Debate Same Sex Marriage

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Projectt2501, Jun 20, 2008.

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  1. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    **** like this has no place in a debate thread. Do NOT flame a person because they have a differing opinion, whether it be right or wrong. The point of debate is to argue over the context of arguments, not to tell the opposing side that they're an idiot (plus, you need to learn more about sentence structure).

    There needs to be better moderation of this topic.
  2. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Well we do have SIMILAR DNA to apes, okay, how did we evolve from Apes yet there are still apes? Another thing is Giraffes. Evolution says that they sarted off with short necks and evolved over time to have long necks. Well thats bull. Their necks are so long that they have to have sort of a pump in there necks to assure the blood flows to the head. Well that wont just show up according to evolution, so they would have died out. Next, they have to have a valve that closes when they bend down to drink water or their head will explode from the blood pressure. Once again, according to evolution, this had to happen slowly over time, which would have killed them and they would have died out.

    There are things like this with several animals, but this debate is getting off track. The question is, "Do you agree with same sex marriage?" My answer is no. Not just because God says, but because it is immoral in my opinion. It is not meant to be, so many points show it to not be right. The only point I can see it being good is that it makes a gay person happy to be married to another gay person. Well it makes a murderer happy to kill, a rapist happy to rape. Homosexuality isnt violent like those examples but if it isnt right, it isnt right. I know murder and rape is a bit drastic, I am not comparing, just making a point.
    #402 Zombievillan, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  3. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well apes are still around because they have not gone extinct from something they aren't built for. Things only go extinc when they have not adapted or evolved to change. Also Giraffes Have long necks to reach vegitation that other herbavors can't reach. Its an advantage they gained over time and it has kept them alive up to today. Evolution happens at varrying speeds and Girraffes are mainly found in Affrica which has not changed dramatically in its eviroment since early times.

    Then I bring it to you again you say in your opinion its wrong well back that up with solid reasons why you feel its wrong. Saying you just don't like something isn't enough theres usualy a reason for your choice. You could say a bunch of things whether or not they make you look good is anouther thing. Yes you think its wrong but why? You say your not comparing being gay to being violent/a criminal but thats how you put it. You said its wrong, how so?

    @ Chips yeah its complicated and easy to get off track. The reason I have is because when you say "my beliefs" are the reason for liking or didsliking homosexuality then you have to explore those beliefs and ideas. Just happened that it was religiously connected and I wanted to exspose so darker aspects of the subject. Sorry I'll try keeping myself civil lol ;].
    #403 Eyeless Sid, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  4. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I don't think anyone should be insulted for who they are, if you want to be a Christian, great, more power to you. I was just trying to help you realize that by receiving those attacks and insults, you've experienced, on a very small scale, what it feels like to be ostracized solely for who you are. The difference between the attacks you received, and the attacks homosexuals receive, is that the attacks against you have no power because you aren't an oppressed minority. Imagine how angry you would be if the people on this forum insulted you simply for being a Christian, and then took those stupid opinions and voted away the rights of all Christians.

    I know I'm making kind of a trite point here but try not to let that stop you from really considering what I'm saying, make an effort to change your perspective and understand what's it's like to not have the luxury of ignoring those low blows; because those low blows are being passed into law, those low blows are defining the public's perception of you.

    There really aren't "so many points that show it to not be right". Like I said in my last post, the majority of your arguments have been "common sense" assertions that only seem right because you've never had any reason to question the status quo. Saying "homosexuality is wrong because homosexuality is immoral" is the same as saying "homosexuality is wrong because homosexuality is wrong".You need to realize that gut instinct isn't actually worth anything. Common sense and gut instinct were perfecting oppression when the idea of "dictator" was still thousands of years away from entering into the consciousness of man.

    And don't bring up the health issues again, on some level you must realize that those just aren't convincing arguments. You've already made a decision about this issue and are now fishing around for ways to support it. This is why you have no arguments besides tradition and common sense, it's why you created an analogy and then immediately admitted that it doesn't mean anything. You're working backwards trying to find supportive arguments for a assumed position instead of using reason to arrive at a legitimate conclusion.

    Old people who are about to die think that making gay people second class citizens will help God forget about all their past transgressions. It's like backstabbing your fellow man on some grand cosmic scale. "Too bad about those homosexuals but it's a dog eat dog world and I'm gonna run over whoever I need to to get my slice o' heaven, I ain't a freakin goodwill charity over here."
  5. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    #405 rusty eagle, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  6. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    What's hilarious about this is that they titled the article THE THREAT TO MARRIAGE and then spent five paragraphs not explaining how homosexuality is a threat to marriage. It reads like a sports article about how our team plans to win it in next Sunday's big game.

