HELLJUMP Im far from done with the map, but I just wanted to know what you guys think about it my idea. Its an infection map with a few bases and there is going to be alot of vehicles. Zombie setting is not decided yet, but they will be fast, very fast. Humans: Humans spawn in the space ship floating in the air. They are odst soldiers and start with SMG, Pistol and 2x frags. <a href="http://s477.photobucket.com/albums/rr136/Julenissen666/?action=view¤t=101025694-Full.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr136/Julenissen666/101025694-Full.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> (Remember, its still more work that need to be done) Inside the ship you have 4x ODST drop pods, 1x warthog and 2x mongoose and a weaponry. (4 drop pods) Warning: You may not survive the drop. (You need to practise to become a real ODST) Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the weaponry, but it has alot of SMG's, Ar's, some BR's, snipers, rockets, splazers, trip mine, grav lifts, flares, all sort of grenades and shotguns. Red Light Ruins: Very open. Im still gonna work more on it. Its supposed to be one of the bases you need to use teamwork to survive. Blue Light Temple: Here you can try to survive at the top of the temple or crouch inside it where it is 3 entrences. Dark Temple: The Dark Temple is a scary place. Its going to have a few weapons there, but its hard to defend. There is one fast way up, but there is always another way up. This map is kinda scary. Its huge, open and very dark. What i like about the dark is that it really shows us how awesome the HUD really is. I really want this map to be good, so i hope someone here can give me some advice so it wont end up being a bad infection map....
My only complaint here is that some of this looks really bumpy, especially the drop pod area. Additionally you might want to make people spawn in the drop pods or spawn a killball after a time to pervent players AFK from sitting up there the whole time. If spawning people in the drop pods you might think of placing them outside the map where the guardians are blocked. There you could place drop pods above the tower to prolong the epic fall. Kudos for actually making good use of drop pods rather than throwing them randomly onto some map.
You might want to fix that :lol: Anyway, I know that you've said this map is far from finished so it's understandable that it looks a bit bare (well, at least to me it does), so are you going to build any structures in the middle of the map (I think I can see the beginnings of one) or are most of the structures going to be on the dunes + outskirts? Apart from that, what you've made so far looks really good! I especially like the Blue Light Temple XD
I have already decided to use kill balls (it makes it look like the ship(not ****) is being blown up. They will have 1 minute to gear up and drop. But they need to be faster than 1 minute if they all want to survive the drop. Yes, it is a bit bumpy, but it works fine. It wont change the gameplay (ok, maybe a little bit for those who like to critizize(spelling?) maps) I dont think they would survive a huge fall outside of the map. They almost die of the fall where my ship is placed. But Ill try to make drop pods outside of the map on another map. It sounds awesome. i just need a map that gets me outside of the map (im not that good in forge ) :lol: fixed! I knew people would like the Blue Light Temple, but dont let it be your hope for survival. You'll run out of ammo fast when the infected storms the 3 entrences or try to jump up to the top of the ruin. And yes, im working on a structure in the middle. Its gonna be a huge one. I'm thinking about something as huge as SandTraps middle temple. My idea is to have alot of tunnels in it. And im gonna make it possible to drive over it (just like sandtrap). And thanks for the positive comments. This did go better than my last post...