Modern Warfare 2 story *Spoilers* (DONT READ UNTIL YOU BEAT THE GAME!)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Psychoduck, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok so I finished the campaign this weekend and it was awesome. I was a bit confused by the story though. Why does Shephard betray you? Why does Price let them launch the EMP at the US? What happened to Makarov? What happens to Sgt. Foley and Pvt. Ramirez after the Whiskey Hotel level? Did anyone understood everything that happened? Also, feel free to discuss MW2s story in general.
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Shephard was the commanding officer in disarming the nuclear bomb in mw1. 30,000 of his troops died and he lost sight of partiotism. His ambition got the better of him and he wanted to write history as he saw fit instead of following the rules. The first cutscene he says 'History is written by the victors'. He triggers the invasion, knowing that Makarov will discover the leak and use it to place the blame on the US. He also keeps task force 141 out of America by sending them to Rio, waits for them to track down Makarov, and with that intel that is more than enough to finish him off, Shephard tries to destroy 141 and take the credit.

    The emp blast was the most effective way of shutting down the Russian grip on Washington. It didn't really affect US troops who were sparse, but it took down massive air support for the Russians as you saw. However because of this, the Americans thought they had lost Washington and were prepared to carpet bomb the entire city. You hear this in the oval office somehow over a radio.. That's why you all race to the rooftops to green-flag the buildings and call off the air strike.

    After this point, the Russian invasion was stopped. The emp stopped any more troops or vehicles coming into Washington, and the Rangers killed anyone left.

    Yes the plot is quite vague at points, it doesn't hammer in these details, and just tells you once like Halo.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yep, price wasn't trying to nuke the U.S. just emp it to stop the russians. Shephards intentions are debateable, I don't think he lost sight of the patriotism at all, I think losing 30,000 troops made him more so. It, in irony, made him an ultra-nationalist. In the game he calls Makarov a '*****', but never a 'prize'. That's the point in the game you can detect Shepard's real intent. At first you may think he's just being a total badass but really he's trying to say that Makarov and him are not on equal levels. Basically, the goal of his little campaign was power. If price hadn't used that nuke, the Shepard would probably have gone mad with power as he wiped out literally anyone in his path. He basically sent the 141 on a wild goose chase, he probably knew Makarov's whereabouts the whole time, minus specifics, how else could he have gotten someone so close to Makarov in the first place?
  4. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    I understand everything bar one. What the hell happened to makarov?
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    The intel gathered from the safehouse was enough to guarantee he would be put down along with anyone else left in his operation. Shephard took the hard drive, and either he took him down before the 2nd to last mission, or he's still about and a possible for MW3.

    However i doubt it. He resembles the popular novel and film character with a disturbingly confident impression, that usually followed a weak, flawed and probably self inflicting interioir. In other words, he may sound deadly, but he is probably so physcotic that if he doesn't kill himself someone around him will do the job for you.
  6. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    OK, thanks :]. I'm glad they left a lot of open ends though, means for a good story (hopefully) in Modern Warfare 3.
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    I still don't see why Sheperd had to try to kill task force 141. At first i thought it was to take all the credit and thus power, but then i remembered that he is trying to eliminate a task force that technically doesn't exist, so wouldn't he get the credit anyway?
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, that helped a lot. Its still a bit confusing though.
  9. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Slight OT:
    Campaign > Mission Select > Museum.
    Get you weapons of choice, get the ammo, and press the magic red button on the information desk.

    Fun things happen.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yes, but the 141 would have figured out that Shepherd set Allen up. So, he is responsible for the war and I doubt any of them would sit idly by and let a man amass a wealth of power. I view the 141 as a sort of bad ass police force. They go around the world taking care of the bad guys. I believe Shepherd wanted it all.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    But then 141 was formed by Shephard. Perhaps it was all a plot to keep these guys away from the invasion and capable of stopping Makirov, reporting to Shephard and then being disposed of.

