Not exactly. You could set up a man cannon chain that brings the vehicle into the map. Make it look like it is flying into the game.
Are there shield doors on avalanche? If so, just have a hornet fall at 160, it'll fall off the cliff, blow up. Then at 3 minutes, the shield door spawns and the next time the hornet falls it'll land on the shield door and bounce onto a landing pad or something.
edited into the main post: 5-Minute Drop System Rifte gifte came up with a simplified version of the Hornet drop-system, but it will only work for 5 minutes instead of 6. This one is easy to build, so it is not part of a canvas. Just remember that it will cost you an extra minute from your round, and consequently, less flexibility in your gameplay. Here is a diagram for rifte's design:
And if you guys are feeling extra frugal, you could use the killball that goes in the drop pod room to destroy the hornet the first time.
For my Avey map, I'm building it on the one lift hill without the bridge. Looking from the base, it would be on the right.
Okay you could definitely make a hornet drop work for that location. Just use the cliffs to destroy it, then use something to bounce it back it when it spawns again. Like rifte said
OMG IT'S WHIZZLE! Yeah, I got booted when trying to join this game. That made me sadface. However, after drying my tears and cleaning up the glass I had shattered in a fit of rage, I checked out the map called "Asset Mappin 002" Looks pretty coo' n' useful based on what I experienced. By myself. Without anyone else. Alone... :'(
haha you can blame ell3ment for your tears! Sorry bout that though. We were budget glitchin some items and didn't wanna run into any problems from lag. But if you join us up tomorrow, we'll give you a personal tour of the map! =P
Wait. I know that its for Asset, but should this be in the Aesthetic maps? I mean, with each Asset map posted, they could post a link to this thread, so its not like this will go unnoticed in the aesthetic section. Whatever.
Thought someone might bring that up. I chose to put it in the Casual section because that's where everyone posts their Asset maps, not for recognition.
Can Grav-lifts push hornets, and can they die in the kill ball. If so i think i found another way for a 6 minute hornet spawn with less specifications or neatness
Yeah, unfortunately it can be activated from below with rockets, although only after three minutes... and I'm pretty sure there's a way, if I was a little more careful with the forging, that I could make it immune to rockets. I actually tried improving it, but Halo did the "start new round = end game" glitch before I saved... I'll get back to you again if I bother working on it some more.
i want to forge an asset map, but have never played assett and my friends HATE anything besides infection. somebody please invite me to their testing session.
I invited you to our testing session for RidgeSide tonight but you didn't join. No worries though, we'll be testing it again tomorrow so i'll send you another invite. If you wanna get more asset games in, follow rifte around for while. He plays a lot of Asset