Looks nice, but the only problem is that i really don't know how to do ghost jumping lol. Could you possibly tell me how to? Also, I think that you did a good at making it look aesthetically pleasing. I make sure to dl and comment back. Just a question, have you tried my jump map? Since you make lots of them, you should probably check it out, it will be worth your time
Looks like it is well constructed and planned out, however I've never played a jump map so hopefully this will spark my intrest it them
Explaining ghost jumping is pretty difficult, If you go on youtube and looks it up they have it everwhere. Thanks for the nice comment though. Also yes, I have played your map, it was fun.
I think i saw im on youtube !???! I fyou have your video link it could be cool to see it ! Anyway i think this map are more challanging than the other because i can see their is a lot of ghost edge and slide ! So good job me and my friends goona jump almost all the day in your map for finish it !
Never got one of my jump maps on youtube, maybe your thinking of another. btw glad you guys like the map, hope you and your friends like it.
This is a great map! i just sorta cant get passed the first jump. im not very good at ghost jumping and etc but i would love to know wat a "sling ghost" is. thnx
A sling ghost is a different kind of ghost. Its those ghosts that look like they are at an angle, jump in the corner of that angle and it should sling you forward, thus it gets its name!
@ Jumpman Keep in mind though, it is not actually called a sling ghost. If you talk to anyone higher up, they will have like no idea what you are talking about. lol. Nothing wrong with that just saying. @ the map It's pretty simple but has a good amount of jumps in it. I think you may need a bit more variety though. Just my opinion. greatly constructed though everything worked well and wasn't frustrating to do. @ recon speller It's edge ghosts, not ghost edge. Ghost is always right before jump.
Blaze you do realize all of BtB called it that. And u got removed . On topic- Silver very nice map the asthetics are great but the last jump still angers me. Overall I loved it. It should be made into a video
Im not getting a capture card until like christmas And people call sling ghosts many different things, none of which really matter. Also, THE LAST JUMP IS FUN! Does not anger me...
ummm........i kinda get what u mean but its hard to vision it. Is there a video on how to do this? not ghost jumping, i already know how to do that, but do what hes talking about. thnx!
Lol u sure ??? When you land a jump you spam beat down. Plus they said you dont land stuff at al that are very great
gd Ok......... *Munches Popcorn* This map is very well made Xang, and I was glad to test it with you. The only thing that I can't do is the slide jump Aside from that very important problem, There is a Wide variety of jumps on this map, and will have it's own spot in my collection of jump courses.