Need help with respawn points

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EviLCorsaiR, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    As most people can see I'm new to Forge Hub, and I'd like to say that I've found many of the tutorials on here extremely useful and thank you guys for posting them up.

    I've created a really nice Infection map (took me like 10 which I plan on testing sometime but I've got a big problem. Basically it's a linear map, with sections accessible at certain times. My problem is trying to get my respawn points at the end of a passage (for the zombies) to only start working 90 seconds into the match, when I want them to. I've tried loads of things, including the use of respawn areas to set spawn order, but nothing works. I'm really not sure what I could do. I've thought of using a gravlift/man cannon to move a block off the spawn point when I need it to be used but firstly all of the gravlifts and mancannons are in use, and secondly it really won't work well with my map (this is what I'll have to resort to if nothing else works).

    Thanks to anyone who reads the wall of text above, and posts something helpful.
    #1 EviLCorsaiR, Nov 9, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    You might be able to use drop spawns to cover the spawn points and then they'll keep dropping on the spawn points until a floor stops them from falling.
  3. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Place moveable blocks on each spawn point. Then, place a grav lift to move each block after 90 seconds. That's best I can think of right now, but It'll work.
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Honestly, the best way is to use a switch to open the area at 90 seconds off the main spawns that you can walk through there easily. But I don't know what your map looks like, and you'll need a mancannon or grav lift for the switch.
  5. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Try using fusion coils to block the spawn points, and then have a fusion coil set to spawn at 90 seconds up in the air. When it drops and blows up the other fusion coils, you'll have unblocked spawns without using a man cannon/grav lift.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    That will take some height for it to work every time, and you'll get a fusion coil dropping every 90 seconds, besides costing a lot in items and money. Good idea if a switch isn't possible, though.
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Well, you could have a second item spawn at 120 seconds to catch the coil after the first drop. You are right about the height, if good height is not available that idea won't work.
  8. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    The best thing I can think of is to use fusion coils. Make a confined space that holds only 3 fusion coils. Place 3 fusion coils inside of this space, set the place at start: No. Respawn time: 180 seconds. Start a new round, and place 3 more fusion coils inside of the confined area. Change the run time minimum of the fusion coils to its highest possible number, thereby forcing the fusion coils to spawn. Change the fusion coil's recharge time (the ones not to place at start) to 90 seconds. Next, you will need a moveable object to spawn directly over the fusion coils, to drop down onto them. You can do this effectively with a pallet. Set the recharge time of the pallet to 90. Place at start: No.

    I'm hoping what will happen is the pallet will cause the fusion coils to explode, move whatever is blocking the respawn points, and allow the zombies to spawn at the new respawn point[​IMG]

    You may want to use a crate or something light to block the respawn points, as the fusion coils may have trouble moving the moveable object.
  9. EviLCorsaiR

    EviLCorsaiR Ancient
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    Thanks for all the good ideas guys, but I think I'll just stick with my original idea that I've got set up right now. I've just got two teleporters directly below the spawn points, and the block that the spawn points are actually on spawns 90 seconds until that time anyone who spawns there is teleported to the reciever, which is at the original spawn point at the start of the path. Does that sound good?

    The fusion coil mechanism is a good idea, but won't work well in my map for 3 reasons: item limit (I haven't quite hit budget, but I've apparently hit the max number of items that can be placed), the fact that the area is extremely narrow, and adding a block and fusion coils may disturb the feel of the map (one of the key things that in my opinion will make this map so good is the atmosphere, it's really dark and in a way scary.)
  10. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    I don't know where your first spawn area is but if the humans can't get to it then you could just make a floating teleporter that you can't get to untill a wedge or other ramp like object spawns. but I don't know if you want them to stop spawning at the first area if so place a respawn area around the zombie spawn points set it to attackers then after 90 seconds spawn a wall or tin cup or any other immovable object to block off these spawn points. The respawn area should make you spawn at the first area every time (unless many zombies die inside of it or the humans camp there) if they don't you can raise the spawn points and area off the ground.
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I do not know if you solved your problem but you can use a mix of the suggestions above. Putting barrels, or any medium size movable object will be able to block a spawn. If you choice fusion coil I would suggest placing them to never re spawn. I would also have a trigger to set off the spawn point to go off on a set time frame. Not a falling fusion coil because as insane pointed WILL be continuously falling for the next 90 seconds and repeatedly...Instead I would have a gravlift push a never re-spawning fusion coil into your map. I can show you what I am explaining in forge if you like(Gt G043R Just tell me a time you will be on.) As always keep to it and finish it, can't wait to see what you come up with EviLCorsaiR.
  12. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    I <3 you gopher, but:
  13. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Hey... I still got cards to play...

    (remember how objects fly and such when they explode?) IF you can play it so that you send a fusion coil once in the game at a certain moment ... you have it. (think ither make a block spawn and push the fusion coil off a plat form above these blocked spawns or... you could do similar tricks...down slopes....

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