YouTube- H3 Racetrack Tutorials Ep. 2 (how to make banked turns and how to ghost merge) This tutorial teaches anyone how to make banked turns and how to ghost merge. It is informative and very helpful if you want to make a solid awesome track. If you want me to make any other tutorials then leave me a PM, or text comment. I'd greatly appreciate it!
Good job, some people could really use that method of making turns, such as me... Ha. Anyways also goood ghost merging guide although there are already a couple of those videos out there.
thanks man! :happy: yeah, i get people saying that a lot, its cool. Yeah, i knew that there was a bunch already, IMO there i still some people that might see my video and not know about Ghosting at all. Is there any new lesson that you'd want to know? I have a couple that I'm thinking about making soon. let me know if you think any are good ideas for tutorials. below is a few that I think would be informative. (hopefully next) make smooth transitions from turn to turn, VERY IMPORTANT for making good smooth tracks. make an uncheatable destination make helix turns anything anyone would like to add?