So.. I have always really liked CONQUEST and the really cool maps that some of our members make. Around a month ago I started to work on a conquest map. It may not be too great but i'm still really proud of it and I hope that you guys can like it as much as I do! Containment is based on a military storage warehouse. The players play in a loading dock, when you spawn you will be in a little tunnel. When you look behind you, you will see 4 warthogs in a parking lot, and you will be able to see the other team's side! Remember this is just a preview! I will be updating this thread when I get more things put together. Such as a video that I will be making probably today. OVERVIEW OF THE MAP RED TEAM FIRST TERRITORY BLUE TEAM FIRST TERRITORY RED TEAM'S SECOND TERRITORY BLUE TEAM'S SECOND TERRITORY MIDDLE TERRITORY, FROM RED TEAM'S VIEW OVERVIEW, WITH COLORED IN AREAS FOR TERRITORIES Also, the middle territories windows show 2 hornets, an ODST drop pod, and on the other side, a flag and a golf club =D Thanks for viewing guys, hope you guys think this looks good!
All the territories are supposed to be connected though aren't they? Also when I made my conquest map (its never really hit it off.. cause ive had no1 to test it) It got a lot of critisism because it didnt vary in height. The basic idea looks good though.
Steve pretty much touched base on what I was going to say. Are the Warthogs and Hornets usable? If they are you should take them out. Looks good so far though.
Conquest maps must cover every inch of the playing field. This is so players don't have to stop to capture a territory, thus giving more of a 'keep pushing forward' element.
What do you mean by connected territories? No, those Hogs and Hornets are for Aesthetic purposes only.. Thanks though guys, I really hope this turns out good, the gameplay on it was Phenominal!(spelling?)
Connected territories means that each territory space is adjacent to the next. So through the entire map, a player should never have to leave a territory.
Oh.. I get it now. I probably could update it before the release. I will make the territories larger like you guys said. Today I should be adding a weapon list. Not sure if I will have time to do it today though.