Debate Marijuana

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr Pokephile, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I tend to really stick to one complete extreme during a debate. I feel it grabs attention more easily, when longer explanations just go ignored.
  2. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, first off, its not going on autopilot and people don't do it to make themselves feel happy. A lot of the people who use marijuana live perfectly normal lives and are not depressed what so ever. The second part about how it puts you in a daze and you don't know where you are or whats going on proves that you know little about the effects of it. It effects everyone differently but, for the most part it doesn't confuse you like that at all. It makes you far more aware of your surroundings and has a lower intoxication level of alcohol.

    I used to be like this as well, I used to have no respect what so ever for anyone who did this, but then I did my research only to find that its not as bad as the media makes it sound. The kids at my school who would come to school high gave me the wrong impression of it. I immediately though that all people who use it are like this and are doomed to fail in life. Quite the bit of stereotyping isn't it? Then I realized like all things, its fine in moderation. Compare a drunk (someone who drinks 24/7) to a successful business man. A drunk fails, has D.U.Is and has probably a criminal record. There probably not intelligent, get into scraps, and more than likely probably have life problems. Now, the business man. Business drink on occasion, who doesn't? Both the drunk and the businessman drink, but what separates them? Moderation. Now, think of it with marijuana, sure there are some people who take it too far, but isn't there a certain group of people who take everything to far? Don't look at the bad apples only. Catch what I'm saying here?

    Please, anyone who cares to debate here, please take your time to do your research. Marjiuana
  3. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bl00D F1R3-
    Wikipedia is not a resource that should be used because anyone can write something and put it on it so you can never know what is true or not.

    And marijuana has been proven to be addictive, so whether you smoke it in moderation or not is almost irrelevant because most people become dependent on it and use it more and more until they're addicted or dead, so, yes there ARE exceptions to that, but for the majority, people use it more and more as they keep using it, and it is difficult to maintain moderation because of its addictive properties.
  4. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    - Marijuana is less addictive than tobacco
    - Marijuana is less intoxicating than tobacco and alcohol, with far less immediate or long term damage
    - Marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco, with a ridiculously smaller number of caused conditions and deaths
    - The minority of Marijuana users become addicted, not the majority.

    A new health adviser for the UK was introduced. He submitted a report that medically proved all of the above. He was then told to resign because of his opinions. A testement to how naive and corrupt the government and media you listen to really is.

    Some quotes for kicks;

    #44 Matty, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  5. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    True but that doesn't degrade from the fact that it is ADDiCTiVE and INTOXICATING
    If your saying that it is less bad (not better) than Alcohol and Tobacco then we may as well make them illegal too.

    It is of my belief that the world would be a better place if people did not abuse drugs, or use them for non-medical reasons. In all circumstances, I believe that drugs are for medicine, not anything else.

    If we would like to debate the ethics of using drugs/tobacco of all sorts to get high/whatever reason, go ahead. But i believe that any drug should ONLY be used for medicine.

    You cannot argue against my beliefs because i am entitled to them.
    You are also entitled to yours, granted
  6. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    While it may be true that anyone can submit data and write whatever they want on Wikipedia, doesn't mean it's incorrect. Wikipedia is moderated, and is actually for the most part, correct.

    And Marijuana isn't addictive at all. In fact, theres nothing in Marijuana that CAN be PHYSICALLY addictive. It's a habituation, not a withdrawal.

    You don't know ****.
  7. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Vinny- refer to the quotes in Matty's post

    Ranked as the 11 most harmful drug

    THC is dangerous and addictive, and it is in marijuana,
    but whatever, here is the question

    WHY do you need to have marijuana legal?

    That is what this debate is about, or it will accomplish nothing.

    That last insulting remark was totally unnecessary. It accomplished nothing except reduce my respect toward you.
  8. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol'd hard at this thread.
  9. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It should be legal so everytime I walk down the street with a bag of weed in my pocket, I don't have to worry about being stopped by a police officer and having my weed confiscated.

