Upset at a recent DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack against their website, an atheist group is planning to launch a DDoS (Divine Denial of Service) attack against God. In the same way that to many requests for a web page can knock it off line, they want to flood God with so many fake and useless prayers that God gets knocked 'off line'. The plan is that all the participants will continuously and repetitively pray to the 'Christian God' (what, no love for the Jews or Muslims; same God right, just different prophets/saviors...) on Sunday 8 November 2009 at 8pm EST exactly. What do you think they would do if God actually answered one of their prayers? Minute of prayer in response to the Rise Of Atheism Convention DDOS attack. | Facebook (via) "This is a call to all non-believers and advocates for freedom of speech to join us in a global co-ordinated minute of prayer with the aim of inundating God (in this context, the Christian god, God, as distinct from the Greek god, Zeus, the Egyptian god, Ra etc etc) with so many useless prayers that it causes his divineness to go offline as as result of our own DDOS ('Divine' Denial of Service). The prayer minute will be at exactly 8pm (Eastern Standard Time) and 9am (Greenwich Mean Time) on Sunday 8 November 2009. The prayer can be about anything you want (but say it as frequently as possible in the minute we have assigned to ensure DDOS is achieved) or to whomever god you want. Its mostly directed at the Christian god so as to ensure we don't get too many return to senders from other gods."
I loled at this. Is this serious please tell me its a joke ;]. I do like the greek gods though they are pretty cool.
I find it insulting that you generalize and stereotype my beliefs. Lolzy concept, not really general chat worthy though.
I never said that was appropriate in any way. It wasn't, but that's no way to decide that everyone is like that. I find it insulting that a good amount of atheists have decided that atheism goes on to show that religion is useless or whatnot...stereotype all religion ideas by saying "this guy said something that was ridiculous, therefore it doesn't make sense and causes all the war in the world..." and go on from there. This is a perfect example...regardless, this is turning more into a flame war than a discussion.
Your stereotyping a group people based on their beliefs and acting the victim right now, the vast majority of atheists don't pay much attention to Religion. You are grouping people together based on a minority action not cool bro. Live and let live and all that good stuff. That
I am Christian. I have no problem with atheists not believing in what I believe in. However, I really dislike atheists take non belief to an extreme and turn it into anti-Christianity hate sessions. I also really dislike Christians who are overly Evangelical, and turn everything into a heathen hate session. Both DDoS's, are really, really stupid.
This will fail. God pre-determines everything that is and ever will be. His holy servers will be ready, hes even roped in the floating spaghetti monster. Yeah but this is kinda funny as a christian and a computer user
I wouldn't really call "DDoSing God" a "live and let live" idea. Though to be fair, both sides of the argument are stereotyping the other side from one I guess I see what you're talking about. Still, I don't see how this should be welcomed by atheists. Sure, it's funny, but it's demeaning to religion in general.
Completely useless from whatever perspective you see it. A true atheist does not believe in god. Therefore, nothing can be accomplished by trying to contact something you don't believe in. A true Christian believes that God is all-powerful. Therefore, nothing can be accomplished by trying to contact something of that nature. Truly useless and intolerant- It's people like those that give atheism a bad name.
Exactly, I'm an atheist and tbh I'm not a massive fan of religion but to go about challenging something you don't agree with in this way is wrong. Prime example of hypocrisy.