New Forge Glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jex Yoyo, Sep 3, 2009.

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  1. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Mods can still change the title.

    1 mil party is proof.
  2. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Why 3 minutes looking away from everything? If it resets itself every round then what's the point? Also about your infection coloring idea... How are you going to have everyone look away from everything for three minutes just to do a cool lighting thingy-mabob. Also that three minute thing only works some times. I have one stubborn block that refuses to change color, in which I am forced to remerge it. It's a retarded block. And also... What do you mean by "not true"? It is true that if you want to see what the object will look like, simply look away and look back... Done. And if you don't and save the miscolored box, good luck undoing it...

    Why don't you update the tips with the new ideas, That counter merging trick helps allot. Combine our two posts about box lighting too... That way people have some sort of and idea with what to do, seeing that there is no posts about it.

    Also somthing to add, You must use the UP-A method for countermerging and cannot be done using UP-X.

    For some reason certain objects won't go under the map's geometry such as wall Ts... A solution would be to have another double box spawn later in the round and hold your object right where it spawns to be pushed under the old fashion way...

    Many mods have posted here and saw our problems, yet see any difference? I'm not saying it's not possible, but...

    (I appologize for any misspellings for I am on a non-spell check enabled device)
    #462 diger44, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Well, thats what i was planning on doing but it would be smart to wait until the conversation is over before i put it right on front where some 15000 people see it. And since its at the back other people can easily join the debate.

    On Topic: First off, what I meant by waiting three minutes applies only if you want it to be permanantly changed. If you want to use this for some cool effects in a game with multiple rounds (make it seem darker or brighter) then save it while its one color, which will be the color for the first round, then every round after it will have normal lighting. The three minutes does not apply because during the first round all objects spawn with the properties that they have been saved with, but when a new round starts it renders every object again. Its hard to explain...
  4. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Really? Because that one block hasn't changed over several rounds of over three minutes each... I don't get it. I have noticed after you menchend that when three miniutes pass, yes, all lighting does reset, however, my saved block is saved that color. How do you think color coding avalanche boxes works?

    Add meh counter-mergeh tipppppssss then to teh tip guide \lol_speak
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Well, idk, all I know is that my trick works for sanbox, foundry, and blackout, as far as ive tested. I will go back and do other maps because this is the second time there has been a contradiction with outcomes. Im assuming either massive lag failure or some strange difference in the lighting mechanics for each map, which makes no sense at all because they still all use copies of the original physics model. Also, your counter-merging tip is really confusing, and you obviously want to be quoted so here's giving you a chance to make it better.
  6. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    It is possible to ghostmerge and colorcode. It involves a lot of saving and quitting until you get the color you want though, unless you get lucky with a few objects. After all, the colors are randomized.
  7. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    I apologize for my absence...

    Urban Myth, You might want to check out page 32 in this thread:
    Been There, Done That. My question was rhetorical, I wasn't actually asking how it worked.
    and now for
    Ultimate Counter-Merging Guide
    originally invented\inspired by Gunnergrunt.
    What is Counter-Merging?
    -- Counter Merging is a relatively new Ghost Merging or No-Clipping method that involves placing an object more then half way into other objects\geometry past it's "invisible box"; which was previously impossible before this glitch.
    What is the end result of Counter-Merging?
    -- It makes any object appear to be sunken or pushed under the map farther than it's midway point such as a double block being only a few "inches" above the ground. This can be compared to geo-merging; an object this far in requires roughly 20 times more effort and time. Note that any merge that does not require itself to be more than half way through the ground should be merged standard-ly through ghost merging.
    How do you Counter-Merge?
    -- Follow these 14 steps:

