Sandbox Mudkip Farm

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Scobra, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gameplay video of King of the Hill (Captured by my friend Blinding)

    YouTube- Gameplay: Team King BRs on Mudkip Farm [Bwendon POV]

    After a total of 5 months of rigorous testing, tweaking, and slight geometry changes, I feel that Mudkip Farm is finally ready to be officially released to the world. In production since June, 98% of the geometry was created pre-ghost merge and hours upon hours have been put in to creating a unique layout that not only played well, but provided a good balance between vehicles and pedestrians. Needless to say, I feel as if I have accomplished that so well that the Warthogs had to be put on a 60 second respawn so they would feel useful. Despite how open the map looks at first glance, there is more than enough cover on the lower part of the map, making the higher areas a little harder to control, but the height advantage is worth it. As far as gametypes go, the only ones this map can support well (as proven by a multitude of tests) are King of the Hill, Team Slayer, and Capture the Flag. The preferred amount of players is 12, but occasionally, 4v4 Slayer can work.

    [x4] [30s] [2c]

    [x6] [45s] [1c]

    [x6] [10s] [2c]

    [x1] [120s]

    [x2] [60s] [0c]

    [x2] [90s] [1c]

    [x2] [45s] [0c]

    [x1] [120s]

    [x2] [120s] [1c]

    [x1] [Never]

    [x2] [120]

    [x2] [180s]


    [x2] [60s]

    [x2] [120s]

    [x2] [60]


    [x2] [120s]

    Power Drain
    [x2] [120s]

    Bubble Shield
    [x2] [120s]

    Plasma Grenades
    [x14] [10s]

    Active Camo
    [x1] [120]



    #1 Scobra, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  2. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Special Thanks;

    Dow - For helping me out during the early stages of this map. Also for giving me ideas and advice on some things and for just being an awesome guy overall.

    One Nondual - For hosting a good 90% of the tests and putting up with having to download a new version of this map practically each night. Also for giving me advice on the Hill spawns for King of the Hill. Thanks dude.

    ChAoTiC - For telling me to add those two jump ups and other miscellaneous ****. Everything I've added that you suggested has only made this map better. Thanks for that.

    Last, but most certainly not least, I want to thank every single person who has played this map and given me feedback. I hope you enjoyed it!

    #2 Scobra, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  3. Dow

    Dow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Scobra I remember playing this with you when the map still had the sniper tower with the fusion coils with it. And who could forget the floating blocks that "let the vehicles pass under"? I am proud of how far you have brought this map, and glad to see you finally posted it.

    The only problem is that the name "Mudkip Farm" has nothing to do with the map. That's just ****ing stupid and makes me not want to download.
    #3 Dow, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2009
  4. Spaghettimanp1

    Spaghettimanp1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Remarkable job this looks like an absolutely amazing objective map...also ur ability to make a warthog to seem useless...yes i've played a couple games on great and I can't wait to see more work from you soon!!
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now now, lets not get picky about names here... Soooo many power weapons, does it play out will will all those thing :/. I really like the design though looks like a really fun map. Did you get the name from pokemon...?
  6. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Very nice, I'll give it a download. 5 months of testing? That seems a tad long, but I understand if you took breaks in between.

    Well, I don't know of any other source with the word 'Mudkip' used, so most likely yes. If it isnt from pokemon, then where did you get the name?
  7. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, there is a lot of power weapons, but it plays as close to perfect as possible despite the number of them. Everything is balanced and nothing is too powerful over anything else. Trust me, after five months of testing and tweaking, it plays phenomenally for 6v6 King of the Hill or Team Slayer, despite the amount of powerful weapons.

    Also, I did get the name from the Pokemon Mudkip. The map name is an inside joke between me and a very close friend of mine. Right at this moment, me and him are laughing our asses off at the sheer hilarity of the name's meaning while everyone else shrugs it off as nonsense.

    It may be a long time, yes, but I wanted to make sure this map was as close to perfect as I could get it in terms of gameplay. As of right now, I feel I have achieved my goal and those five months of testing and reworking everything has paid off.
    #7 Scobra, Nov 8, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so I hierd you farm mudkipz

    looks like a really well done map. the walls stacked on top of the double blocks look really nice, and other small things like that seem to make it stand out. ill give it a dl to check it out. nice work on the post btw, few people seem to go to the trouble of making their post unique nowadays...
  9. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When a ear mudkip i was thinkin about the other guys who has maded a pokemon and the pokemon was named Mudkipz so when a ear mudkipz farm i said OMG ! A nother Pokemon Lover ! So your map looks great i will download it , your pics dont really work because some of them dont apear . Just a litle look the beam rifle spawn are pretty cool .

