Microsoft decided not to make Facebook available for people below 18. Many teens use Facebook as the required age for the site is 13. Why do you think that Microsoft thought this was a good idea?
I don't know man but I raged so hard probably just like you did when I found out the entire update is ineligible for people under 18. I'm 16 and I have an account on all of these sites that got integrated into the new update. I guess it would have been neat to have these to my disposal on my xbox yet, my computer is like five feet from my xbox, so it's not really that big of a deal for me, yet I can understand how pissed some people with underage accounts would be. It's kind of funny knowing that I put my legit age in when I made my account around three or four years ago when my 10 year old brother put his age as like 19 or something, he got the update, yet he has no clue what any thing is that was put in. The only thing I can resemble this to is how also, underage accounts can't download M rated demos, some r rated movies, among other numerous content that can't be viewed by underage accounts.