    1. Place a double block away from your forging area in the crypt or the standard level (on the same level of your map of course!) set the respawn at start to NO.
    2. Place two of your objects near each other, primarily next to your double box so you can find it easily.
    3. Set one of the objects to a respawn rate of NEVER and leave all other setting the same with the other object.
    4. Restart the round and go to your objects.
    5. Now, racing against the clock, press "D-pad Up" and "A" very fast, press the D-pad very slightly quicker than A. THE OBJECTS SHOULD NOT MOVE\JITTER.
    6. Spawn any other object and push it into your objects. They should move; if they don't, repeat step 5.
    7. Stand on the Eye-drop (the little white thing where your double block was)
    8. Wait for it to spawn (in Sandbox, two yellow squares to your right and left should appear, in Foundry, random vertical lines should appear) and jump when it does.
    9. You will be forced under the map, so immediately go monitor. Note that the "Mirror Effect" will occur in a single player game and in split screen, the other player's screen will appear where there is no map geometry.
    10. Go to the eye drop where your objects were and grab the one that is not set to never. The object should reappear there. DON'T LET GO!
    11. Wait for your "NEVER" respawn object to disappear then push the object far away from you and rotate it violently; it should be pushed under the map. If it doesn't, simply try again or if it does not even minorly glitch, then you'll have to make another double box and set its respawn time latter in the round and hold your object there, then it should be pushed underneath the map.
    12. Force spawn your object by pressing X twice and setting the run-time minimum to whatever the maximum number is. Your almost done.
    13. Here is where you should sign on you other controller or get a friend to help. At some angles the game does not render the map and it disappears, so another above ground character should be present. It is a good idea to be on the same team so the above ground player can tell where you are. Push the box directly up in order to see it from up top. You can however change the depth at which it sticks out though. Rotate and place your object where you want it by lining it up from your other player.
    14. Once you've placed it, turn human and you should "pop" out above ground to see your amazing merge.
    Do you have any other tips\tricks?
    -- This is an updated way of doing Counter-Merging, the original way required you to dummy the object from underground which can be extremely hard to do on maps like Foundry because the death barrier is so close. However the downside is that you have to do it before the double box spawns and before your objects disappear. You can increase the respawn time on the double box if you are having trouble dummying the objects.
    -- Also, to people who know Ghost Merging already, the Up-X method CANNOT be used because the tear drop is floating in the air and is un-grabbable.
    -- Pre-Bracing cannot be used either because you have to "wiggle" the box through the ground to get it underneath the map (unless you are COMPLETELY INSANE and build a pre-bracing system underground, then theroreticly...)
    -- Post-Bracing can also be used underground but it is not nessecary unless you require 100% absolute OMGWTFBBQ-IWHBYD-ORLY-YARLY-LMAO-GTFO quality.
    How's that for a "second chance"
    EDIT: This actually seamed more beefy when I was typing it.... oh well....
    EDIT 2: I did not know that rhetorical was spelt that way until spell check told me.... o_O
    #467 diger44, Nov 19, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    You deserve a really big cookie for that. Like one of those super-size things they sell at subway. I guess this can go in and be the official front-page advertisment for your awesomeness. And OMG SERIOSLY?!?!?!? I MADE THE IDEA FOR THIS!!! Gunnergrunt made the awesome video that is up on the front page. You can go look in the thirties or forties to find it.
    #468 Jex Yoyo, Nov 20, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2009
  9. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    True, you had the original idea about doing it from underground up, but gunnergrunt took the next big step and actually made the idea work. You share glory just as much as you do for ghostmerging itself. What ever happened to tyrltyr1? Or whatever...
    Thanks for the gigantic cookie btw...
  10. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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  11. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    It's been two days since I last posted, and nobody replied. Following forum rules, I am editing my post instead of double posting.

    I don't understand HOW to prebrace or postbrace.
    I was hoping somebody could post an articulate guide how to do the fore-mentioned. If at all possible, could somebody include step by step pictures, instead of a single picture. Thanks.
    #471 Jzzkc, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009
  12. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    I've recently learnt this and there is a couple of things im wondering about it..
    Is it possible to move the object again after you let go off it? I have had problems with it where i have tried to move it afterwards and it either dosent allow me to pick it up at all or it becomes clipped again if it does. I have tried starting a new round to see if this helped but again, it just became clipped again if I tried to reposition it.

    Also it is mentioned at the end of the first video you can use the same object you used to get the non-clipped object again to make more unclipped objects without starting over. How exactly do i do this?
  13. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    no, you can't pick it up again.
  14. CzIz

    CzIz Forerunner

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    okay thanks for clarifying that with me
  15. HaloIlove

    HaloIlove Ancient
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    im wondering... what happens to the box that never respawns? Can you delete it to get back one object?
  16. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    start a new round and it will be there, delete it if you must once you are done with ghost merging for that object.
  17. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    I now pronounce this thread, DEAD. Everyone knows about this already so making a Forging 101 is out of the question. I'm not even going to ask if there is one being made because now, I just don't care. This will most likely be my last post in this thread unless I discover a new way to do it with movable objects and all you have to do is spawn them and they instantly go where ever you want them.

    #477 diger44, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2009
  18. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    orly nao? ;)
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    There is one thats in progress for a couple weeks now. I started it, but I just don't have the time to finish it due to medical issues.

    Its a busy time of the year for the staff being that its holiday season, finals season, etc. Bare with us, itll get done
  20. HaloIlove

    HaloIlove Ancient
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    Is the music at least finalized?(I.e. WMG will approve it?) Any small hint on where it takes place?
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