Well I plan on making a map on Blackout, but I can't find a good flat space-that I can get to. I have been trying to that area forever, but turret glitching just brings me to ANOTHER wall, while teleporters keep going behind the building, which, by the way, is the library building. So, has anyone found how to break it? If so, how did you do it?
you could just have double boxes standing up and put walls on tops of them to make your own flat area
Isn't that area smaller than the main platform? I thought everything was flat on the map? I am confused... and I really want to get up there, too...
Hmm, possibly, but I want to walk through the wind sock so it doesn't matter. Also, I have a map idea that would need both platforms if possible.
Standing on the buildings gets guard kills in some spots and throws me through the barrier in others.
I don't understand what you're asking =\ Are you asking if there is a way to break the death barrier on that building, or a way to break through the invisible roof stoping you from getting there