Every riot is crushed, every voice surpressed, every child brainwashed, every culture assimilated. And why? Because the guys at the top, they know. They know that they are a minority ruling a majority. They know that they are 1 revolution away from losing their power. No matter where, no matter when, the guys on the top are always a hair trigger away from losing all the control, all the popularity, all the power. And they don't want this to happen. Power is like a drug, once you get a taste you want more, and more, and more. And there is only one thing that can challenge power: power. There is more power in numbers than in anything else. And the beauty of the power in numbers is that it only takes 1 to awaken. 1 inquisitive mind, 1 clear thinker, 1 rebel, and then suddenly revolution rolls in like the tide, and nothing can turn it. And they know this. So they suppress. They brainwash. They sweat blood and bleed bullets, all in the name of preventing the majority from being roused. For once it is roused, the hammer falls, and they are crushed under it. The majority crushes the minority, they lose their power, and they can never get it back. This is the nature of revolution. This is change.
The question is not of how but of when? A majority is a monster once awoken is ever slow to go back to sleep. Like a Giant Rise up and take the cause for something good. I ask you what of you speak...
Miller Light! (This post is not spam, and I will explain why. The popular song 'Rocket' by American rock band The Smashing Pumpkins has a line in it in which the lead singer yells "No More Lies!" but fans commonly mishear it as "Miller Light!" Therefor, in context, my post is not spam)
Guess what? The internet isn't a democracy, believe it or not. Sorry. Keep it up and this will be an easy way to a permban. :lock: