Hey guys, i have finaly quit lonewolves officialy. I am 40 skill in it and it is a pain in the behind. When ever your about to kill someone... you kill gets taken and you get kills. Also i played a 4 player king of the hill game on guardian. One dude left. And i noticed the other two had the same emblem... they new each other? This smart asses decided to team up on me everytime i stepped in the hill. I lost because of them retards. Now i am 39 skill... so thats it i quit. If anybody is around lvl 20-30s in team slayer or doubles... message me i need to get a decent team together I DON'T WANT LONEWOLVES ANYMORE!
Lone Wolves is the most horrible part of the Halo 3 community, all the people are douchebags. It's pretty easy to level up in if your military rank is low though. You don't automatically rank down, unless you get last place, and you actually gain Skill when you get secod place, third place gets XP.
Yeah, i think i've played like 10 games of lone wolves max. Ever. But now i'm playing the Legendary brawl, just for the achievements. And that was the only reason i ever even played those 10 lone wolves games. Brawl is WAAAAAYYYY better. It should replace Lone Fags. And the games on brawl just pwn lone wolves.
I'm using Lone Wolves for my 40 but after that i'll probably stop too. I just won 3 or 4 games in a row and i'm 37 now Just hope I get more swords matches, I do pretty well, some colonels don't even use B which I found weird
The only reason why I atually ever play Lone Wolves is for the achievements. Other than that, it sucks. I'm a 35 in TS so msg me if you're intrested.
I'm a 35 in TD (I can't get it higher, thanks again trueskill rank system) and then a 30 in TS (used to be a 35 but then I got paired with 10 different horrible teams in a row. Needless to say I went to play TD). I hate lone wolves because of the amount of backstabbing going on. It always irritates me when I get my kill stolen in there (team games it doesn't matter to me). I quit lone wolves before I had all the achievements (sword triple kill was a pain in the rear).
Dude, I hate the Legendary Brawl. It's a giant noob fest of kill stealing, and random AR kills. Lone Wolves takes twice the amount of skill because there's actually a chance that you have to face someone 1v1 rather than getting janitor kills all game in that stupid Brawl.
I hate it aswell. It's my highest though so I am going for 45 in it... The only way you can win is if you drop that BR for an AR/Shotgun/Hammer or rockets and camp.. Btw you've quit LW twice now....ROFL.
I have played three lone wolves or FFA playlist (except for of course the uber pwnage halo 2 1v1 playlist) in the entire time playing halo. It sucks. ass.
Im only like a 43 in it, if I can get lucky and get like 20 br games in a row with no king or ball I could probly get 50... the problem is you never do.
same thing happened to me, i hit 41, and then i also hit a brick wall i'm like 35 in doubles now, i got one partner in mlg, but message me sometime
well i'm a 10 in lone wolves, but i don't play much matchmaking for some reason, i just never can be bothered to continue playing when i'm doing well.
Well im 34 skill in LW I only need to win 1 more game and I become a commander. But yea, I hate all the kill stealing that goes on in this playlist, on the plus side its easy to level up skill
I went into the intl tourney with 4 friend (we happened to meet up every game) and got my last two achievements (overkill and two for one) about a month ago. Since less people play that it's easy to find eachother