    Or maybe they were correctly referring to themselves as a threat to marriage and I just missed out on the irony?
    #406 BattyMan, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Haha I noticed that too. I did laugh watching this video because there are people like that in the world whether or not he was joking.
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    The Statistics on Homosexuality and its Effects

    Some statistics about the Homosexual lifestyle:

    • One study reports 70% of homosexuals admitting to having sex only one time with over 50% of their partners (3).

    • One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year (6). The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.

    • Many homosexual sexual encounters occur while drunk, high on drugs, or in an **** setting (7).

    • Many homosexuals don't pay heed to warnings of their lifestyles: "Knowledge of health guidelines was quite high, but this knowledge had no relation to sexual behavior" (16).

    • Homosexuals got homosexuality removed from the list of mental illnesses in the early 70s by storming the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) conference on successive years. "Guerrilla theater tactics and more straight-forward shouting matches characterized their presence" (2). Since homosexuality has been removed from the APA list of mental illnesses, so has pedophilia (except when the adult feels "subjective distress") (27).

    • Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States (5). They make up only 1-2% of the population.

    • Homosexuals live unhealthy lifestyles, and have historically accounted for the bulk of syphilis, gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, the "gay bowel syndrome" (which attacks the intestinal tract), tuberculosis and cytomegalovirus (27).

    • 73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person, and of those psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization (13).

    • 25-33% of homosexuals and lesbians are alcoholics (11).

    • Of homosexuals questioned in one study reports that 43% admit to 500 or more partners in a lifetime, 28% admit to 1000 or more in a lifetime, and of these people, 79% say that half of those partners are total strangers, and 70% of those sexual contacts are one night stands (or, as one homosexual admits in the film "The Castro", one minute stands) (3). Also, it is a favorite past-time of many homosexuals to go to "cruisy areas" and have anonymous sex.

    • 78% of homosexuals are affected by STDs (20).

    • Judge John Martaugh, chief magistrate of the New York City Criminal Court has said, "Homosexuals account for half the murders in large cities" (10).

    • Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police says, "30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles were victims of homosexuals" (10).

    • 50% of suicides can be attributed to homosexuals (10).

    • Dr. Daniel Capron, a practicing psychiatrist, says, "Homosexuality by definition is not healthy and wholesome. The homosexual person, at best, will be unhappier and more unfulfilled than the sexually normal person" (10). For other psychiatrists who believe that homosexuality is wrong, please see National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.

    • It takes approximately $300,000 to take care of each AIDS victim, so thanks to the promiscuous lifestyle of homosexuals, medical insurance rates have been skyrocketing for all of us(10).

    • Homosexuals were responsible for spreading AIDS in the United States, and then raised up violent groups like Act Up and Ground Zero to complain about it. Even today, homosexuals account for well over 50% of the AIDS cases in the United States, which is quite a large number considering that they account for only 1-2% of the population.

    • Homosexuals account for a disproportionate number of hepatitis cases: 70-80% in San Francisco, 29% in Denver, 66% in New York City, 56% in Toronto, 42% in Montreal, and 26% in Melbourne (8).

    • 37% of homosexuals engage in sadomasochism, which accounts for many accidental deaths. In San Francisco, classes were held to teach homosexuals how to not kill their partners during sadomasochism (8).

    • 41% of homosexuals say they have had sex with strangers in public restrooms, 60% say they have had sex with strangers in bathhouses, and 64% of these encounters have involved the use of illegal drugs (8).

    • Depending on the city, 39-59% of homosexuals are infected with intestinal parasites like worms, flukes and amoebae, which is common in filthy third world countries (8).

    • The median age of death of homosexuals is 42 (only 9% live past age 65). This drops to 39 if the cause of death is AIDS. The median age of death of a married heterosexual man is 75 (8).

    • The median age of death of lesbians is 45 (only 24% live past age 65). The median age of death of a married heterosexual woman is 79 (8).

    • Homosexuals are 100 times more likely to be murdered (usually by another homosexual) than the average person, 25 times more likely to commit suicide, and 19 times more likely to die in a traffic accident (8).

    • 21% of lesbians die of murder, suicide or traffic accident, which is at a rate of 534 times higher than the number of white heterosexual females aged 25-44 who die of these things(8).

    • 50% of the calls to a hotline to report "***** bashing" involved domestic violence (i.e., homosexuals beating up other homosexuals) (18).

    • About 50% of the women on death row are lesbians (12). Homosexuals prey on children.

    • 33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex (7).

    • There is a notable homosexual group, consisting of thousands of members, known as the North American Man and Boy Love Association ( NAMBLA). This is a child molesting homosexual group whose cry is "SEX BEFORE 8 BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE." This group can be seen marching in most major homosexual parades across the United States.

    • Homosexuals commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which, assuming homosexuals make up 2% of the population, means that 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molestor, while 1 in 490 heterosexuals is a child molestor (19).

