Vicissitude Created by o Aranore o Download Link _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Map Description For reasons unknown, a warping vortex has caused crates to self duplicate. The secret lies in this area, and everyone is fighting to control the area.. Un-tested; This map takes use of a glitch I recently discovered on foundry with crates. It is a small map, designed primarily for 2v2 or 3v3 or 5 FFa. KoH and Objective games were also mainly designed into the game play. VIP and Jugg are made into it, but not the main focus. This map is more of a test to the glitch. My focus was showing one way that it could be used. Others are mentioned on the glitch thread. The map is set up to be played for any gametype. Theoretically though. Remember, it’s still untested _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weapon List Starting weapons: Assault, no Nades 30 Secs Carbine x4 [min1] 30 Secs Plasma Riffle x2, not placed at Start 60 Secs Brute Shot x2, not placed at Start 20 Secs SMG x2 [min1] 10-30 Secs Spike Grenades x6 [min3] 10-30 Secs Plasma Grenades x6 [min3] 60 Secs Trip Mine x1 60 Secs Regen x2 90 Secs Camo x2, not placed at Start _________________________________________________________________________________________________ For 2 team game types, players start off in my usual spawn rooms. The rooms have one way out, but 4 exits. Thought was put into it being as tele-killing safe as possible. Spawning areas are set up so that if campers are sitting by the exits, you should spawn near safety. Note: Intended Gameplay has no starting Nades or Secondary Weapon, 150 Gravity, no Radar. Spawn / Starting rooms 4rth Exit above level. [with and without fence case] * _________________________________________________________________________________________________ * The main area is composed of permanent cover, and crates being the main source. The crates, once 20 or so seconds pass into the match, start duplicating when shot or moved, creating cover that always changes. The roof is fairly short, so its difficult to get on top of them. Four [4] of the crates have a respawn time of never, so they will eventually add more to the glitch. * * _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Again, the map is set up to be played for any gametype. Theoretically though. Remember, it’s still untested. Different Pics of the crates duplicating. * * Comments, Feedback, opinions, and please check out the other glitch thread!! [FONT="]-----------Download Link[/FONT][FONT="]-----------[/FONT] Thanks, Aranore
Very original I like the interlox and geomerging The idea of duplicating cover is used VERY well in this map. I really like the way you set up the starting rooms The map itself- 4/5 Gameplay- Pending I will download and play when I get the chance and come back for a full review.
Well for a test map for your new glitch, it's good enough. Forging is fairly clean, but it's otherwise it's not really that interesting, aside from the crate glitch. I would recommend making an objective-oriented map, like you said could be implemented in your thread about the glitch itself.
yeah I came up with it, but i suck at building bases xD I tried for a week, couldn't make it look decent. I'm better at rooms ;P Wanted the Idea out there though. Thanks let me know