Asset: Lost Dunes Created By Nuvnuv123 To EVERYONE viewing this thread, I have updated the map, and chnaged a few things to make gameplay a little better. Please download the newer version on my file share, in this link below. The asset gametype can be found below too. THank you! Asset V2 (Gametype Needed) : Halo 3 File Details Map V2: : Halo 3 File Details Changes: I made the covenant spawn wall higher, to prevent being lasered when the covenant enter the map, for fairness I added some more geomerged cover, hopefully it is better and more fair took out the turrets on the main base, they were useless. Also took out the sniper rifle in the hornet spawn. Hornet spawn has changed from 180 seconds, to 120 sec. Also the banshee has a quicker spawn too. The wraith has a spawn at start NO. It spawns at 45 seconds into the gameplay to make the covenant use the grounds, instead of the vehicles. Hopefully these changes make your time on this map worth the download, I will try my best to update this thread as much as possible. THNX Story: As the covenant fleet held its position above the city of New Mombasa, It wasn't long before little but nothing remained of the Orbital Space tether. As this small lake was once teaming with life, it is now dried out only to hold a once functional satellite station. Now it is a stop for the ODST troopers and their VIP Virgil, on their quest to get out of the desolated lakebeds. Map: This map is my first of a series of Asset maps. I plan to make a 5 map series on all of the bigger maps. This map is one of my best, partly because I implemented a heck load of ghost merging. The map consists of the satellite station, two smaller bases, one of which the hornet spawns in. The major base has an armory, but houses nothing to fancy, except for the missile pod. Game play: The game play is a bit slowly paced, but in the end, it pays of with a victory. Staying with Virgil Is VERY important in order to survive a full round. Here are some pictures of what happens when the ODST get greedy: You can see Virgil faintly in the background Here is a dead Virgil, lost in the covenant world without his ODST friends. This is what happens when you ditch your VIP Each base has a power weapon. The main base has a laser, the base to the right of the main base has a rocket, and the base to the left has a sniper with low ammo. Here is the Map: This is the brute spawn after they are killed in a room with a killball The Brutes gear up for battle Brute's teleported to map and vehicles Here the Main base, the y-intersection tube is the armory. The ODST and Virgil spawn behind it. This is the base where the hornet spawns. Again, to get here means to stick with your VIP. The aesthetics may look odd, but it works during the game play. They provide more cover fr the covenant, as well as the ODST and Virgil. I would like to thank ALL of the testers. You know who you are. Without you guys, this map wouldn't have been able to be finished, even biult in the first place. I also would like to thank Rifte Gifle for making such a brilliant gametype! Thanks! Screenshots in post below! Thank you! Screen Shots: Sorry for the Wierd Screen shots. If you felt they were lacking in gameplay, it is because the ones that had better scenes did not upload properly to photobucket and got deleted. I will have some more sufficient screenshots up later. Please bare with me. =(
Is looks pretty good to me. Forging is a bit sloppy in one place, but other than that it looks like it will play well. I'll dl and try to play it with a party. Oh noess! You're making 5 Asset maps! I'm only making 4! Dammit!
Cool another asset map, it has a nice open feel look to it which makes it good for vehicle combat but if it's an asset map which base does the hornet spawn in and when and where is the VIP point?
Thanks! The Hornet spawns on the Base to the LEFT of the main base where the ODST spawn. The Hornet Spawns after 180 seconds, but it is not a lot of time, if you are actually battling and not AFK. =)
I never got to play test the finished version with you Anyways, I'll download this right now and try to get a party going tomorrow. The only thing that worries me from the pics, are the turrets. Most of them are so spread out, that they'll just be rendered useless (you need to be by your VIP to use them). Heck, the covenant might even use them to their advantage. I'll post again with a review and suggestions for your future maps after I get a few games together. Oh, and I added this to the Asset master list
Thanks for your reply. About the turrets. Now that you specify them, I am starting to think that they are kind of useless, that is, until the Banshee and one or two choppers or ghosts are really busting up your squad. There are definetley some places on this map that could use a touch up. I will try my best to update this map. And take the feedback and implement it into my next 4 maps of the series. Thanks!
My list of suggestions 1)More weapons for the covenant (I grabbed a carbine and a spiker while playing a 4v4 today, and when I died 15 seconds later, there were absolutely NO weapons) 2)Don't have all cov vehicles spawn at start. I think you have it right by having the laser spawn at start, but don't have all the vehicles spawn at start as well. You want it to start off easy and work the difficulty up whether you have a laser or not. 3)Move the cov vehicles. Right now, they're at a position where they can be easily destroyed with a laser easily. 4)Less turrets. The one on the left side of the base you don't really need, and if you're gonna have it there, maybe have it spawn 30 seconds before the hornet spawns. Where it is the covenant can easily get to it and use it. 5)The banshee. I don't know what's with the banshee, but does it spawn at like 3 minutes? Don't think it's a good idea, because the banshee always destroyed the hornet as it spawned. Have it at 90 or so seconds. 6)Block off the hole into the crypt. Pretty self explanatory, it's open right now. I only got 2 games on this, without getting any special classes, so I don't have any complaints/suggestions for them right now.
Thanks Rifte. Unfortunate you werent apart of the testing. Before I come out with my Asset camaign, I will make sure all of these things are fixed. Scratch that maybe even before I realese the maps. I wish I could have moved the covenant base thing, but the ghost merging did not work, attempt after attempt. I really did not want to risk having a extremely sloppy and "out of place" covenant spawn on the map, it would ruin the asthetics and would make it look really wierd. Thank you!
I don't know... I think this is my least favorite asset map. What happened to rofl helping you I don't see much changed I know that I placed the block on the crypt even so why is it not there. This map feels like its not finished and was released way to soon. You need to do some major work on this before its done. It has a lot of potential but its just not there yet. Defiantly fix what rifte said. I would have waited to get some more tests in especially some with rifte or someone with experience in the game type.
I know. I am actually not very proud of this map, especially because of the fact that my connection was messing up the testing sessions. Also my forging isn't as good as it should be. The crypt hole should be blocked. I fixed it and saved it before I posted the map. I hate when that kind of stuff happens. Besides, I am a very busy guy in real life and forging a map takes a while for me. This map took forever for me to make, including the merging and layout. There will be a V2 hopefully soon. Or I may scrap the map and completely re design it. Remeber, this is my first shot at an asset map, and I hav 4 more left to finish off my Map pack. Thanks anyways!
My favorite asset map. What happened to rofl helping you I don't see much changed I know that I placed the block on the crypt even so why is it not there.
something happened, while I was saving it. A friend joined and while it was saving it, it got deleted and that completely messed up things. argh. But I suggest that if you already have the map, go ahead and put the block in the crypt. Otherwise I will have an updated version by today. Thank you
Why the hell did you quote me and change it? I doubt you actually did that. Don't scrap it it just needs some more work. Fix this one up with a V2 before you go on to your others.
Ya. I have updated the thread and the map as well so now, it should play out a little better. Hopefully. Please keep giving me feedback it really helps.