Archaeologists can only guess for what religious purpose the Forerunners used this colossal structure. Map by Vincent Torre DOWNLOAD LEVIATHAN Description Leviathan began life early may as a simple sketch one day while bored at work. It was an idea I've had for years but never was able to materialize it due to the limitations of foundry. Not until the release of sandbox was this massive structure possible. After the initial drawing a sketchup codenamed “Lucky” was created to see if the design was even possible, and then the forging begin. Leviathan at its heart is inspired by the Halo 2 map colossus, which is where it gets its U-shape. Other than the generic shape this map is totally unique in all aspects with several brand new ideas and aesthetic elements never before seen. It is designed so that the player feels to be in an enclosed area as most sky bubble maps feel very open. Only in areas near the base will the player be at danger of falling off the map, forcing gameplay towards the center of the map. Over the course of 2 months I tirelessly forged this map piece by piece, interlocking nearly every object in all directions. This means that there are no cracks for grenades to fall through and not one bump on the entire map. After the map was completed testing began. Over a month worth of testing was performed to ensure that there were no flaws in spawning or gameplay, as well as several revisions to scenery to try and improve the map as much as possible. Walkthrough Video YouTube- Leviathan Video's Halo 3 forges video series on Machinima's youtube YouTube- Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 55) Leviathan If it doesn't load try clicking this link YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 55) Leviathan Supported Gametypes Supported players: 4-12, with recommended players 4v4 or 5v5 Supports all gametypes. Designed for Multi Flag CTF BR starts. Best suited for: Neutral assault, Assault, KoTH, Oddball Slayer can get bottlenecked during high population games, recommended 4v4 Weapons and Equipment Sniper - 1 spare clip - 120 second Rockets - 0 spare clips - 90 second, drop spawn Battle Rifle - x6 - 30 second Carbine - x2 - 90 second Needler - x2 - 90 second SMG - x2 - 30 second Plasma Pistol - 90 second Plasma Grenade - x4 - 10 second Bubble Shield - 90 second Regen - 90 second Overshield - 150 second (Does not spawn at start) Thanks and acknowledgements A great deal of thanks goes out to chrstphrbrnnn for help throughout the forging process. Insane54 with his help with hill spawns and general spawn advice. Esorath for his support as well as his capturing of videos as mine broke. As well as all my other friends who gave opinions and advice to help make this map into what you see today. A special thanks to all my testers who gave me valuable insight and lots of time playing this map, especially Nondual for hosting so many tests. With that said, here's lots of pictures for you to enjoy. Red Base: Blue Base: Sniper Spawn: Rocket Spawn: And after rockets disappear, overshield spawns above it: Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this map as much as I do. DOWNLOAD LEVIATHAN
Lulz for the map creator getting no scoped in the vid. I remember when I saw this as a teasor in forge disscusion...I think. Any way I love how this map has shaped up to be. The pictures can be discieving, which is why I like that you put in a video. But were not supposed to judge from pics anyway. One key thing to gameplay is the multi levels and colums, which mix up gameplay. The wide area of play complements hao's playing style. From long range, mid and short, I see this as being a refreshing taste of what halo once was, and still kinda is lol. Great job.
Looks pretty good, I can see a lot of hard work put into this and I think it was worth it. I'm not quite sure if I like the fact that the rocket also houses the overshield (yes I know overshield doesn't spawn at start) its just the fact that it sometimes gets both in one spot that is just overwhelming to me... I understand you did a lot of testing on the map so it probably isn't an actual problem, but it just seems like it could be. Over all good job and yeah it does get bottlenecked with more than 5v5, had a 10 man ffa on it at a lan party and it was almost cramped so yeah.
I really enjoyed playing this map in Nondual's custom games. The layout is very fluid and the gameplay plays exceptionally well. All the walkways felt really smooth to walk on and Flag games on this map are incredibly fun. I'll definitely be keeping this map on my hard drive for a very long time. and RC: Even if someone get's Rockets and Overshield, it isn't as overpowering a combination as you would think considering the amount of grenade usage and whatnot.
Thanks again for spending so much time making this amazing map. It has been a TON of fun playing it in the custom games we do, and I really look forward to playing it a lot more. Out of the 85 or so maps that go through our rotation, this is definitely one of everyone’s favorites. I always get requests to play it, and the games are always fun. I’ve heard several people say this is one of the best maps they’ve seen yet. Multi flag BR’s with 5 second return time and 10 second reset time is the stuff of legend on this map. And resulted in some of the most insane games of all time! Multi flag games with even as many as 6v6 never felt cramped because the map flows so well. Neutral Bomb works well with up to 5v5 and Slayer would work pretty good with 5v5 but 4v4 is just right. Team king also works great with up to 5v5. Overall the map is surprising versatile for it’s size, supporting a variety of game types with players ranging from 2v2 to 6v6. Keep up the good work, I’m excited to see what you start working on next. Although maybe a little rest and relaxation is in order.
yeah i reall ylike this map DL from me, i appreciate the work that you went into for interlocks, im sure it shows. my fave part i think is how rockets turn to overshield. Ive never seen that done before, congrats!
