Er...I feel like someone just formatted my sanity drive, because I suppose this is less stupid: "Hey I just did something illegal to my xbox so I could illegally play copied games I didn't pay for. It's cool though because Microsoft caught me and gave me a free new xbox so I can repeat the process all over again. They're cool like that." Just what exactly were you expecting Microsoft to do..? Let them carry on with what they were doing but give them genuine notification warnings everytime they booted up their illegal 360's and not let them get the latest NXE updates? (Poke)
I'm not saying what Microsoft did was stupid, I'm saying it's stupid to go out and buy a new 360 right after you get banned. Microsoft certainly isn't going to change anything if they are actually making money by banning people. If everyone that was banned never gave another cent to the xbox franchise, Microsoft would have to do something to help boost sales, such as lowering prices of games, consoles, and xbl. But that's not going to happen, now.
Maybe it's a good thing they are banning right before the holidays: 1 It will catch those who have been doing it for a while without hitting those who unintentionally bought a modded Xbox 2 Those who did buy a modded Xbox will still most likely be with in the 90 day return policy and could return it, Also ShaddoBlade I'm gonna need to say that Buddhacrane's right, if people ripoff games then the people make them have to charge more to make up the gap, and prices go up not down, it's kind of like cocain gotta increase the dose to get the same effect. So they've got to hit the people who mod pretty hard. If you made something awsome and someone changed it so they didn't have to pay you or got an unfair advantage wouldn't you be angry.
i freakin think this whole thread is hilarious. not because of the topic, but just because some kids say the darndest things. so yeah. hardy har har. and i definitely wanna steal an xbox so i can mod it to get free games. so look out for grand theft xbox in your local gamestops.