Gunnergrunt's Art Gallery Pencil Spoiler Freshman Year of Highschool. 2b and 3b pencils. Also Freshman year. 2b and 3b pencils. Senior Year. 3b and 1h pencils. 8th grade. 2b pencil. I'll try and get a better quality image up soon. Sophomore year of high school. 2b and 6b pencils Sophomore year. 2b and 3b pencils Junior year. 3b and 6b pencils. Junior Year. I think 2b, 3b, and 6b. I was hired to draw this one. The little girl on the left was dying from Diabetes. Paint Spoiler Sophomore year. Acryllic Freshman Year. Watered Acryllics Junior year. Oil Paint Junior year. I designed the D.A.R.E car at our school. My art teacher did the airbrushing.. Pen Spoiler Junior year. Blue Pen Junior year. Sharpie markers! Senior Year. Pen. Junior Year. Permanent Marker Junior year. Permanent Marker Junior year. Red pen
Colored Pencil Spoiler Sophomore year. Colored pencil Freshman Year. Colored pencil Digital Spoiler Senior Year. Drawn in pen, colored in photoshop. I've been drawing lots of these lately. I may start up a Conquest comic soon. Senior year. Drawn in pen, colored in photoshop Sophomore year. Draw with Sharpies, colored with photoshop Same. Same. (The kid I drew this for really does look like that >.<) Senior year. Sharpies and photoshop Freshman Year. Sharpies and photoshop Same. Doodles Spoiler A few days ago. 2b Pencil Freshman Year. Pen I usually don't scan my doodles. But if i do, i'll update this section.
Dammit GG, this is ridiculous. You're pro pro. Keep this stuff up man, and I wanna see you post every piece you make in the future.
I'm absolutely stunned by these, it is such an amazing talent you have. In my opinion your Grevious is the best one.(lol at jesus, sadfaic at the girl)
These really are amazing. How'd you get the inspiration do draw a sprtan on your arm? Were you just bored one day?
Dude these are incredible...honestly I think you could be a professional drawer if your really serious about it. Your color pencil drawing IMO are the most stunning. Keep up the good work and post every new piece of work.
Gunner. That first picture of Master Chief's Helmet got me. Honestly, is there anything you cannot do, except for disappoint?
My jaw dropped, I wish I had half this much skill. I'm going to keep working at it though. To me, your strengths defiantly have to do with shading. If I had one critique though, it would have to be depth, in one or two of the pencil drawings, I feel you could have exaggerated the darks and lights just a little bit more. Anyways, the sky is the limit for you you're destined to be great at art.
So. This is why your maps are so good. You, sir, are a ****ing artist. A ****ing amazing artist. If there was one talent I wish I was really good at, it would be drawing/painting/whathaveyou. You have it; enjoy it, and it looks like you do. These works are insanely beautiful. You must get babes left and right with portraits. Don't ever stop.
Hey you know your stuff! I very much agree with you. That is what I have been working on most lately. There are a few pictures that don't have enough depth. A few of the faces for example. I appreciate the critique!
Yes, that is where I noticed it. To me the depth in skin tones is not the strongest. The depth in overall figure though is superb! Especially when it comes to textures and folds. The contours of your faces are excellent, I think you just need to show more depth. Tone wise, you're spot on, but I would put some more darks in there and leave some areas lighter. This should make your faces pop more. I really love your style though, there are almost no marks. It's tight and technical and very neat. Love it. Also, soft.
Wow, just amazing dude, I thought I could draw good, but in comparison to your stuff mine is like little kids drawings, albeit mine are a completely different style but your pencil drawnings almost look like polaroid pictures... its unbeleivable