I've got the most awesome vacations coming up: The Philippines - It's a service trip for my school, so we're gonna repair damaged areas, we'll probably build a few things, etc... I guess it's kinda meh, but still, better than nothing. Malaysia - My brothers are visiting for X-mas, so we're goin to Malaysia... Maybe we'll go snorkeling, visit beaches.. Just whatever we feel like. Lastly, I just found out 1/2 an hour ago that I'm goin' to Australia - This is also for my school, but this time we're doin tons of stuff like surfing, sea kayaking, abseiling, rafting, snorkeling, and some other stuff. Can't wait! BUT the bad part is I won't get x-mas presents this year cuz of all the trips I'm going on.. Plus we won't even be home for Christmas, so it doesn't matter all that much. ..So, is anyone else doing anything awesome for vacation?
I live in the Philippines man! Where are you going exactly there? Maybe we can meet? Lol jk..I don't know, might seem awkward but....I don't know
I'm not sure where exactly, but we won't be able to just leave the group, cuz it's for my school and everything.
No, I'm goin' on the west coast. ..And I just found out that I'm the only junior on my entire trip to Australia... with one other senior. I know one kid who's in one of my random classes. The rest are all freshmen and sophomores. This sucks balls.
Sadface Well, if you figure out, please tell me. I just want to know since I know some places and such.
i don't know when, but my family is going to disney world to visit my brother. And we're also watching A Christmas Carol at the theater down there :happy:
I'm potentially going to canada over winter. Over summer I am traveling to Spain fershure, and maybe visit sweden.
In December i'm going to Paris for some girls 18th. Only for 2 days though. Im also going to Ibiza in June with all the people i'v known for the last 7 years, because i'll be leaving college and going to university.
you get to go to Australia: Good. West coast: Not so good. West coast is a hole compared to east. But meh, you get to do a whole bunch of crazy **** so have fun, i guess. BTW, i'm going to Japan for Christmas- New year time period.
I'm Filipino, but I'm from Guam. Also, I'm going with my family to Disneyworld this spring with my uncle, auntie, and cousins from Canada this spring. And more than likely, to Los Angeles for a family get-together.