i think he means that if there was an assault mode like on halo 3 or something, and that a map like this would be good for it. i think it looks grrrreat seems like u gotta tablet or something. i would love one of those <3 reminds me of that level already on MW 2 with the crashed plane that 04 should be chaned to a 7 cuz bungie is pro. even if its MW 2 ...o well
Search and Destroy=Assault Mode(with no respawns and two plant points) Sabotage=Assault Mode w/ neutral bomb & 1 or 2 plants ptz for each team(i forget how many) So there you go Ohbtw, nice drawing
Haha i know that theres already stuff like that but we were thinking sumthin more liike a d-day assault. Thats the one thing that most games are missing. Bunker + Desert + Lots of open room and lots of ppl = fun