    And your base look cool to . Sorry if i cant say you more because like i said your pics dont really work ...!
  10. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stop using excamation points. And please read this:
    The Exclamation Mark
    Might want to look up spelling to and grammar and take 1st grade again. Or at least stop if you have intelligence.

    I am really liking the asymmetric feel to this map and all of the structures that go with it. It seems pretty balanced, maybe the weapons overpowering the vehicles a bit. But once I play it, it'll probably work out ok. I seriously need to test these kinds of maps more often. BTW, MUDKIPZ. Seriously nice job Scobra.
  11. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Glad you posted this! It's about time huh? It was well worth the wait though for sure.

    If only you knew... :)
  12. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this a few days ago and was amazed by how smooth the gameplay was. I looked at the gravity hammer and said, huh what purpose does this have? But now I understand that it impedes the overpowering warthogs from killing everyone. And BTW I think we should stop with all the pokemon references, haha.
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah... but I do know...

    I think yesterday was one of the first times I actually played the map and I was impressed. The Beam Rifle seemed a bit overpowering how it was but I think that's just because RunawayMongoose was whoring it the whole game.

    Great map Bwendon.
  14. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the positive feedback. Glad you enjoyed it. :)

    Yeah, I was sort of questioning the Beam Rifle during that game but I figured that since it was 4v4, it's easier to ***** it out and get more kills with it and not have to worry about the enemy as much compared to the suggested 6v6.

    I would also like to make a note that this map is best played with BR starts and it is highly recommended for this map.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I dig the layout, and there's a lot of little things I liked, like how you floated the walls for cover and continued that theme throughout...nice touch. There are some nice spaces for fighting, but I was a bit disappointed when I realized that it isnt set up for territories. The layout would suit it very well. If you plan on making some revisions to the map, please consider adding it in. I feel one of the map's strong points is its versatility, and I think adding as many gametypes as possible to highlight that would be a good idea.
  16. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the positive feedback, Lights. The only reason I didn't add in a lot of gametypes as because of the OLN. I'll see if I can find a way to fit more gametypes in, but as for now, you'll have to make due with Koth, Flag, and Slayer. As for the floating walls, not a lot of people realize one of the main reasons I decided to use them: To bounce grenades below the bridge from up top. It works fantastically in King of the Hill at the Red side walkway because most of the time, the bottom is the most contested and it feels absolutely rewarding to getting Multikills by lobbing a few grenades down below.

    Here's that gameplay video of KOTH. I also updated the OP with it.

    YouTube- Gameplay: Team King BRs on Mudkip Farm [Bwendon POV]
    #16 Scobra, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  17. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    God, I am still so effing jealous I haven't PLAYED ON THIS MAP! I love the vid, and watching people get splattered by the ghost under the bridge...

    Love it, love it. (Hate it) jk, love it.

    If people ever stop playing mw2, we'll have to play some games on here...
  18. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    I remember being in a forge session with you and Dow a while back, I was impressed, and Im really liking the floating walls that you can bounces grenades off of, which proved to be handy in the video when you got a double kill with one grenade. The map itself gives off a Utah Mambo/Tetradymite kind of gameplay feel to it, as I remember in the one or two testing sessions I did. A very solid map, I like your use of tactical jumps and structures, (I.E: Stone Bridge jump, Camo spawn etc. etc.)

    BTW guys, the name has nothing to do with the map, like the maps Utah Mambo and Bananna V.1 and stuff like that, the name is just random.

    Vey nice work Bwendon
  19. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The forge session we were in was in a much older version, I believe. The tactical jumps were something that Chaotic recommended and I thank him for the idea a lot.

    Thanks for the positive feedback, dude, and yes, the map name has absolutely nothing to do with the map itself. It's just meant to be something memorable and silly.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The seperation between the ground and walkways to give people a height advantage over vehicles. The weapons are still not overpowering because this is btb. (someone will always say weapons are overpowered or underpowered)
    This is really impressive. great map!!!

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