Discovered another foundry glitch. [Crates]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Aranore, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    I was in foundry messing around with respawns and never respawns, item mins and maxs, and I discovered something very interesting with foundry level. I was spawing all the available amount of movable objects [16 crates, wire spools] and setting all the respawns, except for one of them, to never, and then setting the minimums to the highest possible.
    ex; 16 spawned crates
    minimum 16 crates on map.

    Then, normally with fusion coils or Mcannons, I make all the objects move so they unspawn. Once all the objects disappear, I hit the one that has a normal respawn time.

    [​IMG]* [​IMG]* [​IMG]

    The movable objects act differently depending on what one you do this trick with;

    -Anything other than a crate in the Scenery list, all Weapons or all Equips: First off, the object has to move completely away from where the spawn is. So if it's a wire spool, there needs to be enough room for another wire spool [sometimes more]. As soon as enough room is made, another object spawns. Useful for levels where you want a "Train" effect of a constant barrage of flying objects with a man cannon in front of it or a path. Sometimes it will not take effect immediately, like a timer of some sort. If you slowly move the object or make it go flying faster, it will spawn the same speed once enough room is made.

    -Vehicles: No real noticeable effect. Doesn’t force spawns faster.

    -Crates: Ahh... Crates. I made a map, Vicissitude, based around what happens here.

    When you hit the crate with anything, including shooting it, it will spawn another crate IMMEDIATLY on the spot. Now with the original crate there, obliviously there is not enough room, so the crates... move. It appears like as if the crate was merged and is being "forced out" and if you keep shooting it, it will keep making crates till you have 16...

    Now, how is this useful? easy: You can direct where the crates are formed.
    By placing a sender node or any non-movable objects on the sides of the crate, the spawned crate will go to the "open side".

    -The example below, I have a crate in between a sender node that’s up-right, and a weapon holder on three of the other sides and one on top to keep it steady. In front of the open side are floating receiver nodes. As you shoot the crate, it spawns another, pushes it out, and forms an effective temporary bridge. Eventually, the crates will despawn, leaving no way back. Maybe useable in siege-base maps, or objective maps where you can shoot the bridge out with gauss hogs?

    [​IMG]* [​IMG]* [​IMG]

    -Next example, I have the crate on the ground, with the sides covered and only the top exposed. Shooting the crate will force another to spawn upwards. This could be used in a level to be made into a temporary block or wall in a path with the crate in the floor, or an access to another section of a map.

    [​IMG]* [​IMG]*

    -This crate is on the ground, with the top and two opposite sides open, -and the next with an open "corner". Shooting it will cause it to spawn in one of the two open directions, useful in maps where you want expanding cover.

    [​IMG]* [​IMG]* [​IMG]* [​IMG]

    A strange thing is this does NOT work on Sandbox with scenery - moveable objects. Movable objects with repawn times of "never" simply move and do not unspawn [blocks, stone pieces] so the trick wont work here. It's as if it's a non-movable object, but simply can be moved xD. If that makes sense.

    [​IMG]* [​IMG]* [​IMG]

    Not sure if this had been posted before, but I could not find it. If it is, then I would appreciate a link to it so this post can be removed.

    Also, please view the map that incorporates this, Vicissitude

    Comments and feedback, and good forging!
    #1 Aranore, Nov 14, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2009
  2. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Wowza nice find man, ive always wanted to make a non-laggy conveyer belt out of large movable abjects such as crates or bins.

    Have you tried this on other maps?

    BTW; Nice presentation.
  3. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    wow... nice job dude. come to think of it ive done this many times but never thought of really turning it into somethingusable..i can see potential in this.. it could be an extendale bridge activated by touching or shooting, or a convere belt which ive always wanted to make but never knew how too. thx alot.
  4. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Eh, I would of put the use first. Eye of the beholder and whatnot.

    I've downloaded your map to see this in action, later today I'll check it out. From what I understand this could very well redo our entire switch system for bridges.

    Now to get this to work on sandbox...
  5. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    That seems rather nice of a glitch. I know i never dug into what some of the artificers did when they created a Draw Bridge with dumpsters with a similar idea. I imagine that you can create some very good game elements with this. I'm glad you discovered this... because I never knew how to so something like this.