    You don't really know the extent at which Shephard has control. The plot is pretty vague.
  12. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    If IW had put in long winded cut scenes then MW2 would have ended up being a lot like the Metal Gear games. In the end I'm glad they did it this way, it leaves more open for debate and the over the top approach to developing the plot line leads me to want to play it again and again to detect the subtle things.
  13. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    TF141 was used to counter terrorist organizations and perform special operations. Shepard didn't want them killed in the first place, because after all, he organized it, but then TF141 found evidence in Makarov's estate that could be used against him. So Shepard killed Roach and Ghost to get rid of any witnesses.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    The story was full of holes and made no sense, but it was cool that you got to fight against the USA instead of always fighting for them.
  15. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I thought you said you weren't getting it, because of all it's flaws and because it lacks this and that and blablabla.

    and why do you have to post anti-MW2 **** on every MW2 thread?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Because MW2 is negatively effecting the video game industry and overrated, its fun though. Someone needs to play the devils advocate.

    Why wouldn't the CIA agent kill Makarov? Why would Russia invade America's east coast? How could they?

    The storytelling was horribly done and the singleplayer overall was presented badly (fun to actually play).
  17. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    The CIA agent needed to find Makarov's employers and take out two birds with one stone, Russia invaded the East coast undetected because they stole a CIA satellite ACS model which, I think makes them undetectable to satellites. They invaded the USA because in the No Russian mission they murdered hundreds of civilians dressed as Americans, talked in English, and used American weapons, in the Zakhaev International Airport, whom the USA was against, along with the UK.

    TF141 was used to take out Makarov's operations and reveal his location, and used as an advance recon element to soften the Russians before the marines move in. Shepard terminated TF141 when they found intel at Makarov's estate, which would expose Shepard's plans to gain more power.
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    That's not true. I doubt the hard drive contained anything incriminationg to shephard. He operated under the radar and was not working with Makirov, they were enemies. Moreover, it is Price who discoveres unfoils it all somehow, without aid of any information off the hard drive. Shephard wanted to kill Makirov as much as you. In the first cut-scene he said "he is the prize". That was his intention as soon as he killed off Ghost and Mactavish.

    Also Rusty i didn't mean make longer cut-scenes, just maybe better ones and more detail in game. In MW1 for US missions we were getting news reports telling us everything going on, but on a less militaristic, and more global sense.

    Also in MW2 a lot of the detail to the plot is handed to you on the fly during the levels, like on Whisky Hotel. I didn't know what the marine was talking about because his voice was deafened by gunfire, but obviously he heard they were going to carpet bomb washington d.c. Just a bit more plot in the direction of the level might have been cool, its a bit medievil with the old 'heres your target' which doesn't seem to change. Situations always change.
    #18 Matty, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  19. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Woah. Maybe I got it all wrong. I'll try googling it and see what comes up.

    But I remember that Shepard ordered Allen to infiltrate Makarov's operations, and then Makarov killed him so it looks like the American's massacred civilians. So Allen was set up because Shepard and Makarov were working together. And thus forcing Russia into war with the USA, giving Shepard more power. Shepard wanted to kill Makarov to get rid of any loose ends (witnesses, evidence) so he gets to be a war hero.
    #19 Glasgow, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  20. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    You never fought against the U.S. You just killed a bunch of Russians in a Russian airport.
    Sheperd never wanted the agent to kill Makarov. He set him up. He wanted Makarov to discover him, wanted the Russians to inavde the U.S., and then planned on being the hero and saving the day. It was partly his fault the nuke went off in MW and killed 30,000 american troops. He went crazy and was trying to "redeem himself" to some extent. At least thats what i think.

    Why would they invade the East coast? Well, thats where the nation's capital is and most of its heavily populated areas. How? By air. Did you not see the hundreds of Russian soldiers jumping out of planes with parachutes? How else would they attack? An assault by sea would not be plausible, it would give U.S. troops time to prepare. Plus they would get crushed once the combined U.S. and British navy got organized. And coming in through Alaska wouldnt work too well either.

    Somewhat. But i dont think sheperd and Makarov were ever working together. More likely that he just let the info leak to Makarov of Allen's identity. He hated Makarov, called him a *****. And he still needed Task Force 141 to get that intel on Makarov so he could finish off not only Makarov but his entire group or army or following, whatever you want to call it. He was still a patriot, however corrupt.
    #20 Wood Wonk, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009

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