Very, very nice work on this map. After seeing this in an earlier stage, and helping test this map many a time, I can tell you that this map def has a place on everyone's hard drive. The game play is very smooth and the map is very easy to get accustomed to. For people's concern with the rocket being right under the overshield, not once during the many tests did it have an issue. The smoothness of the map has got to be one of the best perks. The grenades can't escape through the floors and the bumps have been eradicated. The multiple ways to traverse the map really adds to the flow of gameplay as well. great map Mick, yet again...
Only managed a brief amount of gameplay on this yesterday but I had a walk around prior to that and was pretty much stunned by the layout. Truly innovative design and forging, I always go on about that special 'something' when commenting on maps and this has it. The mixture of great forging, ingenius layout and solid weapon placement makes this map a keeper, its one of the those maps that never get boring. Bravo Mick, I only hope next time I can be involved in the testing as I'm sure that was a lot of fun.
This is one of my favorite competitive skybox maps! It has a style of gameplay that fits all my preferences. It can be played very competitively but it can also be casual depending on the way I play out each match. One of my favorite things about his map is all the unique jumps. You can use jumps to get from base to base if you know what you're doing. It gives the map more depth and character because there are so many interesting jumps and strategies to discover on this map. Leviathan also has one of the best mancannons ever! I'll go all the way down there just to use it, and then fight my way back to use it again! This map has a very unique design as well. I love the way the bases are set up to face each other. It makes for some interesting gameplay (I loved BRing from the enemies base before you fixed the spawns lol). You built this map very well and took your time testing it too. I think it turned out great and can't wait to get some more games on it. I wonder how well it would work for doubles... In fact, I challenge you to a doubles match on it sometime. Haha anyways, an excellent map, Mick Raider. Can't wait to see what you come out with next! (cough cough....)
Ah the great Leviathan. I haven't played a too much on this map, but it was all time well spent. The layout is fresh and the overall design is great. There is a great sense of balance on this map, and there can be action happening around any corner. I am kind of glad that you stuck with the 1 sniper for everyone to fight over, but I'm sure the 2 snipers was fun as well. I'm also glad to see that you added the walkways around back rather than having those jumps, its more obvious but also smoother. Leviathan is great for competitive rounds as well as some just for fun games, and I recommend it to everyone. Nice work MickRaider. And I am also looking forward to your future projects
SOopa sick map!!! This game shines on multi flag and neutral bomb. After all the custom games we played on it, I never took this to a forge session. You are right about not feeling like you're in the skybubble most the time. Until I looked at this pictures you posted here I never fully realized the true shape of the map. I knew all the paths and where they took me, however, I never noticed the likeness to Colossus, but vuala there it is!! This map is one of the best maps we have for the bigger custom games. Good job Vincent! PS: Have you thought about taking out the "Spawn areas" to minimize "bottle necking" in slayer?? I think that would prevent spawn killing. Just a thought. 4.999/5 haha Out, The Shortest of Bizzlez
The overshield actually spawns above the rockets. The rockets drop spawn to the ground and the overshield is ~half block above the 2nd floor so you can't get it from the ground. I was really worried about the balance of having both rockets and overshield, but since they're on the lowest platform the invulnerability vanishes before they can really make use of either. And even then the number of times someone gets BOTH rockets and OS is incredibly minimal so you won't even notice it. Thanks for the support guys. I'm hoping people are enjoying my map
All right bro. I love the design with the railings. Never seen that done and I'm glad to see it as well. The design of this map is well thought out. I'm glad you couldnt build this in Foundry because it just wouldnt be the same. I remember seeing the screenshots of your map preview and thinking what the hell...but now the blurred image makes sense. The secondary walkway is a great idea, its exposed (ie. Narrow) and just fits great with the map. Subscribed. Oh, and great job MickRaider
im very impressed with this map.. i think it deserves a feature, you put a lot of time into this map and i will download 10/10
So this map has continued to really provide solid gameplay. Night after night, I load it up for the people doing customs with me to play, and always the games are EPIC!! I know there has been some concern about OS and Rockets being near each other, but as Vincent was saying "it's extremely rare the people get both." And on a added note, having power items in the center of Leviathan is essential. Going through the middle is great for trying to get from base to base quickly, but because the middle is lower, it is also very vulnerable. Having the power up items there really helps the flow of the map feel balanced. It's been great playing this, and I really think it will continue to stand the test of time.
hey ive seen this map before but not with your name his GT was VINCENTTORRE and he completely ripped off your map he took your version and added cannon mans all over the map and 2 many power weapons,your version looks awsome i will download and try it out.just thought i would let you know your map got jacked,i will have fun on it
So leviathan was featured on the Halo 3 forges video series on Machinima's youtube. YouTube- Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 55) Leviathan If it doesn't load try clicking this link
That's definitely a really cool feature that they did. It's great to see this map getting more attention, because it is one of the best maps out there imo. It's too bad we couldn't get them some footage from one of the 50 epic games we've played on this. Although it was kind of fun to see footage of them messing around. But I don't think they did a lot of the features of the map justice, like the several "skilled player jumps" or how well the map flows for so many game types. Still I really liked the video though, like I said, it's definitely cool of them to feature it.