    Yeah me too after I realized he's trolling me.
    #49 Vinny, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    He must be, no one can form an solid judgement based off his own personal misinformation and spinning a completely irrelevant quote (missed the point, eh?).
  11. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cannabis is a name for marijuana, said the misinformed man who "doesn't know ****"

    google it.

    See, I can do it too.

    ANd you, stating that you have been in possession of an illegal drug, should do something about it, rather than wave it off as unimportant, it is your life!
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    i beleve weed is bad bc it was never used in the Bible and jesus came 2 me once and sed it was bad so tht means it is
  13. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    aint no police ever gonna catch me nukka, i'm runnin like the gingerbread man, got my gat in my hand

    crack in the crack of my ass
    with two pounds of hash in my stash
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    They always catch minorities...
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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  16. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I view straight edge kids as pathetic, and somewhat pitiful. If you feel like you are superior because you think your above those dirty "potheads," that's sad. I don't know about you guys, but if I want to feel happy, I'll smoke a j, take my ***** out on a date, get a breath of fresh air, or eat a piece of tasty cake. I want to experience a euphoric feeling, variety is the spice of life right? I'm completely aware of all of my actions and abilities, but sure it's fun to stereotype! I want to kill my brain cells just for the fun of it (because this is true right?). Who wouldn't?

    I have little respect for the straight edge. They become those who give into the media and government's scare tactics, and then spread it to others. They become the same that rape children and murder people (did you notice the generalizations?). Why would someone want to be affiliated with that? Why would someone want to say that's their idea of a fun time?

    It's stupid. Idiotic. Retarded to say the least.

    A few days ago I was on live with a couple of my friends. A kid that goes to my school came on, and was talking about doing drugs later. When he asked me if I wanted to come over and do it too, I told him sure mang whatchu got? He then said "Fbu, what the ****? I just got some of dat chronski nigga". This is the kind of **** I shouldn't have to deal with.

    I don't care who you are. I don't care if your a staff member of this site, I don't care if you're famous, and I don't care if you are just a regular kid looking for a good time. If you are a anti-drug straightedge ******, I lose all my respect for you.

    And before you guys start making fun of me for being druggie, or saying gee, this guy is being pretty harsh, you should know that one of my best friends died from drug overdose. But I won't let a personal bias stand in the way!

    So yes. I want marijuana to be legal. All the more excuse to do it.

    Bibliography: google, my mom
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    my hero. <33
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Did this thread just turn into a joke? Well, a bigger joke. We all know the American government isn't going to fully legalize marijuana. It'd come down to the states, right? And there are too many conservative doods who would vote against it.
  19. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sick, I was hoping you would quote me :D

    Cannabis is marijuana? Damn. You sir know your stuff, this tidbit of knowledge leads me to believe you are fully knowledgeable about the subject. Disregard all the incorrect assumptions you have made in the past about weed, you obviously know what you are talking about.

    You couldn't have possibly missed the point that the quote was trying to convey. I doubt it was trying to show the relativity of drugs and how harmless marijuana really is. And what contributes the dangers in the study? Could it be the unnecessary arrests and situations that arise from it being illegal? Doubt it. A list that clearly states dangers can't show any positives.

    I made my own list of things that are dangerous in my room, enjoy:

    1. Gun
    2. Knife
    3. Cleaning Chemicals
    4. Glass
    5. Sharp desk ends
    6. Wall
    7. Blanket
    8. Pillows
    9. Air

    All of these can kill you in some way and I have ranked them in order of most dangerous. It's true that number 7 is generally safe, but that doesn't degrade from the fact that it can SUFfoCaTE and KILL you. If blankets are less bad (not better) than guns, why not make it so you have to register all blankets, and carry a blanket licence?

    See, I can do it too.
  20. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah that is until we elected a black president.

    But yeah, i'm not sure how the debate got this de-railed.



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