    My one question drives towards the crates you create via hitting and shooting. How long do they last till the respawn?
  6. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    Pretty cool. I'm sure some people will use this for something.
  7. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    The Spawned duplicates normally will last 30 seconds. sometimes a lot longer, sometimes they stick around indefinitely till you use up all the mins. mostly 30 seconds though.
    Yeah... they changed how the objects work. If you move a movable object with a respawn time, it will go back to original form. If respawn is never, is just stays moved. you could PROBABLY figure something out using that knowledge alone, but dont know what yet xD
    Thanks, and sandbox was the only one I really thought you could use this alot on. The pre DLC maps didnt seem to have potential, but my guess is any with crates, the crates should work.

    Thanks everyone else for the feedback to ^_^
  8. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    No offence, but this has been around for some time, it's really not that complicated. I actually had a map A LONG time ago (before heroic DLC was even released) on Last resort, I had two towers with four teleporters around the base box, so it could only grow upward, and there was a single hill floating in the air. It was quite fun... I may dig through my harddrive to find it...
  9. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    your sig lied to me on 4 computers :p

    and geomerging is simple and easy to. doesn't mean that since it was demonstrated it helped a ton of people understand it better. that was my goal.

    Any whos off to my next map
  10. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Did it now? Hmmm, I may have to investigate that further... :( lol

    Edit: You are apparently very determined to see the other images... lol
    #10 Noxiw, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  11. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Does it work with lag?
  12. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    Yes, I agree with this, this has been around for awhile, I did this in forge over a year ago while messing around
  13. HaloIlove

    HaloIlove Ancient
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    hmmm.... growing crates...
    I would like to play a map with that glitch. :happy:
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I've known about it for quite a while now. On a map I never posted, I actually have that as an aesthetic piece of the map.
  15. XCOnFuSeDeAThX

    XCOnFuSeDeAThX Ancient
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    Pro Vator

    Hey nice find! thanks to you i can now build my pro elevator! :)
  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    A nifty glitch that I've never come across before...

    Now to make things interesting: It seems this works because there are 15 crates set to never respawn, so you have 16 crates that want to spawn but there is only one spawn point.

    The trick is getting rid of those 'never' crates first so that the single spawn point becomes glitched. Naturally you've been doing this by moving them from their tear-drops and waiting for them to despawn.

    As you stated, this can't be done with the objects on Sandbox, because they won't despawn (I never knew this was the case, but I've not really Forged on Sandbox much so I'll take your word for it). There is another way to despawn an object though; this is a technique I discovered to build part of my Forger's Cell puzzle map.

    Actually the glitch I'm about to describe isn't so much "despawning" an object as it is "preventing an object from spawning alltogether", but same end result ;)

    Here's what you do: You get two people over xbox live and set an object to both never respawn and not spawn at start. To do this you have both players enter the object's menu; at the same time, one player sets the object to never respawn, and the other player sets it to not spawn at start. If you do this right then the object will never appear on the map, it essentially disappears for good.

    This trick would allow you to create your "magic crate" without needing to "setup" the glitch during the game (i.e. despawning the objects). This also means you should be able to do it with objects on Sandbox.

    I may experiment around with this later tonight, but just thought I'd share my theories first.
    #16 buddhacrane, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  17. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    Dear jesus above. that would save room, funds, and lag. still not useful on Sandbox, besides the initial few spawns. hmmm... I cant remember if you make a man canon shoot stuff out into the water outside foundry, do the objects immediately vanish, or hit some type of bottom? does that work on sandbox to?

    Reason this is useful, is the objects get spawned, then would desapwn. on Sandbox, they would pop out from the one spot, and become permanent.

    Regardless, your method works better. and that explains where all the objects are hiding on cell >_< I cant get past the turret U_U
    #17 Aranore, Nov 18, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009
  18. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    didnt quite get it but i do mostly understand and I undrestand that it makes LOTS OF CRATES and it looks quite helpful
  19. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    I think a video of this would be a great idea; I got the gist of it but a moving representation always helps.

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