requests so then we can make a vid thanx! EDIT: I JUST GAVE CREDIT FOR THE MAKER OF THE ORIGINAL MEGA RAMP! OptimusPrime ER
YES V2! I loved the first one, and I am thinking I'm going to love this one. It looks amazing. Do you go faster down the mega ramp? Great job. DL
I've always loved the x-games and it seems like people can make anything in forge these days. i actually really like the layout of this, but maybe you should make it more realistic like the x-games like having some indoor stuff then someone outside stuff for bmx and stuff. Just a few suggestions but I really like this!
Wait, let me get this straight. You've used someone else's creation maybe even without permission, and you can't even give them credit? Reported for map theft. And everything but the ramp is mediocre, btw.
neat idea, but it gets old fast. i found the gametype you mentioned, but you should link it in the post. and you have the goal points set to 4 btw, not 5.
YouTube- Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 25) "Records" (machinima) I remember this map, and it seriously looks stolen. Same place, same details. The only difference is it looks like you deleted the tower and replaced it with mediocrely forged stuff. Either that or this is a real coincidence. Not calling you a liar, I'm just saying it looks very very similar to this.
So Mace can you spam anymore? I would like to state on this that this is not map theft at all. And he said that he made most of the ramp but the creator/helper was someone else. And he just couldnt remember the guys name when he posted this. You have no real solid proof to even consider this as map theft, especially if you have no idea yourself that this was actually stolen. And no one needs real permission to take someone elses map and change some big things about the map and still give the other guy credit for what the other guy built there is no problem with that. But if he stated he built everything on the map himself, and he really didnt then it could be considered map theft. But everyone gets a little to carried away with the saying map theft. Its like the boy who cried wolf. Its gets a little annoying. Plus he said that he was going to get the name of the creator/helper later when he can. But to the map...I remember playing x-games and it was a blast with friends. This one also seems just as fun. I downloaded it and forged through and played around in a mongoose. The mega ramp was really fun to go off of many times. And the pipe that you built was also pretty fun to drive on. Overall nice job... But I will say this, since I have also seen the mega ramp in others maps in the same spot. If I was you I would give that guy credit who made it and do it fast. And im not saying that you didnt make any of it but whoever built/helped with it you also need to give them credit.
1: look at ace sniper's vid. it was stolen. 2: here at forge hub, you actually DO need permission. and in addition to that, people dont want to download the same map twice, especially if its a sloppier version of the original.
i remember the ramp it was made by someone on forge hub and called record ramp... even if you did get permission which i don't know if you did i don't like it... the things you made like the ramps on the bottom are too far apart and just look like it took you a few minutes and i just think it doesn't look all that nice
1: look at ace sniper's vid. it was stolen. 2: here at forge hub, you actually DO need permission. and in addition to that, people dont want to download the same map twice, especially if its a sloppier version of the original.
Hey thanks man for pretty much clearing things up for me...I found the creator/helper of this mega ramp his name is OptimusPrime er what I did was remodel the ramp, it was messy and stuff so I cleaned it up and moved it just a basically I made most of the ramp as I stated in my thread. I just got a little help from OptimusPrime er... give some thanks too him on xbl! Overall I'm glad most of you enjoy my map, again I did not steal this map! I hope you understand.
i thought that the second map would be flawless. the interlocking is awful. the one side of the vert ramp you can't even get all the way to the top, and the 'huge' ramp is very disapointing. 1/5
Ok just saying in my opinion the ramp was not HORRIBLE it was not the worst thing you have ever seen I mean it had a few bumps here and there but come on....I'm sorry I'm not perfect. Jeez just a little respect would be nice like "Hey that was a good try just maybe next time you could tidy up the ramp/map"
No problem man. I understood what you said, even though its not to hard to read what you posted and understand it. And I do have to agree with you that the ramp was not as bumby as these guys are saying. It wasnt horrible or terrible or even bad. There was some spots where you could re-do to make it a bit better but its nothing that was so big that others had to say it was horrible.