well my xbox got banned for having some thing in it that lets me played copied disks.just wondering if its possible to take my hardrive and put it in another xbox,would i still be able to play on my gt?
nope it is your own fault for having pirated games over 1 million people got banned from this: http://www.modernwarfare247.com/news/one-million-xbox-live-users-banned
Did you expect help? You modded your Xbox, you played pirated games. Seriously, you get what you pay for.
If you get a new console you can recover your account. The ban is only to the xbox. They still want you to play live, but just on a new console.
You can't just take the harddrive to another xbox and play it like you could before. Along with banning your console, Microsoft also corrupts your profile so that anything you do on that xbox does not carry over to anything else. This means that you actually have to recover your profile through xbl to play on another xbox. Besides that, yes, your gamertag will work fine on another console. Just don't buy a new 360. Get one used, or get a PS3 or something. It's so stupid that people are actually paying Microsoft for banning them...
So then you should have asked him if his xbox was modded or anything, then if it was, google up "modded xbox" to see if there are any penalties or consequences.
ok your clearly not listening...my original xbox is modded and got banned....i borowed my friends xbox in hopes pf using my hardrive to play my gt on his xbox.if the answer is no i cant do that or yes you could just say that.I dont upresiate people giving me retarted comments.
lol, "retarted". So, destroyer. You are currently in a position of having 2 Xboxes. The first, yours, is banned from XBL. The second, your friend's, is fine and he has given it to you because he doesn't use it. I have this radical idea, I'm sure nobody else on teh Interwebs will have thought of it: Why don't you actually try it? Y'know, take your HDD and put it on the other Xbox. Its just one of those numerous "Well-Duh" methods, along with using freakin' Google If it doesn't work: well, it serves you right for stealing games.
well i couldnt check at the time cause i need to connect to live...but now i just decided to make a new gt...its now BLU3 MAG1C 91 its basically the old 1 just a 3 instead of an E.
You could have just recovered it. They would just flag your old account to run another test to see if you had modded hardware. Even if your xbox is banned, it's still worth it to have for the amount of games. Everyone gets bored of some multi player and there are plenty of single player games out there waiting to be ripped, haha.
Microsoft has made it publicly known that they are hoping to ban 1,000,000 accounts before Christmas. While the ban-happy attitude is comforting for those who play by the rules, many think the timing of Microsoft's ban crusade is pretty tacky. Its quite convenient that they go on a ban-tacular just before the holidays, when major gifts are bought on a very large scale.
People would never go through the effort to open up and mod a PS3, unless they really wanted too, but still an xbox is sooo easy to mod. EDIT: Think of the enviroment Microsoft!! Think about how many xboxes will be thrown away now. I say we stone the head of xbox live with our banned consoles.
i have somewhat of a related question. my xbox died, and my friend from the neighborhood is fixing it for me. does that count as a mod and can i be penalized?
no unless he is putting a completely differant hardware then what came with the 360 and allowed you to play copied/pirated w/e games on then there won't be any penalties