New Forge Glitch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jex Yoyo, Sep 3, 2009.

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  1. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Is ghost merging possible with weapon holders? I tried the usual way but they don't seem to spawn in the same way as other objects (like how sometime they will always spawn at start, even if told not to).
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Anyone toyed around with ghosting an object but also making a clone object to be used?

    Now i know this sounds weird but think about it.

    Sometimes when i ghost merge and object the original clipped object stays on the map for like 90 seconds, now i know if you grab it it screws up your ghost merge but you think there is a save/quite way of making sure that the original object stays and you can use it also? it'd be like doing a clone/ ghost merge.

    It's just a thought because iv been making alot of maps and the original clipped object always stays around for quite some time. Anyone messed with this or ?
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Probably not

    I don't really think that would work, but I'm not positive.

    The noclipped block and the zero G block have the same traits. I.E. there are thirty block huges, so the very first block huge you use could theoretically be called "Block Huge A" second, "Block Huge B" and so on. Now the problem with using both the noclipped block and the zero G block, once you place the no clipped block you're holding, the game realizes there are two "Block Huge A's" and solves the problem by deleting the block huge A that you didn't actually place, the Zero G.

    Now, saving and quiting may or may not work to be able to use both the no clip and zero G block, I feel that regardless of whether or not the game is saved with the zero G block floating around, the game would still notice the conflict and fix it. Plus, when I was doing some ghost merging at the very bottom of the crypt, I always had to save quit while holding my no clipped block below the surface so it wouldn't disappear, when I came back into the game that was the only one being used.

    However, if there is some way to impliment this, that would be very useful, we could have double the amount of blocks for no more budget. Although we would probably have lag and the flash glitch more often.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I was also thinking of using a co forging method. I know that when your holding a no clip ghosted object the original block still has the ability to be picked up. So what if you used another controller to pick up the original block and then saved quit. Maybe the game would notice it but maybe just maybe it would save both the blocks. Idk im going to have to mess with this its really intriguing.
  5. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    Ok, one thing that I did notice is that sometimes the glitch zero-G object will remain on the map, and if you delete it your no-clipped box gets deleted. Also sometimes while doing the Up-X method, a box appears where I spawned it and one falls. One will APPEAR to be grabable, but when you press A, nothing happens. But if you delete the other one, the fallen one will delete and the top one stay. This completly confused me alltogether, anyone else have an explanation?

    Also Captin STFU, The box will appear grabable and show the green hand, but you can't pick it up.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I already tried this and disproved it long ago. With two people, the random Zero-G object shows up with the red circle that says someone else is holding it/cannot be grabbed. If you try to grab the Zero-G after you have placed the other, the teardrop goes from the main object, which will remain there till you start a new round, to the object you just grabbed, which wastes you ghost merge. The real reason this is impossible is that the game bases the objects location on the information recorded by the teardrops. This saves space, and conveniently makes it impossible to duplicate objects. I have put HOURS into this, and actually have found that you can duplicate objects, but you still cannot spawn any once the total number on the map reaches 40. All it does is cause more lag.
  7. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    KK well there ya go YoYo ftw, thanks man and yeah iv noticed that when im ghosting double boxes sometimes i'll have like 2 extra ones one in the sky one floating and then the one i have in my hand.
  8. Ring 127

    Ring 127 Ancient
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    sorry if this has been posted, but i didn't find it on the first post, and didn't want to go through 40+ pages to find it. A problem that i had/found, is that the forced spawn object cannot be deleted, and as any forger would know, this is problematic because it decreases your budget. feel free to wack me if this is posted, but again, i didn't find it.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    Restart the round, it makes everything you couldnt edit / delete normal again. Its k.

    vvv I totally win BT vvv
    #449 Kronos, Oct 31, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2009
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Start a new round. It reappears.
  11. Jzzkc

    Jzzkc Ancient
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    Since people are beginning to be unable to find Ghost Merging, I move that the Admin rename this to its proper title, "Ghost Merging Glitch" instead of "New Forge Glitch!"
  12. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    I think adding tags like 'no-clip','ghost merging', etc. would suffice.
  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Haha thanks, I actually never though of that. I just did it, I hope someone will have an easier time finding this now, because you can use the seerch bar effectively!
  14. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    ok so the glitch worked almosttttt. Ok so it work with a wedge large but then after saving and quitting I reentered the game and the piece had been pushed out of the ground to where it was just sitting on the ground because the tear drop went underground and so the cpu some how didnt like that and shoved it above ground and when I decided no big deal I'll just redo the glitch the game is some how now smarter and recognizes the glitch cause i cant reghost merge it cause after completing the last step of the glitch it doesnt replicate another piece
  15. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Buddy, you are the victim of the only two shortfalls ive ever encountered. The first being the pushing it back into the realm of the map because of the teardrop. The seconds problem is caused by the fact that about one out of every fifteen times the object that you spawn wont every disapeer. This is once again caused by random lag spasms, and can be fixed by simply trying again. If the problem persists, you need to have no guests because there has been strange cases of guests making it impossible for anyone to have host, even in local (idk why...)
    #455 Jex Yoyo, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  16. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Is there a reason this has not been added to Forge 101 yet?
    It really helps and might be noticed more if posted there also.
  17. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    wow thanks dude! im totally gonna use this in my new maps. mabey ill make a bidge of floating stuff or something.
  18. diger44

    diger44 Ancient
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    I have 2 more tips:
    Box lighting fix
    When merging objects you may notice they keep the color of the area they were glitches it. Don't save and quit or save while it's that color or it will be perament. To fix it, simply have all people in game (Aka splitscreen people) look away from the box. This causes the game to un-render the box. Once you look back, the game will re-render the object with correct lighting, so be sure to do this before saving...

    Counter-Merging tips
    Instead of doing the up-a method underground, do it above ground and knock it away. Do the glitch by grabbing the teardrop still. Also you must bring the object underground before you for force spawn it. Just hold the right trigger and shake the object untill it goes underground. You can't pre-brace objects for this reason.

    Q and A
    Why hasn't a F101 been made... Hello?

    And Death YoYo can't change the title, he has tried.... so shut up with that...
    #458 diger44, Nov 14, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  19. Sir Lyme

    Sir Lyme Forerunner
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    I'm going to go for this right now.
  20. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Actually this isnt true, if you do save and quit, all you have to do to fix it is start a new forge session and look somewhere that you cannot see any placed objects until the entire map resets itself, which should take three minutes. Also, the lighting will automatically render itself every time you start a new round, so it could theoretically be used to create cool changes in scenery for an infection game or something.

    Also, could we at least be informed on the progress of the forging 101 tutorial? It seems long in the making...
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