Will we ever see a Forerunner? Do you think we will ever see a Forerunner in a Halo game and/or movie? I mean other than the monitors and sentinels. I mean like one of the biological Forerunners that created Halo, 343 Guilty Spark, and various other advanced technologies and whatnot.
I think they would look something like the Vorlons (while in their exposure suits) in Babylon 5. Here is a picture of a Vorlon: http://literatur-im-netz.dla-marbac...0/turmsegler.net/img/2009/ambassador_kosh.jpg
Nope, the mystery is what makes them so great, if the Halo universe showed them, they probably would suck, because the mystery will be gone.
I imagine the forerunners look like protheans although bungie of course wouldn't use the mass effect ancient race. Either way that's the way I imagine them, maybe it's because of the similarities in mystery between the two that I made a connection.
I think of them as a bit more roboty and technological for their time. Like if you look at all their architecture and what things they made it seems like they were pretty good for being like the first race. And with all the weird technologies stuff they made i assume they must be a little roboty looking.
Tall humanoids with long slender limbs and long necks, small heads, and small but piercing black eyes. Like that race in Star Wars that created the clone troopers on Kamino. Except they have tanned skin, and hair.
Average Forrunner 6 foot 5 inches 200 pounds white skin exoskeleton black eyes curved neck armor plating weak without suit speaks oddly tail of some sort
I know that they have 6 fingers, because when you're playing the Halo 2 Campaign level Sacred Icon, and you have to deactivate the shield barrier, the console you have to hit has a 6-fingered handprint on it!
Well they say that Master Chief is a descendant of the Forerunners so I would imagine them to be something related to humans.
I could imagine that a Halo 4 would have Master Chief landing on the planet in the background of the final cutscene in H3. This planet could hold some Forerunner artifacts and perhaps some fossils that show what the Forerunners looked like.
Pretty sure the forerunners committed mass suicide, looong before the events of the Halo arc take place.
Not just Master Chief, in the Level Halo in H3, Truth tries to get Sgt. Johnson to activate the rings, right before Miranda Keyes comes crashing in.
Forerunner are genetically identical to Humans. Precursor >>> Forerunner >>> Human Thats because the forerunners designed their technology to only work/be activated/used by those of their own kind. The Prophet's couldnt activate the Halo's without humans.
Humans are more like the "adopted" descendants of Forerunner. Humans where the chosen race of the Forerunners to be tasked with the keeping of the Halo rings and making sure the flood stays contained. That, as far as I know, is correct. Please point me to some print that says otherwise if you have it.
Forerunner - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more Also, the Halo Encyclopedia I was reading yesterday at Borders
The only thing on the page that talks about it and it isn't definitive. It's not known for sure. Personally, I find the Terminals more convincing than something one of the Forerunner's, possibly rampant, AI says when his emotions are running high at the destruction of his "home." Regardless, I stand by my description before.