To: You From: Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt Download Asset Canvas Download Asset v2 Asset Canvas Gunnergrunt and Ell3ment (with much advice from rifte gifle) This canvas was built to support rifte gifle's popular gametype, Asset. Click here to view a guide that explains the gametype and how to properly build an Asset map. This OLN stacked/guardian blocked canvas features a hornet drop-system and 7 working drop pods. The hornet drop was designed to increase the duration of rounds (before the hornet enters the map) during each Asset game. Without the canvas, your hornet will spawn after a max time of three minutes. If you use the drop-system, you can increase that time to over six minutes. You may think that a longer round time is bad because it will make it harder to keep your VIP alive until the end of the round. If you build your map and spawn system correctly, you will be able to balance out your rounds more easily. With a longer round limit, map creators are given much more flexibility when it comes to spawning enemy classes and vehicles. Instead of overpowering the enemy team with chieftains and choppers (because you are trying to cram the full experience into three mintues), you can space the spawn times out longer during each round. Instead of having a constant barrage of vehicles, you can spawn them halfway into the round and feel satisfied knowing they will still appear twice during your match. The canvas simply gives Asset map creators more options and flexibility. Overview of canvas HORNET DROP-SYSTEM The objects at the top are the hornet drop-system. The structure below it holds 7 working drop pods. This is the hornet drop-system. A hornet (set to spawn at start:no and 180 seconds) will spawn above the radio antenna (set to never respawn). The radio antenna is held in place from the top (so it can't be shot out from below) by blocks and teleporter nodes. When the hornet spawns for the first time, after 180 seconds (or less depending on what you adjust it to) it will fall on the radio antenna which causes it to roll backward onto the shield door. The hornet bounces off the shield door and into the killball. Because the radio antenna was knocked out of its original place, it will despawn and leave the map for good. When the hornet spawns for the second time (now 6 minutes into the game), it will pass through the skybubble untouched. It will then land on the large sand dune below. You will need to build a platform where you want your hornet to land on your map. It is easy to adjust where the hornet lands. Just angle a shield door (or mancannon) in its path to direct it into your map. DROP PODS There are also 7 drop pods build above the large sand dune for the defending team to spawn in. If you decide to make any adjustments, remember to place a killball inside when you are finished to take care of cheaters. Remember that players will slide down the dune if they do not fall on a flat structure. You may want to plan your map accordingly. Here is a video that explains how the hornet drop and drop pods function and how to use them. YouTube- Asset Canvas That's all for the canvas. If you run into any problems or need help, ask either myself, Ell3ment, or rifte gifle. Have fun! Download Asset Canvas Download Asset v2 5-Minute Drop System Rifte gifte came up with a simplified version of the Hornet drop-system, but it will only work for 5 minutes instead of 6. This one is easy to build, so it is not part of a canvas. Just remember that it will cost you an extra minute from your round, and consequently, less flexibility in your gameplay. Here is a diagram for rifte's design:
Editing the guide now, again thanks for making this dude! I might just start on a new asset map because of this.
Only concern I would have is that while falling after spawning for a second time the hornet could be an easy target for the attacker and could possibly be destroyed before making it all the way to the ground or landing pad
drop hornet system is very smart. I don't forge often, but I will check those 7 drop pods out! looks EPIC! at 1:18, is that part of an upcoming map of urs?
That is a good cause for concern. The trick is to time your enemies class spawns so that nobody will be able to shoot it on the way down. You should also build the hornet platform high enough and far away enough from the enemies so that the defenders can board it safely. The hornet being destroyed is a big worry when it comes to building these maps. Just make sure you counter that problem in one of those ways and you should be fine. And even if the hornet is destroyed, you can still prevent the other team from gaining points until the end of the round yep! ell3ment and i are making an Asset map using this canvas. Its coming along quite nicely
The defending team spawns inside the drop pod room, not in the drop pods. There are 7 starting points in there because there are 7 drop pods. But you can always move them around to work with your map
I just dont like the Idea that theres active camo's. Plus the Hornet Drop thing didnt work for me 5 times. The Tail keeps going in side the killballs. Oh No Balls That Kill Lol. But honestly i dont like most of this idea. sure it great for new guys coming up with asset maps. But the Drop pods land on top of the hill and the hornet keeps blowning up. Plus where it lands you have to put a landing pad. No choice. I just dont see where this is going.
... It goes to the kill ball the first time to move the radio antenna, the 2nd time it drops at 6 minutes to the ground level. It's also mentioned in the video you can use shield doors to angle where you want the hornet to drop. Also, why don't you like the idea of active camo's? They only last like 30 seconds anyways.
yeah rifte's right. I made the video so people would understand how it works and how to use it when building your own Asset map. If you just started it up in forge, you will have to start a new round before it works properly (like most switches). To make the hornet land somewhere else, just have it bounce off a shield door or a mancannon on the second trip down. And you are supposed to build your own hornet platform that is safe enough that it doesn't 'splode when it gets there. I can't build the whole map for ya! The camo wears off by the time the enemies enter the map by the way. You can't use a custom power up because they give you cheiftan traits
Im talking about the 2nd time. And What if vergil got it? Also what about Brute Stalkers? I making my own its just I gonna need your help Gifle.
It'll wear off after thirty seconds. It isn't a big deal. Plus Virgil's got a waypoint on his head at all times. Brute Stalkers only need one Camo and its always on infinite respawn.
It doesn't matter if Vergil gets it because it wears off by the time the Attackers enter the map. The Stalker class only needs one camo on instant respawn so the other three were used for the pods EDIT: lol thanks Scobra =P
Actually with this canvas stalkers can`t be on instant respawn otherwise the camo drop pods will get ****ed up. What I recommend is have the camo respawn every 10 seconds if not more. They`re pretty damn overpowering anyways.
Ah, good call. I'll remember that when I'm setting up my stalker class. I'll just put less weight on that class so they'll get their camo every time they spawn there.
Nice job gunnergrunt, bin waiting a while for this, now i dont have to make my own Anyways really good job im sure alot of people will be using this for their future maps, cant wait to see yours guys asset map either.
At last, it's released now I can start Caldera… anyway, I had to change the area my map is located 'cos of where the Hornet drops, but I actually like forging around the dune more.