    • 73% of all homosexuals have had sex with boys under 19 years of age (9).

    • Many homosexuals admit that they are pedophiles: "The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality" (22).

    • Because homosexuals can't reproduce naturally, they resort to recruiting children. Homosexuals can be heard chanting "TEN PERCENT IS NOT ENOUGH, RECRUIT, RECRUIT, RECRUIT" in their homosexual parades. A group called the "******* Avengers" prides itself on trying to recruit young girls. They print "WE RECRUIT" on their literature. Some other homosexuals aren't as overt about this, but rather try to infiltrate society and get into positions where they will have access to the malleable minds of young children (e.g., the clergy, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, etc.) (8). See the DC ******* Avengers web page, and DC ******* Avengers Press Release, where they threaten to recruit little boys and girls. Also, see AFA Action Alert.
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Nice statistics but where's the sources source? A quick glance shows me that the guy tells people to send this to other people to whatever. He doesn't talk about where or how he got these numbers.

    So why did you post meaningless bullshit from a guy who is clearly biased?
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Perhaps you missed this at the bottom of the page:
    Anyways, here's a backup if you still choose not to believe that site:
    source 2
    #410 Monolith, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    "Homosexuals are 100 times more likely to be murdered (usually by another homosexual) than the average person, 25 times more likely to commit suicide, and 19 times more likely to die in a traffic accident (8)."

    This one stood out to me. What does this have to do with anything?
  12. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    It is just a list of statistics about homosexuals, I assume to discredit them as good parents, or how different their "lifestyle" is.

    Of course you could list negative statistics about heterosexuals in the same manner.
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    YouTube- Yes, We're Gay But...

    Interesting video I just found.

    TL;DW: a bunch of different gays telling about what they like/dislike. For example, some like musicals, some don't, some like shopping, some don't, some like sports, some don't, etc.

    EDIT: only the guy on the preview has his shirt off...
    #413 Norlinsky, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2009
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    That whole post is nothing more than one of those bullshit emails that get passed around that are supposedly full of "facts". There are several versions of those stats, and you've conveniently chosen two of the less hate-filled ones.

    Trying to look up some of those "sources" only come up with different versions of what you posted, all of which are hosted by ultra-conservative websites. This further leads me to believe that it's complete and utter bullshit, and a waste of time reading.
  15. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Racial profiling. You see an Afghan walk through a building with a fairly large backpack on and you automatically think something's about to go down. It's human nature.

    It's good that you're willing to assume that someone is approvable at first glances, but usually it's smarter to do otherwise.
    I honestly really don't think so..
    Yes, some people go to extremes just to insult a certain group. That's pretty sad.
    Conservative or not, it's still fact.

    Plus, how would you over-exaggerate a statistic?
    #415 Monolith, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
  16. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Listing out facts like that is offensive. Analyzing a group of people to justify a pre-determined course of action is disgusting. It's been done before you know, with Hitler and the jews.
  17. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    There's a difference between analyzing and accusing.
  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yes there is a difference, but not in motive (although the degree of the crime is no where near) one group of people is being put down.
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    In the October issue of 1983's Time Magazine, it was reported that 42.7% of statistics are completely made up.

    No, it's not fact. That's the point I'm trying to make. It's a little thing called lying to get your point across. Some of those citations are so broad (Census Bureau, Family Research Institute, Lincoln, NE.) that they can't possibly be verified for any accuracy. If you try looking up any of the other data, you come up with links to differing versions of what you originally quoted, instead of the actual data. This proves to me that it's completely made up, knowing that no one would ever look further into it. I'm sure some of the published papers may be genuine, but they're slanted in a way that hardly makes them an objective reading of the subject.

    Again, my point is that it's made up statistics to further the anti-gay agenda, and should be taken with a heavy grain of salt.
    #419 squidhands, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
  20. Grave Robber

    Grave Robber Ancient
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    ER1CO, Discrimination is discrimination no matter how you look at it. Even if you think its right does not make it so (who am I to argue with your reality), you have been warned for already posting discriminatory things in this thread. Even if you think your right it doesn't matter to me, those "facts(false)" you posted we're discriminatory with a polite tone and is considered spam seeing as it has nothing to do with same sex marriage. This goes out to anyone else as well, if you post discriminatory things here then you will receive the consequences.

    Stop with the hurtful preaching and stay on topic, Now really I don't care about the churches opinion on us as a people, if we want to be legally married the we should be allowed, if you don't want us to then so what. If the minister or priest allows us then I think we have gods permission considering the Priest is closer to god than someone who does not devote their life to god in such a way.

    Even with that said god does not have to be related to marriage at all, I want a wedding thats not in a church because I'm an atheist, marriage was around long before your religion so therefore is not about your god.
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