Just prestige i guess. I thought i heard 75, but im not sure. I dont think theyd put the AK unlock at the last level (its 70), but theres nothing after it... so im not completely sure.
lv 70 is the highest, I think they Brought the AK back from the last game kinda of like the mp44 from the previous on Cod4. as for getting killed by the AK, it happens a lot in cod4. stealth class + ak is very dominant.
YES. Martyrdom is A death streak! | NO. Druggy Missing, All I ever use! | YES. Cold Blooded+Hardcode=Win! | NO. Riot shield default, what the?! | This = all lined up and it looks good| Overall, Mixed opinions, me thinks. \/ Some one told me that straight arrow is straight.
It'll be a great game for console gamers... But I feel pity for the PC... No DS's!(dedicated servers) or Mod support!
Yep its a bolty. Currently considered by most to be the most accurate sniper in the world, also said to be accurate at over 2000 meters. Modern Warfare 2 | Sniper Rifles | CheyTac Intervention M-200-check out the futureweapons vids at the bottom.
Two words. Boom. Headshot. MW2 is going to be the best game EVAR!!! I'm so ****in pumped for this game! Do you know if Gamestop will do midnight releases?
I'll punch wood wonk in the balls if gamestop doesn't do a midnight release.... anyway, does anyone know anything about the two unlockable snipers? Thats really the only thing I havn't heard about.
The gamestop I go to is doing midnight release. I'd check first, but it is very likely the one near you is also.