Are people really this stupid?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ultsf, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Ok, first off, I'm not a "slayer" god. For me, I have no problem assisting in kills, or driving a hog, or manning a turret on a scorpion. I don't care about "scoring" and I do care about defense.

    So, when I get a Multi-Flag CTF on Avalanche, I grab the bubble, rockets, and two stickies, then go back to base, hide behind the far side barrier and camp the flag. I've literally held the base all by myself in a game or two.

    So, today, I do the same thing. And my teammate comes in front of me and stickies me. He kills me, grabs the rockets, and proceeds to charge like Rambo into a crowd (dying and giving them full rockets and a bubble).

    Why couldn't he just let me defend? Are players that stupid that they think without a power weapon they are useless?

    Sorry, I had to vent.
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    People usually don't like campers. You were camping. In Multi flag, you should play offense 90% of the time. A good offense is a good defense. Maybe they had a vehicle that your team couldn't get past and they needed your rockets. You were camping the base with those rockets. Also, you were forcing your team to spawn far back in your base which was probably very annoying.
  3. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Ok, explain this to me. How is playing defense "camping"? See, I'm in the mindset that in CTF and Assault games, you should have two or three people at the base on defense and the rest on offense. And if you can get by with just one guy on D, then, that's 1 or 2 more on offense.
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    You were staying in your base watching the flag with rockets...

    Lol, that's pretty much the definition of camping. Do you play MLG?

    EDIT: In this commentary by Roy, the first line he says is:
    "I got a call-out there that there was a guy top tower and we made sure we had to take him out before we made a push towards OS..."

    Your teammate might of been trying to get you to push with him to get the flag, but you decided to camp the base instead with a vital power weapon.

    YouTube- Roy (A Halo 3 Pro) :: MLG Pit TS Gameplay (with commentary)

    This is if the player was serious about winning and wanted you to do something. He always could have been just an asshole who was trying to annoy you. :p
    #4 Psycho, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  5. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    Its a game, maybe they wanted to suck to get you mad?
    IDK, but even Bungie Employees have been known to betray to take weapons.
    He just wanted your Rockets.
    Its ok to vent, but I think a lot of people here wont want to here your insignificant problems.

    In conclusion, Its a game, it doesn't really matter.
    and YES, People can be that stupid

    Also your mindset that people play offense, and the others defend is bad.
    Everyone should help with both, when help is needed.
    #5 madz333, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    On a BTB map, someone always manages to slip past the offense and sneak their way into a flag capture because there is no one to stop the enemy flag carrier.
    #6 Loscocco, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Ah. Defense in BTB isn't really my thing. I play BTB with all 50's and we just run in and kill everything. I've never really seen a use for playing defense. I see what you mean now. ;)
    #7 Psycho, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    There exists no situation for which the answer to the question "Are people really this stupid?" is "No."
  9. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Aha, a scenario.

    I concur with Ambercan.
    Play offense as a team, don't stand back in BTB.
    If you have all your team on the front and a person from the opposition grabs your flag, that is 1 man.
    Send one guy back, take em down. Simple.
  10. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    Ok, then I give you this situation.

    Your entire team is assaulting the enemy base. One of the opposition slips back and gets your flag. Now, your entire team (or at least a good part of it) dies. By the time you respawn, flag boy is halfway to his base. You are now playing catch-up to the flag runner instead of offense.

    Now, put this spin on it.

    One of your team stays behind, with a power weapon. He takes out flag boy, and yes, while your team still dies, they can resume the attack, and not a game of "stop the flag".
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    If you have a full team on offense, the chances of both
    - The whole tam dying at the same time
    - An offensive slipping past

    It's highly unlikely. And due to this, I would prefer, that the person on the Defensive, with a power weapon, would much rather be up with the team providing more kills.

    If you have rockets it is indeed easier to sick back and get an easy kill by camping your team's flag, but, it doesn't really help the tem's overall Slaying performance up in the front. Camping it would only score you much fewer kills as compared to assisting on the front.
  12. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    See, right there is another problem I have.

    Way too many people go into CTF and Assault games with a Slayer mentality. It's not about most kills. It's about objective.

