Listen to music. I think that is always fun to do, and you can do it while doing anything for the most part. Youtube is an extremely easy way to find music. Learn the songs, and sing along. Furthermore, learn to play an instrument and play those songs.
sorry if someone said this but play an instrument, guitar probably works best, because it can be quiet if other people are around.
If you are into drugs, or just general knowledge on drugs and how to avoid them, google 420chan freezer, click Taimapedia and then just keep going through the "Random Articles"
lol that's a good one. I love Calvin and Hobbes! Yea, why not go drug crazy while you're sick! Best idea EVAR!!!!!
I love you, and Jarhead. Knarly, I often feel your disease. The only cure is breaking the usual routine. Go with friends on a long drive or something. Just do something you normally wouldn't do. Unless you're actually physically sick. Then sleep and drink water.