I like premise the best but thy all look good anywhoo i cant wait for gunnergrunts map because it prolly gunna b pretty epic!
Finally dled Monolith, took me long enough… I still haven't played a game of Asset… I can never seem to get a party together. Premise looks like it'll be really fun to play on. I dunno why, but that Hummingbird looks awesome… Desert Highway looks like it'll be fun too. Really. Who would've thought of a stone highway in the middle of a desert? Seriously, it looks like fun. Although, it reminds me of Last Bird Out for some reason. Don't ask.
yey me happy people like my map =] lol anyways ya he is right this does need a little update on it but i cant wait for all these 2 be released not gonna say anymore though =] so ya the final version of prmise is done though rifte so u can get it from me whenever you want.
Updated, I completely forgot UPDATES So yeah, Desert Highway and Premise are nearing completion Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt are on the final phases of forging. It's looking pretty epic right now though. The thread has been completely updated, and there is now a list of the completed maps.