    It pisses me off when your on a one flag or bomb game and at the start, the entire teams runs out in vehicles playing Slayer. You should spend the time you have fortifying your defenses (rocket guy here, sniper here, etc).
  13. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Not in Multi flag. Most of the time you want to be pushing onto the other team's side of the map. You never really need to play "defense" unless your team falls back to clear out opponents on your side of the map.
  14. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Exactly this. When you're playing Capture the Flag in Big Team, you can't have half play defense and half play offense. It doesn't work that way. Your whole team (save maybe a person or two) needs to be on the offensive at all times, only becoming defensive when the Flag is away from the base to get it returned to the base as quickly as possible so you can get on the offensive again as fast as you can. Camping the Flag rarely works. Mainly because it's never usually one guy in the base trying to grab the flag, its usually two or three. Therefore, even with Rockets, your efforts at what you consider 'defense' are fruitless to bear. Plus, because of you, your team is getting stuck spawning at the base, which makes it harder for them to keep pushing towards the flag.

    "Ok, explain this to me. How is playing defense "camping"? See, I'm in the mindset that in CTF and Assault games, you should have two or three people at the base on defense and the rest on offense. And if you can get by with just one guy on D, then, that's 1 or 2 more on offense."

    What game are you playing? Halo isn't about half-defense, half-offense, or 'tactics.' It's about skill and force, especially in Big Team, where the only real thing that matters is the whole 'strength in numbers' mindset. If six people go running toward the enemy base and two stay behind on "defense" while the opposing team is going on straight up offense with all eight players, your "offense" is going to lose because the number of people on one team are bigger than the other. That's usually how most big team games work (without factoring **** such as player skill and the like.) The only thing I play is big team and half the time, I'm the best player out of both teams, yet my team will lose half the time. It's not because we suck, it's because people like you think they're 't4ct1c4l lololol' by staying behind at the base and letting the enemy swarm us.


    This is what you are causing.
    This is what you should be doing.
    You are letting the enemy have an advantage over your team. Your whole offense is down one player (You) but that one player is still in the game, doing nothing. Even worse, you're forcing them to spawn at the base because you're already there and there are not any enemies around, making it the safest area. They should be spawning in the middle ground so that they can continue making a push while not losing valuable time spent walking halfway across the map because one ****ing tard think's he's super strategist tactician supreme by camping a ****ing flag.

    Also, as I'm pretty sure I already stated, if the flag is away, a whole team usually makes an offensive move by taking down the enemy with the flag and playing defense by it's location to get it back to the base as quickly as possible to continue their offense.

    Also, this does not apply for one sided objective. One sided objective is 'fortifying defenses' and all that bs.

    If you need me, I'll be beating a dead puppy across my brothers head. Peace.

    Edit: American pretty much summed up what I said in the post above.
    #14 Scobra, Nov 5, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  15. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    Exactly this.
    Plus nobody likes people who camp. And yes Sitting in the base with rockets doing nothing waiting for someone to come is camping and it does not help your team
  16. mooseIV

    mooseIV Ancient
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    First of all camping in a corner the whole game makes playing flag or assault very boring and it is much more fun to be on offense.

    Second if you are on offense with the rest of your team and you all die anyway and somebody grabs your flag that means that your team is pretty terrible and you will lose anyway even if you camp.

    And finally having a slayer mindset in ctf games can actually be very useful and if you get an extermination by the time the other team spawns your team has grabbed the power weapons, vehicles, and flag.
  17. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I'm going to take another approach... Who cares? It's a game, and a social match at that. If you want serious games, play ranked. If you're gonna be a try-hard, you're gonna get betrayed by those just playing for fun. Sounds hilarious to me.
  18. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I can't believe I didn't think about it like that.
  19. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    Are people really this stupid? the answer is
    \ / ______ _______
    \ / | /
    \/ | |
    | | ---- |
    | | \_____
    | |_____ \

    that is the short answer

    UPDATE ( if you see a whole bunch of random slashes and underscores then its ment to be the word YES!
    #19 newbieninja2, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011

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