Hey guys, I've recently started a new project. I've injected about 5 hours worth of forge time into this so far and its by no means complete yet. I've started forging already and I have a few things done. You can view Progess in the Progress spoiler. Overall Idea Spoiler Basically, its going to be a Symmetrical map. However, the design has already slightly changed. The paths on the outside are now boxed, not curved (more like a digital clock 8 rather than the simple 8). The design originally was to make this a cave map. However, I have a huge doubt in my mind that I won't have sufficient budget to complete it this way. So i'm now thinking I'll be able to get around with the bases made into Caves and the centre as an open "hall" type looking thing. NEW! Pictures Inside... Progress Spoiler NEW! This image shows progress in the Tunnels. NEW! This image shows progress made in the central circle and progress made with walls and tunnels. This image shows the Central circle, Two nearest paths, and Base floor levels completed. Names Spoiler As of yet I have no definate names for the map (Hence the title) However, I have one name that could work. Cynosure - something that strongly attracts attention and admiration Oxalic - A Type of Chemical Kartoid - (Not an actual definition) Related to that of a Cartoid.. Something to do with muscular tissues. Any relevant name suggestions are welcome
Just putting it out there--iirc, Cynosure has already been used on a fairly popular map. Otherwise, the map and concept look really decent.
Thanks lol... I've not actually heard of Cynosure though.. but I cant really name a map after another map.. Thanks for your opinion on the map though
...That name, to me at least, does not draw any of those things you listed. However, the map itself looks pretty solid so far, I'll be paying attension to this thread for updates.
Why is it in the crypt? If you fall off, you could be stuck there for a while... Your "Overall Idea" pic is a bit hard to understand, but it looks like you must cross through that small center to get to the other side. That would make it hard to cross the other side, so it's a choke point. Just take that into consideration.
Thanks. Not sure what you meant with the first bit though.. The name I've put represents a central attraction. Which hopefully when i'm finished, will represent the Central Chokepoint in the map, which is the circular centre. Yes the chokepoint is intentional. With (fingers crossed) 4 points of entry from both sides and three exit points to each base. It should prove to be quite a hard point to control.. as well as an easy choke point to reach. In planning I've tried to make it large enough to be a good strategic area to control, but I dont want it to be a dominant area so all members just sit in the circle and watch all entrances, so Ive made it small enough for enemies to slip through "unnoticed". I've also changed the level 3 box room to have only 1 entrance point, and it will hopefully have a window overlooking the central room, so if the choke point is a dominating point, teams still have the option to overlook it with greater height. According to google definitions.. Kartoid doesnt Exist.. Oxalic refers to a chemical substance.. Thermic is often referred to as "heat".. None of these words could be used to describe my map
Seeing as there is not much to in the photos of your map currently, there is nothing to decide on if a name would fit your map, so giving some hint as to what you expect from the name would help.
Touché... Well.. Hopefully, its going to be like a Cave map.. but the centre is going to be an open area.. that has Gold plated walls.. and like a shrine type thing in the middle... But thats only if i dont run out of budget.
Derelict, Conversion, Forsaken Not sure if any are taken; probably the first two are. Im pretty sure Equinox is already taken also.
I like the sound of Equinox... no idea what it means though.. I'm going through a massive map change in the design.. The central ring is no longer a ring anymore.. it uses too much budget / items to make.. so its just a box now with a dipped section in the middle for a power weapon.
Equinox it when the sun is directly over the equator: March 20 and September 22 funny this is when they make odst boxes look terrible, use a ring no matter how much budget.
I agree that you shouldn't make it a box, especially is its going to be a cave map. It really doesn't look natural for a cave to have a nice square/rectangle. If your looking to do a circle use a respawn area to help build it. You can turn it cylinder and make it to a size you want and then use it as a frame work. If you don't want a circle then maybe just add 'rough edges' to the box. So have sticking out bits (for lack of a better term) in various part of the wall just so it doesn't look like a normal square room.
Well tbh, It was going to be part cave, part "man made". The bases are in caves and the centre is something that was built and put in there, so it looks like someone basically went through all the caves to make like a secret shrine sorta thing... The circular platform doent work, because a) when i started forging the bases I tried to make them the same height and theyre about 2mm off (irl) so theres a terrible bump between the two.. Fixing this in the circle, was too hard to make it perfectly circular and level between the bases. I used a respawn area to mark it out, but I found it was too difficult in the end. Also it used too many objects to make such a large circle. I've covered the same area with a rectangle and salvaged 6 block huges! which have helped alot in making the walls around the map. Overall, my biggest worry is object limit and budget really.. Map construction is almost complete.. I'll be creating a new topic under its new map name. Keep your eyes peeled. It'll also require some people to test it as well
You might want to go for the forerunner type look instead, because it looks much nicer, and making a square instead of circle is definitly not worth the six blocks. You can always delete some unimportant thing, but a square just looks bad, as if you didnt take the time to make a circle.
lol well.. ill let you see what you think about it.. New topic with constructed map will be up in 10 Besides if i hadnt have done the change.. I wouldnt have a completed map.. I've cut this very VERY thin.